
Breast Size: 24c
Sexuality: Lesbian
Mistress: (( looking for a highly mood dependent Mistress. one that can one day. be good or one day be a tyrant or just thinks of what she wants. to serve and protect with complete loyalty maybe after failing to assassinate her.))
Mother: Killed.
Father: Killed.
Sister:((Will either be creating one or im looking for one.))
Lover and wife:
Pets: ( she takes pitty on girls and females she is supposed eliminate or are close to her targets. so she shrinks them and makes them her pets and declares them dead.)

Favorite Food:Dung Dung with sweet sauce.

Personality:very loyal to her clan as she was raised a ninja. though once threatened with death will think twice and beg. she may be a ninja but she is far from a cold blooded killer. she has attachments. she has gotten in trouble lots of times for leaving woman and Children alive, when all signs are supposed to be eliminated.

((Characters would love to meet))
any and all the girls from Naruto and or Naruto shipuden. I fined the younger versions cuter >////<.