Name: Koi Xingbie (Stage name)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Purple
Role in band: Guitarist, singer (Without Mayonaka)
The oldest of the trio of girls and the only one who graduated from school, she is like the big sister of the group to make sure that Yadeko and Myou were ready to play music seeing how they loved to get drunk well Yadeko at least. She took the role of head singer when Mayonaka had left, when she was in the band Koi would play back up singer.
When they were younger Koi was the third member introduced, she was shy but smart however she was approached by 2 juniors, Mayon and Yakedo and asked to be in their band they were forming, they believed in the dream of getting famous Via rock music and that she could trade her lute skills in for the guitar which was changed over with practice plus being the older student, she was able to get empty classrooms and the music room and auditorium borrowed during lunch breaks and after school.

"Just changing for a show".

"Hell Yeah We're ready".

"But it can get out of hand... sometimes".

"Yadeko, stop it, what are you doing? get away from our manager..."