Linala's life
Eevee's, so many evolutions, so many different ways to raise and train them! here, is linala, another eevee herself. She's rather young for a Pokemon, and has since struggled in the wild. She's not the strongest one out there, but then again Eevee's in the wild is a rare thing in their own. As quite a few trainers like to get their grubby paws on them whenever they get spotted. Shes roughly sixteen to eighteen Human years old, while in poke-years, depending on what state shes found in, could be 8~19 body-maturity wise.
Evolution is a rather odd thing with her though, not being a feral pokemon makes it slightly different. She has to
eat the stones to evolve, and for the newer discovered evolutions its a tad difficult to get her into those, depending if the would be trainer even wants her to evolve.
Personality wise
Shes a rather happy go lucky being, she loves berries, almost any kind. Naive, but not to the extreme. She's a bit skeptical of trainers and other pokemon, and tends to try to keep to herself more often than not. She does not take abuse kindly, and dislikes crowded places.
Her trainer is
Minori, Doesn't mean she can't have none-cannon Rp's where others can raise her-but Minori is her trainer, and she belongs to her, no one else can take her, canonically at least.
Tail Whip
Linala's body:
Age: Varies!
Personality: Depends upon how shes treated, otherwise, defautly a rather nice naive being
Skin color: Pale
Hair: Brown (changes)
Eyes: Amethyst
Height: 4'0 (changes)
Weight: Light-usually (changes)
Bust: 20B (changes)
Hair Length: Short, but varies.
Teeth: Fangs-also very sharp
Tail: 2 ft long, fluffy (changes)
Attire: Shown above.