

Lily is a rather simple minded girl who thinks with her stomach. The most complicated thing she really thinks of is to eat, or not to eat. The answer comes after a lick of her rather long, sticky tongue. If it's yummy and either as big as her or smaller, eat. If it's yucky or is bigger than her, don't eat. She can eat fully grown humans, but they have to be super yummy for her to even consider doing so as it often leads to a bloated tummy that impairs her ability to walk.

Just because Lily can be pred, however, does not mean she can't be prey. On the contrary, at her age, she is more liable to be eaten than anything else since she is small enough to be considered prey to most creatures. Her current pred/prey ratio is about 30/70. She isn't too dangerous for most, but still note-worthy for classmates and the like. Just watch out when you see her smile at you. She might be asking herself that question.

Lily is a part of Alts_of_a_Skitty Made by request of a good friend.