We all have to start somewhere... ultimately, at least one other being is involved. Liadan.... well, she started in a test tube.
The city she grew up in, indeed the world she was born into, has a LOT of problems. Reality was thin, and all sorts of THINGS were leaking through. The fortunate members of humanity who could afford it lived in gigantic, fortified towers, while the unfortunates... they were left to fend for themselves against an increasing horde of mutants, supernatural creatures, and man-made monsters like Liadan, not to mention heavily-armed robots sent in to help keep the monsters in check.
Liadan, as it happens, is a chimera. She's been genetically altered, mostly using reptilian DNA, to essentially be a supersoldier. The problem the scientists encountered, though, was that their tests were... well, a bit too extreme, and much too cruel. Liadan had enough, and so she broke out, killed at least five of them, and made her escape into the turmoil of the slums. She was fifteen at the time.
Of course... she was valuable. Obscene amounts of money had been spent to make her! So, the people who funded the project that created her sent in their private forces to kill her, or at least collect a DNA sample with which to make another like her. However.... even with a dedicated task force, specialized surveillance drones, and a hefty bounty for any information that brought them closer to capturing her, it took them two years to even FIND her. And, well... that didn't end well.
They laid a trap. A whole squad with automatic weapons was to surround her, with a sniper supporting them from afar, just in case the chimera should prove to be... uncooperative. As it happened, it was a good precaution, even if it wasn't enough. Liadan's first instinct on being surrounded was to attack... and that cost her an arm. MOST people would have given up, then and there, but she was enraged by it. She managed to stop the bleeding and take out the whole squad that had been sent for her, before hunting down the sniper, almost fainting along the way from blood loss. However... well. He gave her all she needed to survive. Cash from his wallet, means to keep from bleeding out further.... and lots of food.
HE kept her going long enough to find a cybernetics specialist who didn't ask too many questions. His money got her a shiny new arm, every bit as good as the first if not better(and certainly more durable). A careful watch kept on his place earned her another two meals... one of him, one the agent who had gone to collect information about her. Greed did that doctor in, and she felt no remorse.
It's been four years since that encounter, and not once has Liadan been cornered again. She's become far more cunning, far more ruthless, and much, much sneakier. She's actually something of a local legend, a boogeyman really, to the humans and mutants alike... a chimera who doesn't fear anything, who strikes with impunity against the Upper Citizens and Lower Citizens, who strikes fear into the mutants and leaves the killer robots as no more than scrap. In the end... Liadan's best weapon is her reputation. Far from her ONLY weapon, but definitely her best one. It's better not to fight at ALL, after all.
Standing at a mere 5'8, lean, slender, and athletic, Liadan is a survivor. Calm under most circumstances, aloof, a bit crude, a bit callous, she looks out for herself first and foremost, and others when it benefits her. She stands out, though, should she be seen, with her long, silky blue hair and her scaley blue tail, not to mention her curious golden eyes. Her ears don't stand out as much, being moderately pointy but not those absurd ears some mutants and elves have that could be used as signal flags. Her teeth are all white, strong, and healthy, due to a diet that includes few sugars but lots of protein, and her right arm is entirely artificial, made of durable alloys that ensure it would take another attack as impressive as that sniper's to divest her of it again.
As for her abilities.... she's faster, stronger, and smarter than your average human, most of her knowledge being of basic Slum survival skills. She's got an innate awareness of traps, as well as when to run and when to fight. Her skin is bullet and slash resistant, making small arms somewhat ineffective and knives all but useless. She also heals fast, regenerating in a matter of hours with enough sustenance. Her stomach can easily deal with a large(say, human-sized) meal over a period of about eight hours, and her flesh is stretchy and pliable enough that A: She can eat people, and B: those she eats can't really harm her once they're inside.
Most of the time? Well, she keeps to herself. When she needs to mingle with other folk, she tends to wear a full cloak that conceals her features, not wanting to start a panic or draw attention to herself. She has no real friends to speak of, but a few trusted contacts who may be able to reach her if she's feeling friendly enough.
And there you have it! PM if interested, but not ICly.