General info
Age: 26. Birthday 20 Aug
Gender: Female
Species:Half Neko (lion flavour) Half goblin
Height: 1,35 meters.
Weight: Around 50 kg?
Sandvich Made a gobbo.
Leona comes from a desert country born and raised in its capital. She is even the daughter of the king.
The king himself was a neko with a lion breed. Like an actual lion this one had a harem as well.
Though not full of nekos in fact he never had any in his harem. Tons of races of all kinds of species.
This was not just done for fetish reasons. This neko race had a bit more trouble breeding with other species.
It's kind of a problem for these neko couples that involve a different species. Thus it was assumed to be impossible.
But that was proven wrong by Leona's mother who you guess it was a goblin. She is of the standard green gobbo
The king was quite surprised to find out his goblin got pregnant with his child.
At the time the king did not have an heir so the royal family decided to raise the child with her mom getting a job as a maid.
However, eventually the queen gave birth to her half brother. Who became the heir of the throne thus now the current prince.
Leona meanwhile did not get shafted entirely. She gets assigned the role of mayor of a different city.(Mostly a public figure)
She moved to the city with her mom and after a speech she took her position of mayor of the city. (yes she has a suit)
The people love her and even refer to her as princess (Even tho she isn't one) She is even more popular than her younger brother.
As for her personality she is a little bit of a brat. Mostly coming of her pride which is to be expected of a lion.
She isn't cruel but can be mean spirited and at times can be quite devious and cunning.
Even though she isn't a princess being called one still makes her happy and growl.
Yes growl she can't properly meow or purr since she is half lion. She can mimic the noise tho.
And just like a cat she can see pretty well in the dark.
Loves to eat fruit vegetables but due to her lion side she naturally craves or rather needs meat.