
She doesn’t look particularly special. She doesn’t act larger than life. She’s a homeless drifter, seeming no different from the next overweight nerd. And for the most part, she prefers it that way. But she can never be normal. Linin is a timeless anomaly, terrified of her own power.
The Specs:

Name: “Linin” is her preferred name. She may use “Molly Blackwood” on formal occasions. Her true name is “Mah’Li”.

Age: OLD

Race: Unknown

Height: 5’7

Weight: ~200 lbs

Alignment: True Neutral (She'd be Lawful Good by her own standards but they are kind of deranged)

Build: Plump and bottom-heavy. She's also completely boneless and uniformly is as soft and squishy as a marshmallow.

The Story:

Linin is extremely secretive and protective about her past. She might lie that she’s nothing special, or make some kind of made-up origin. All that’s really publicly known is that she comes from a different universe, which isn’t exactly rare in the Nexus. She’s been innocuous since then. And yet, strange things have been happening around her that defy explanation. Miracles of nature have happened in her wake; from nowhere, objects have impossibly materialized on or around her.

The thin veil of her false humanity wears thin here. She’s already been pursued by numerous shady organizations and even demons for her anomalous characteristics. Despite her attempts to keep it secret, she has been observed being utterly immortal and surviving through the impossible. Whatever this woman is hiding, it’s big.

The Girl:

Linin is extraordinarily underwhelming in appearance. She’s frequently in a series of interchangeable black t-shirts and a variety of either lounge shorts or khakis. She has somewhat plain shoulder-length hair, and frequently doesn’t even comb her bed head when she gets up every day. Her most prominent facial feature is her embarrassingly large, thick set of glasses. It’s questionable how much she needs them to see, as she seems to have no problem taking them back if somebody steals them.

Generally speaking, Linin is something of an eccentric grumpus. She seems disconnected with people as a whole and finds herself observing more than anything else. To those few she interacts with, she struggles to make herself seem like an uninteresting human being. At times she may act in brazenly bizarre fashions, but it is largely due to her being purely grounded. Despite her reclusive nature, she is capable of forming friendships with a chosen few; often these people are some of the strangest individuals you have ever met.
Linin’s a lot more powerful than she lets on. She’s not just an immortal. She has an unbelievable ability to materialize any object that she focuses her mind on. The only known limit is that if she doesn’t focus then the object becomes unstable and dissipates. And yet, she is fiercely protective of the secret of this ability and refuses to use it on request. She is capable of unbelievable feats of strength, with no known limit. And yet, she is fiercely protective of the secret of this as well, instead feigning that she’s just a weak nerd. The truth behind all these secrets is that Linin hates herself. She believes that she isn’t worthy of her powers. She believes that she isn’t worth defending herself over. She would rather lie down and let the world walk all over her than make herself a bother for anyone.

The Truth:

Her name is Molly Blackwood. Also known as Mah'Li the Forgotten and the Child-Mother, she is today attempting to abandon her potential in favor of living life like a normal human being, with limited success.

Her false backstory she tells everyone is only partially correct. It may have applied to one of the Mollies that contributed to her being. She once was one of many alternate universe selves spread across the multiverse. But a great cataclysm had spiked at its heart, creating many great cracks that had swallowed entire worlds into the void. The worlds were never seen again, but the souls trapped within had done something amazing. As every living thing had seen its end draw near, most of them had simultaneously exhibited a powerful willpower to live. Individually, this willpower is insignificant, but this was expressed by an infinite number simultaneously. The energy produced had granted their wish. Literally countless bodies escaped the void, all escaping to the same point in subspace. With time, they coalesced into a creature of infinity.

Unfortunately, although she might have been incredibly powerful, she wasn't the brightest of people around. Estimates are that she had the intelligence of a six year old girl at the time. With her newfound powers, she did the only thing that seemed logical at the time: she made friends with them. She found a peaceful world populated by a people known as the Enzel that did not yet know war. She hated war. With the gifts of her Creations to uplift the people, she quickly became their queen...and, unwittingly, their goddess as well. She didn't give much at first: she gave food, shelter, and playthings to amuse the Enzel for being her friend. Enzel ruins fondly scribe her as being "Mah'Li the Child-Mother".

Inevitably, word would reach the ears of other tribes of the Childlike Goddess that could gift anything imaginable. But these tribes were tainted by war. She wanted nothing to do with them, and yet they still would try to attack the Enzel so that they could have the Goddess to themselves. Never supporting conflict, Molly refused to create weapons for the Enzel to defend themselves. She created a mighty fortress instead, so that the Enzel would always be safe. But the Enzel were not satisfied. Why must they hide, when they could claim the world's territories for their Goddess? Why could they not prove their loyalty to Mah'Li with conflict? And so, the Enzel created weapons on their own and fought for their goddess. The tribe was infected with the taint of war.

Over time, Molly would be barraged with increasing demands to create weapons so that the Enzel would (joyfully) fight back for their goddess. She adamantly refused, but she naively trusted her friends. But one day, they broke her trust. Defying logic and reason, a group of fanatics had turned their arms on her to try to force her to do it. With that betrayal went her innocence...and her heart broke.

As it broke, she unknowingly had granted their wish. Her powers went haywire, causing a cosmic storm that erupted forth a colossal nightmare of terrible power. Without even a second thought, it unleashed its chaotic power upon the entire Enzel world. When Molly came back to her senses, the Enzel were gone, along with every other living thing on the planet. The only life she could see was her twisted and nightmarish creation that had occupied the entire sky.

She wanted to undo what she did and remove the nightmare from ever existing, but she couldn't. Her powers waned significantly with the loss of her innocence, which had sequestered off of her in a last ditch effort to preserve itself. It still survives to this day, forever blissfully ignorant, although it still bears the marks of being exposed to the nightmare. The nightmare would go on to become known as Zekk'Ran, and destroy a great many more worlds in its wake.

What did Molly do after that? Not much is known, seeing as how there weren't any witnesses. Most records that ancient tend to speak more of Zekk'ran than of the fate of the Child-Mother. She admits to spending a lot of time trying to figure normal people out, to see what "works" for them. Since she screwed up so royally, why shouldn't she try to learn?...especially if she wanted to clean up the mess she left behind. Although she tried to live among ordinary humans, she knew that Zekk'ran would one day need to be stopped. It was then that she met her future big sister figure, Bella’Siere, who took her under her wing. But that is another story.

In present day, she wanted to pick up where she left off: she'll play the role of Molly Blackwood, the simple dorky girl.

Disclaimer: Although Linin had been worshipped like a goddess, this does not necessarily make her one. As she puts it, "Hey, they said it, not me."

Now go exploring!

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike I'm pretty heavily a prey lean, but if the idea is fun I can be versatile.
Soft Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike My official stance on digestion is that I'm okay with it so long as it isn't happening to me. Furthermore, Linin is immune to it, herself.
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike ^
Endo Always/Love
Never/Dislike This is very important to me and the main reason I am here. Bear in mind that just because I prefer non-fatal doesn't mean it has to be cuddly-wuddly. I like experimenting in many motivations.
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike Linin doesn't really have genitals in a conventional sense and this is very unlikely to happen as pred.
Anal Vore Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Linin will not be attracted to males, but the player does like it when she is eaten by them.
Female Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Some exceptions apply but I like sentient ferals that can still work with endo ideas.
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike In general most partner species are fine but I crave for pred-prey dynamics that require the partner to be sentient.
Multi-Session Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike Group roleplay sadly usually just amounts to having my preferences ignored so that someone else can have a power trip.
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike I like chatting, but please be direct with me. "Hi, how are you" makes me gag.
Loaf Always/Love
Never/Dislike Loaf.
Possessive Preds Always/Love
Never/Dislike I love being treated special and desired.
Multiprey Always/Love
Never/Dislike By that same token, however, I do not like sharing space.
Full Tour Always/Love
Never/Dislike Probably one of the best aspects of oral is being humiliatingly shunted along someone's body all the way to the exit.
Clothing Entrapment Always/Love
Permanent Entrapment Always/Love
Never/Dislike I love this bad end, although this would be unique to a storyline rather than canon to the character.
Sentient Fat Always/Love
Never/Dislike I know a lot of people who are into endo are into this, but I'm not. It is canon that Linin's done this to people though.
Buttcheek Entrapment Always/Love
Never/Dislike I like goofy body horror shenanigans like this, however. If there's something similar that comes to mind, let me know.
Hammerspace insides Always/Love
Never/Dislike I like big bellies to show off most, but I can like this! Pseudo-hammerspace where the prey can still bulge is also fantastic.