Age: 8
Sex: female
Weight: 96 lbs
Height: 4’ 3”
Type: Anthro bunny
Mae is a near normal girl, which is constantly on the lookout for fun. During the day she goes to school. She goes to ____ school, ((still looking for a school to attend)) and has good grades. Mae is quite smart if she applies herself, but most of the time she is passing notes around and talking making her an often annoyance to her male teachers. But around her female teachers she is well behaved, sweet and a little flirtatios. On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday when she gets out of school she goes to Cubets meetings. The cubets are like the Anthro version of the girl scouts ((the cubets is currently in talk about letting human girls in as well as human females to be den mothers, aka alpha’s or the female troupe leader)) they even go door to door to cell cookies or anywhere they can set up a table to cell those lovely snicker doodles. She is very trusting of older females and will do things that she is told is fun. The most noticeable attribute of Mae is her star shaped birthmark around her right eye. Giving her the nick name Maestar or just star. Mae has lots of friends that she trusts and trusts her. As of now she isn’t mean or has any sexual desires but life can be weird by throwing you a curve ball, causing you to develop these things.

-math teacher:
-English teacher:
-Science Teacher:
- P.E. Teacher:
-Social Studies teacher:
-home room teacher:
-Vice principle:
-Assistant principle:
-Bully’s/ mean girls:
-her targets:
-school friends:
-human Den Mother:
-Anthro Den Mother:
-Cubet friends:
-Cubet mother:
-Cubet older sister:
-Cubet little sisters:
-people wanting some cubet with their cookies:
-people wanting cubets who eat while they cell:
- Those only wanting cookies:
~friends ((my characters)) ~
~friends ((your character)) ~
~family~ ((if I don’t have your species still come up to me and I will add it))
-Female Mother human regular size:
-female mother human macro:
-female mother human micro:
--Female Mother Demi regular size:
--Female Mother Demi macro:
--Female Mother Demi micro:
-Herm mother human regular size:
-herm mother human macro:
-herm mother human micro:
-Older sister female human:
-Older sister female human micro:
-Older sister female human same size:
-Older sister female human macro:
-Older Sister herm human regular:
-older sister herm human micro:
-older sister herm human macro:
-Older sister female Anthro regular size:
-Older sister female Anthro micro:
-Older sister female Anthro: macro:
-older sister herm Anthro regular size:
-older sister herm Anthro micro:
-Older sister herm Anthro macro:
-Older sister demi female regular size:
-Older sister demi female micro:
-Older sister demi female macro:
-older sister demi herm regular size:
-older sister demi herm macro:
-older sister demi herm micro:
-younger human sister female regular size:
-younger human sister female micro:
-younger human sister female macro:
-younger human sister herm regular size:
-younger human sister herm micro:
-younger human sister herm macro:
-younger Anthro sister female regular size:
-younger Anthro sister female micro:
-younger Anthro sister female macro:
-younger Anthro sister herm regular size:
-younger Anthro sister herm micro:
-younger Anthro sister herm macro:
-younger demi sister female regular size:
-younger demi sister female micro:
-younger demi sister female macro:
-younger demi sister herm regular size:
-younger demi sister herm micro:
-younger demi sister herm macro:
-adult human gf female regular sized:
-adult human gf female micro:
-adult human gf female macro:
-adult human gf herm regular sized:
-adult human gf herm micro:
-adult human gf herm macro:
-adult Anthro gf female regular sized:
-adult Anthro gf female micro:
-adult Anthro gf female macro:
-adult Anthro gf herm regular size:
-adult Anthro gf herm micro:
-adult Anthro gf herm macro:
-adult demi gf herm regular size:
-adult demi gf female regular sized:
-adult demi gf female micro:
-adult demi gf female macro:
-adult demi gf herm micro:
-adult demi gf herm macro:
- Young adult human gf female regular sized:
- Young adult human gf female micro:
- Young adult human gf female macro:
-young adult human gf herm regular sized:
- Young adult human gf herm micro:
- Young adult human gf herm macro:
- Young adult Anthro gf female regular sized:
- Young adult Anthro gf female micro:
- Young adult Anthro gf female macro:
- Young adult Anthro gf herm regular size:
-young adult Anthro gf herm micro:
- Young adult Anthro gf herm macro:
- Young adult demi gf herm regular size:
- Young adult demi gf female regular sized:
- Young adult demi gf female micro:
- Young adult demi gf female macro:
- Young adult demi gf herm micro:
- Young adult demi gf herm macro:
-teenage human gf female regular sized:
-teenage human gf female micro:
-teenage human gf female macro:
-teenage human gf herm regular sized:
-teenage human gf herm micro:
-teenage human gf herm macro:
-teenage Anthro gf female regular sized:
-teenage Anthro gf female micro:
-teenage Anthro gf female macro:
-teenage Anthro gf herm regular size:
-teenage Anthro gf herm micro:
-teenage Anthro gf herm macro:
-teenage demi gf herm regular size:
-teenage demi gf female regular sized:
-teenage demi gf female micro:
-teenage demi gf female macro:
-teenage demi gf herm micro:
-teenage demi gf herm macro:
-younger human gf female regular sized:
-Younger human gf female micro:
-Younger human gf female macro:
-Younger human gf herm regular sized:
-younger human gf herm micro:
-younger human gf herm macro:
-younger Anthro gf female regular sized:
-Younger Anthro gf female micro:
-younger Anthro gf female macro:
-Younger Anthro gf herm regular size:
-younger Anthro gf herm micro:
-younger Anthro gf herm macro:
-Younger demi gf herm regular size:
-Younger demi gf female regular sized:
-Younger demi gf female micro:
-Younger demi gf female macro:
-Younger demi gf herm micro:
-Younger demi gf herm macro:
~character likes~
School, friends Cubets (especially older though she doesn’t know why.)),
-food: Carrots, carrot cake, chocolate, candy, banana nut cupcakes, carrot cake cupcakes, Trix cereal,
-people: females
-TV shows: Tokyo mew mew, inuyasha, magical do re me, wolf and spice, Naruto, Pokémon, beblades, Yugioh, pokemon, Digimon, tai chi chasers, my little pony: friendship is magic,


~looking to get her into DND themed roleplays and would like help creating a DND sheet.~
~Role player likes~
For one let me say this. For females and herms anything goes for male characters it doesn’t matter how old your character is how hot, how well endowed, what my pictures have in them, or the fact that me and my characters would like penises I probably won’t role play with you. I might talk to you OOC about random stuff but I probably won’t rp with you. I am a lesbian though I do like fallacies but only on a female figure and just because your boy with a vagina doesn’t mean you’re a girl... though I do table in cross dressing and sex tranformation so you might get an rp with that. But even then I will have to do much consideration.
Females, macro, Pet play, torture, Herms, macro, bondage, toilet play, Snuff, death( by hanging, stabbing, burning, shooting, ran over, beheading, creative deaths.),Guro, Gore, Dulcet , slavery, being treated like a toilet, kidnapping, Cock vore(herms), Strong body odor( armpit, feet, and vaginal) ,cooking, public humiliation, Unbearthing, Vampire vore, food related, corruption, food with sex, Squishing, beating, braking bones, humans, body modification, all female incest, Cum inflation: (herms), Anthro, Hard vore, forced exabitionism, hyper body part (cock, balls; herm and breast), hyper bodily function(scat, pee, cum and drool/saliva),Cum baths(herms), demies, soft vore, Scat, Age play, mothering/ mothers, Wetting, age regret ion, amputation, Watersports, age progression, skull fucking, Pee play, slutification, brain fucking, choking, asphyxiation, Dirty talk( very raunchy loved), impregnation(herm), anal vore( dirtier the better),Shrinking, ovipostion, Growing , extreme insertion….
I might have more interests so ask me and if I think of anything I will tell you and list it.
~player is of Age~