- Race: "Elfkind - Drow. Don't get judgy on me sweetheart."
- Name: "Meidri Khen'zass. During work hours I'm Luscious though..Or Lush."
- Gender: "All woman baby!~"
- Height: "Five feet, four inches without heels."
- Weight: "Rude, but one hundred and forty three pounds."
- Occupation: "Uh...do you see the logo? I'm a waitress at Jubilee's."
- Hobbies: "Let's see..teasing folks, dancing, pop music, shopping trips with friends, embarrassing my peers, monster movies..hmm..I guess I'd toss bodice-rippers in this cateogry."
- Quote: "Welcome to Jubilee's, I'm Luscious and I'm the waitress who will leave you senseless.~"
Meidri is a modern age drow, which is a statement that makes people a bit confused when they really stop to think about it. Elves of any kind, but particularly the drow, changing their ways to adapt to modern times? Is she insane? Well, no, Meidri is not but she's not particularly attached to the 'old ways' she was brought up in. Sure they offered her lots of advantages in her society but drow society is a microcosm of the world and its one that is a bit antiquated in how it handles business. Why have males scrubbing the floors and talking treason behind your back when you could buy a Roomba? It was in search of that kind of convenience that lead Meidri to the surface..but that was a long time ago. Seriously, its been like three generations from the first human she's met since coming topside. She would
actually be insane if she hadn't adapted and still acted like the angry, matriarchial psychopath people expected her to be after all that time.
No, Meidri has traded in her crown for sunglasses (its damn bright out in the day!), her spider-web pattern dresses for a tube top and short-shorts, and her literal spiked heels for a pair of NiTe Dusks that make her evening shifts at Jubilee's a cake-walk for her. This seductive elf woman loves her new life and the direction modern society seems to be going, not least of which because it offers her so many chances to tease and embarrass people. Seven Hells, she was
hired to give customers the 'teasing/sadistic drow' experience as a waitress! Its like getting an extra paycheck to just be who you naturally are! As such, 'Luscious' is surprisingly loyal to Jubilee's and she's just waiting for the chance to buy her own Jubilee's franchise to run, not that it will stop her from working out front..she just wants to run her own little kingdom within the Jubilees family.
Unsurprisingly, Meidri is the oldest worker on the payroll but the bigger shock is that she is a shockingly good mentor to new employees! A lot of girls who wear the Jubilees uniform is just looking to make some part time money or are on their way to bigger and better things (if they make it), they aren't looking to make a career out of it like Meidri and some others have, so the drow is happy to coach and mentor those who need it. She's like big sister none of them asked for but are thankful to have step in when customers get too handsy without causing a whole scene. Why? Cause Luscious loves the attention and flirting that comes with the position, so she's quick to swoop in when one of her co-workers is put off or frustrated to take over for them. Sure she keeps the tips at that point, but she's earned them!
A premier offering from
- Dragon.
- Convertibles.
- Jogging and yoga.
- Sass.
- Pop music.
- Good tippers.
- Fashion.
- Fruity drinks.
- Dancing.
- Pidgeons.
- Bad tippers.
- Rudeness.
- Muggers.
- Elves.
- Other drow.
- Bitter drinks/foods.
- Light blindness.
- Fat-bottomed girls.
I'm a fairly well-typed and detailed role-player, which I prefer to find in my partners as well. I have no problem with short posts or ones that aren't typed well, but they don't give me anything to work with either. Also, I know some people are better at this than others, but as a rule try to avoid multi-scening with me. I try not to do it myself and I would like the same, so if you're in the middle of a scene or waiting for someone but want to play? Just tell me. ^^ I don't mind waiting until later when you're less distracted or busy, cause its no big deal. Same goes with if you have an OOC problem, just lemme know and we'll hash it out.
Preference-wise I lean towards feminine partners, but its not a hard and fast rule. Same with content, I lean more towards sexy times than vore but its not a hard and fast rule either! I just want to have fun scenes where Luscious gets into trouble so if you have an idea, message me!
And if you just like the setting of Jubilee's and want to have a character work there or some-such, talk to me! I'd love to build it up into a proper setting but that requires people interested in playing there.
I think that's most everything I can think of..I have a fantasy option here for fantasy characters and when I'm in the mood, but I lean towards urban fantasy primarily. I don't mind talking OOC and if you want to chat, send me a message! Also, I ping on
Meidri, or
Lush incase you're trying to get my attention. Ciao~! <3
All art is owned by me and created by the lovely
DoodleCatte. Please don't use or steal without asking, but do ask! I don't mind people using it, I just like to know when (and where!) its happening!
Welcome to Jubilee's Bar and Lounge, a premier underground restaurant that specializes in providing a unique serving experience to its clientele. Each location is carefully scouted out and is usually located underground for discretion's sake with a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere to put customers at ease. Every Jubilee's sports a well-stocked bar with some locations even having a dance floor that's opened up on weekends to help folks kick off their weekends right! Expect to be served by Jubilee's trademarked staff of buxom extra-human women in a hearty selection of bar food classics with cultural twists to excite the palette~! Each selection comes paired with a craft 'shroom lager that is brewed in house that our cooks have determined is the perfect match for each meal but customers are encouraged to mix and match as their tastes demand.
-The staff is entirely non-human. Jubilee's has nothing against humanity, they make up the majority of the customers after all, but the restaurant is trying to give a carefully crafted experience. This means showing people that women of all extraspecies, liminals, and etc. monster races can be quite attractive in their own right. So all floor staff is non-human from elves to lamias with everything in between..though the more extra measures that need to be taken to keep the restaurant sanitary come out of
your pay.
-Floor staff is entirely female and, to maintain Jubilee's reputation, top-heavy. As mentioned above, the underground restaurant seeks to provide a carefully selected experience and part of that is being served by a bevy of cute girls of a particularly busty nature. Men seeking employment won't have trouble finding positions in the back, in management, or as bouncers but are ineligible for waitress, hostess, and bartender positions. Sorry guys~!
-So you want to pursue an exciting career at Jubilee's little lady? Happy to hear it but there is one particular matter that needs to be addressed and that is
uniform. The dress code allows Jubilee waitresses' to stand out among the busy tables and booths of the restaurant, and the best part is, the required uniform is pretty simple! While we provide kitchen-safe uniforms for our cooking staff, waitresses, hostesses, delivery girls, and bartenders are all required to wear a Jubilee's tube top (ask about color options), coupled with a pair of denim shorts, scrunch socks, and sneakers. Bartenders and hostesses are allowed to wear skirts, to differentiate themselves from the waitresses on the floor for easy accessibility. Waitresses must adhere to the dress code! Jewelry and 'flair' is encouraged but must not be fragile to avoid falling into the customers' food. Keep it simple, keep it safe~!
-The management of Jubilee's is well aware that the nature of the restaurant could lead to unfortunate situations where the clientele becomes...attached and clingy to serving staff. As such, as a precaution, front of house staff (bartenders, delivery girls, hostesses, and waitresses) are required to select a simple, flirty pseudonym to use while at work. Management has found this simple step alleviates the simpler attachment problems by divorcing the staff's work lives from their private lives! Remember, be safe.
-Jubilee delivery girls are selected from the young women who seek employment at Jubilee's but aren't, ahem, ripe...so to speak. So long as they have a driver's permit or license though, they are eligible for the position but it should be noted that each delivery girl is briefed on safe conduct for deliveries and Jubilee's takes no responsibility should a delivery girl step outside those procedures!
Maerine - Office Manager
Meidri Khen'zass – 'Luscious'
Marilah -
Marilah -
Delivery Girls
Avalese - 'Delicious'
Fantasy Version of Meidri and Jubilee's Below.
Meidri Khen'zass
"Welcome to the Besotted Strumpet, rest your weary bones and catch a flagon.~" Meidri to a customer.
Name: "Meidri Khen'zass."
Age: "When did the Glorious Crusade crumble? A hundred years ago? That makes me two hundred and twenty-four."
Height: "Five feet and four inches of 'don't push me'."
Weight: "You cad! ...one hundred and forty three pounds."
Race: "Erm..you..have seen a drow before, right?"
Occupation: "My what? I work at the Besotted Strumpet tavern as one of the serving wenches."
Hobbies: "I enjoy bards' tales, dancing, drinking...not a lot to do that isn't insanely dangerous around here. Sometimes I'll travel with adventurer parties for a touch, until things get too stressful, just for the excitement~!"
Meidri is an odd bird when it comes to those that know her people, a frienly and admittedly air-headed young drow woman that works at the Besotted Strumpet as one of its serving wenches. Certainly one of its more popular ones at that to the surprise of none! How many chances do you get to flirt with a friendly drow woman after all? No one is quite sure about why Meidri is the way she is, but the wench is very talkative and flirty with her patrons in search of all the tips that she can acquire.
A regular face at the Strumpet, Meidri is an outcast both from her family and from drow society as a whole but she doesn't let that particular fact bother her that much. After all, the Khen'zass parted on good terms with her and she doesn't care about how her people feel about the topic. Its not like she's trying to get them to follow her example, she just wants to live her own life! Besides, how on earth would she force her 'live and let live' philosophy on drow society? Threaten to pout at them? Whack people over the head with a serving tray? Yeah, she's not going to pick a fight she has no chance of winning, that's worse than suicide!
Instead she'll live her comfortable life at the Strumpet, paying passing merchants from both sides for the luxuries that catch her eyes while saving up for 'her big break'...whatever that is. For a talkative airhead, she's remarkably close-lipped about the topic.

Luscious in casual attire.

Work attire, often found in this.

Fantasy attire at the Besotted Strumpet. Or just lingerie.