Name: Sivir
Title: The Battle Mistress
Role: Marksman (Bot Lane)
Affiliation: Shurima
Known as the Battle Mistress, Sivir is a mercenary with a ruthless reputation. Combining unflinching bravery with endless ambition, she has garnered great fame and fortune. She spent her days hunting down the nastiest of bounties, never once being upstaged by any of them, it was when she lowered her guard with Cassioppeia in an ancient Shuriman tomb, a dagger slipped past her spine and between her rib cage, she fell bleeding, helpless as Cassioppeia morphed into a monster and the ancient Shuriman horrors Renekton and Xerath poured out from the sealed portal, however a forth being stepped forth from the light, a being of golden purity, of incredible might, he forced Xerath, Renekton and Cassioppeia back single handily before Nasus arrived. The two of them taking Sivir to a mysterious pool in a deep section of the cave network, the waters returned Sivir's vitality, her life saved by the ascended, it was then that Azir revealed as to why she was able to enter the tomb in the first place, Sivir was a direct descendant of the Emperor Azir.
Faced with the revelation of her mysterious heritage, Sivir must weigh her desire to continue on her own path, or accept the burden of a greater legacy.
Vore interactions as Predator:
Vore interactions as Prey:
Warrior Princess