Here's Loupas's Adventurer Plate

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Loupas eating a viera version of
Patrick_Obannon, drawn by their player~
A 5'5" tall Miq'ote red mage. As his white hair under his dye might betray, he's a Sharlayan scholar, come to Eorzea to spread knowledge without his homeland knowing. He's well versed in magic, swordplay, even dancing, farming, and weaving. He loves to teach, and often can be found looking for pupils. Usually any lessons end with one or the other in some predicament, though, often eaten right up. Though, this may be one reason he picked up his homeland's art of sagacity. Much easier to survive a trip to the stomach when one has a plethora of aetherial shields. Though, they do run out rather often...
Rufu'a Canii, evenutally called Loupas, grew up in Old Sharlayan under his original name, though he's long since abandoned it, and might not recall it himself. His childhood was average for a child in the studium, nothing outstanding in his record despite his obvious love of learning. He could conjure a carbuncle at a very young age, but his real interest lay with a magic he only found in stories: Red magic. the thought of a dashing red-clad magus fighting up close or at range, and healing the weak on the side... some may say that they're spread too thin but Loupas couldn't help but admire their versatility. But, there were no red mages in sharlayan, so the dream remained simply a dream.
As Loupas studied more and more, he attracted the attention of several professors despite his middling marks. But none impacted Loupas so much as Professor Tellah. Tellah was a sage who had travelled the world to learn about it years before young Loupas was born. He had stories of the remnants of Allag, the colorful city of Raz-ad-han, pirates who made up nearly the whole population of Limsa Lominsa- Loupas cherished every story. It was one thing to read about the places or hear the accounts of someone who'd only been taught, but it's so much better to hear first-hand accounts. Loupas wanted badly to explore just like his teacher, but he was forbidden from so much as a vacation out of Sharlayan until he was older.
Though, eventually Professor Tellah had to leave once more. Loupas begged to come with, but he was still too young and his parents would never approve of him leaving. Especially not with the Lesser Moon painting the sky red. Tellah never returned, and not so much of a mention of his name was etched upon the history of Dalamud and Bahamut. Loupas was inconsolable, and for weeks he shut himself in his room. He missed his studium graduation ceremony, and became somewhat of a hermit. He poured into his study, carbuncles coming to and from his room to buy food, drink, and books. Not even his parents, who he was previously on such good terms with, could get him out. But his parents both returned one day from Labyrinthos with a light cold, which quickly evolved into a full-blown sickness. One of the specimens brought in was carrying an unknown disease, and Loupas did everything he could do to treat them. For the first time in almost four years, he left his home. The local apothecary knew nothing, Sages couldn't figure out what caused the illness to treat it, and soon Loupas had gone hrough all of his funds looking for a cure. Neither of his parents survived, and the autopsies couldn't determine what the illness was. Official sources simply called it "natural causes" and the incident was largely forgotten about.
This sparked something in Loupas. Hadn't he killed his parents by not being there to recognize the problem sooner? Hadn't he left Professor Tellah to die? And hadn't he let all of them be forgotten by history? He made his choice then and there. He dyed his hair, he changed his name, and set off for distant Eorzea. Little did he know that the ship he took was home to another two sharlayans, who themselves were out to fulfill the legacy of their forebearer.
The Black Inu Kabuto stays on during sex.
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