This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
The lion before you stands immense, at 24 feet tall he tends to tower over most people, Basicly Tawny furred, sandy colored,, his belly is a lighter shade, almost peach color. With a tail swishing behind him about half his height.Looking him up and down, you start at his face, after all, that's what's staring back at you, deep brown eyes glimmer in the light, deep enough to get lost in as you look up at the slightly stubby muscle with a slight roughed up fur on his chin, All heavily set in the head , expressive eyes complete most of the faces real estate and two small rounded ears emerge from the forest of his mane, The lions neck is muscular, anchoring the skull tightly and showing the passage thousands of beings have taken to help make leo what he is.
His luxurious mane is an impressive affair, running down the back of his head and between his shoulder blades to his rum while around his neck and down between the peck muscles to almost the start of his stomach, the deep dark ruset red sets his face of well, though it dosen't hide the bulge in his gullet as he swallows air, licking his chops a bit.
Leo stretches a bit as you look at him, showing off his arms as he puts them behind his head, chubby on the upper arms but you can see the biceps and other muscles through the kitty fat, his hands are slightly larger than you'd expect a human of his size to have but seem just as flexible and agile The lions chest shows the flab a bit worse, pec muscles sagging slightly and a roll of fat underneath them that distorts the abdominal muscles a bit, from the perfect pred form, the lazyiness shown gives you a strange feeling that he might not be such a pushover, after all, it almost seems as the chubbiness might be a show to lure in other victims of his debauchery and decadence
He sports a big of a beer belly, fur slightly ruffled around it, very minorly stretched, it sags over his crotch and puts it into shadows, the stomach itself is welll formed and round from regular good meals, though probably no one entertaining his hot belly at the moment..His navel is visible in the otherwise smooth curvature, a definite innie of a lion, currently it has a tummy stud of an emerald
The lion is currently only wearing a heavy golden loincloth with two snuggling red lions embroidered on it, it flops over his crotch and hides his private parts only showing the healthy bulge a male lion tends to have. it dribbles slightly of sweat, and smells of lion.
His hips lead down to his thick thighs, almost like small tree trunks they are certainly able to support anything the lion cares to add to his bulk, the dribble a few slight drops of sweat as you stare, the calves and ankles are likewise built to be sturdy rather than to be fast, chubby all over, but a chubby that belies an exceptional natural strength.. and maybe hidden muscles. His feet are slightly larger than you'd expect, perhaps to do the classic under foot method of domination and ownership, or more likely a natural tendency to help his balance.He sports a big of a beer belly, fur slightly ruffled around it, very minorly stretched, it sags over his crotch and puts it into shadows, the stomach itself is welll formed and round from regular good meals, though probably no one entertaining his hot belly at the moment..His navel is visible in the otherwise smooth curvature, a definite innie of a lion, currently it has a tummy stud of an emerald

What stands before you is a picture right out of a mythology book, and then some, the gryphon truly looks like a monster, reality out the window, it is big for instance, 17.5 feet at the shoulders. And probally 25 feet long, not including the tail. With golden fur and plumage, That's the basics. Before the details begin a physiological note, unlike most avians Leo has normal bones, not hollow, this limits agility dramaticly but also allows him to take massive bumpings and knocks without real damage
Leo's beak looks deadly, curved with a slight hump in it the weight is obvious, the hard exterior belays no weakness and housies his nostrils well. The beak is rooted firmly to the rest of the skull, letting it be whiped around as a weapon should the beast want to inflict wounds, the sharpened sides make the head a crude sword few are big enough to need this treatment though the head proper hoses his expressive eyes, complete with eyetuft. His triangular earss fold back against his head though they can perk up to hear better, they sport a bit of a tassle at the tips, very short though.
Back from head is the gryphons gullet, the throat is rather long allowing impressive movement of the head, far enough so he can nuzzle his own tush should the need arise. Down the back of the neck is a thick full mane, the same auburn shade of leo's and like his it flows down around to his chest, though not as fully covering. The base of the neck widens to attach to the torso and chest, anchoring around the muscular shoulder blades on the top where his wings jut out. Your eyes marvel as they move up to those.
Leo flexes his wings, nearly three times his own widths wingspan, and each "flex" sends a gush of wind back, the powerful muscles glimmering, looking almost like separate arms, rivuleted and wraped muscles provide the powerful lift "Not" to be torn off when a beast of over a ton takes flight. The feathers glimmer in the light as he preens them with his beak, he stares at you with those eyes, wanting you to enjoy his full body, not just the impressive wingspan
The torso holds his legs, tapers to his haunches and groin soflty feathered with almost down his stomach has an impressive stretching capacity, bulging out under him and not doing much to hinder flight. His own groin is nestled behind this, normally hidden from view by thick protective fur when not in use.. The forlegs end in talons, but the muscles of the legs the joints in the shoulder allow exceptional motion, unlike most non anthro's they are a ball and socket joint with the ability to "Snap" in place to provide a more ease design for long distance running. The hind legs stretch a bit, ample backside nicely toned ,anchoring the muscles, retaining much of the felines natural pouncing ability the construction of the leg is similar to the lions, slightly unkempt wild fur that often dribbles sweat when exerted.(flying), The main difference in the legs(other than posture for a non anthro) are his hind feet which are taloned, the nartual armor of these provides a natural bracer for his ankles.
The last visible part of the gryphon is leo's tail, almost exactly like his lion one, and just as prehensile, it serves another function now to help guide and stear him in flight, balance. It curls around expectantly as you finish looking over him.. he then smiles and licks his beak, hungry from posing
Befitting a King, leo is not totally naked, even in the animalistic form, he maintains his crown of course though frequently he caries it in one claw during flight. Better secured is the thick golden necklace around his throat, tight enough to let his his meals feel it on the swallow it weighs nearly 50lb, but is nearly ignored by leo.. it's a small weight for him. It shows an incan design, with a massive emerald in the center of a etched relief puma's jaws. He wears a handful of various fancy look earrings, however these are actually cheap costume peieces that will fall apart with to much pressure.. the lion doesn't want sensitive ear pains after all. His haunches and wrists are adorned by platinum bands intertwined with gold, providing a nice shimmer.
The fat gator ahead of you is 16 feet tall maybe a few inches more, a stout build he also weighs in at 7.5 tons of scally meat Basicly sandy brown in color he has light sea blue belly scales. Almost constantly dribbling bog water from his scales the armored scally form is squatty built with a low center of gravity.
The head is certainly an alligator shape, flat and wide, though somewhat chubby, anchored with a thick neck and trailing a modest sized auburn mane .As most gators Leo shows off a full collection of glimmering small teeth in that jaw, all the better to bring someone in for that hot transport into the “luggage compartment” His breath smells slightly of fish, but most often the last meals cooking inside is stronger on his halitosis suffering jaws
The chest and shoulders of the reptile are heavy and anchored well, thick muscled arms just have a fat over coating and the same general well protecting scale covering and the natural cushion of the extra layer of fat, His chest has muscles of course, and the general chubbiness, but they are both covered by very thick banded scales providing large plate like armor coatings for his underside. Running down his back are two small lines of mostly ornamental stegosaur like blades.
Leo’s stomach sticks out a good five feet, providing excellent shade to those between his legs. Long banded scales stretch thin, proving some chinks in the armor, still those the hide is thick enough to keep his gut well protected. His gut trembles with each breath, the wrapping of his massive gluttony sags and bounces rather strongly with each step is not secured . only two rolls of fat are visible above the massive pot belly.. His clawed hands are holding at the side, fairly long fingers with thick wrists, almost like a mailed gauntlet
Walking with a bowlegged stance the heavy thighs show massive power even if they lack the speed of the more feline normal form, his stability is rarely matched in this form, able to wrestle and overbear nearly anything. Leading down to well muscled knees and calfs you figured small firm scales on his body provide an almost mail like protection, all the vital organs are well housed internally so cheap shots are likely to be ineffective. Massive rump muscles provide an anchoring for both tail and legs, while not the most mobile when he plants part of him is likely to stay planted.
His tail starts out thick but quickly tapers, however this structure helps him whip it around with stunning force, able to strike either side or behind him without to much trouble, it also adds to his maneuverability in the soggy boggy ground this form tends to inhabiat most often
The Garb leo choses to wear as a gator varies, currently he is wearing suspenders held up denim overalls, the belly is forcing it to mainly be a side and back covering, and of course his groin, still, it helps him keep that fat belly up. He is also wearing a belt to add some support to this, thick leather into it he puts any current items he might be holding, two pouches hang off the sides, the twin rapiers of one of his recent meals wedged between his overalls and the belt, diminutive in comparison with the beast. More impressively He is wearing the same high class jewelry that the king has in other forms, neck lass, heavy golden bracers and anklets, a silver nose ring and a two bands of platinum around his upper jaws. Simple golden rings on each finger add a touch more regality. Of course the Kings crown rests firmly on the earless head, nice to have things that adjust to appopiate size
As an orca, the king is now the lord of the seas. Sleek and streamlined the exact form varies slightly between natural orca and semianthro(hunchbacked, lurching) some things are always true, the head is heavyset , the spine now has a thick dorsal fin grafted on, and he sports a powerful thrashing orca tail even in anthro form. The anthro form also sports fins rather than true hands on the end of sleek musclar arms, essentially the fins able to bend like a mitten with an opposable thumb, Similarly fingerless bends on the end of the sleek legs, “foot “ flukes provide the ability to stand but no true toes at all.. The impression of size and mass mises well with the sleekness natural to the orcan form. He stands 15 feet tall and weighs tons.
Being more at ease in the water the heavy creature just seems like it could faltten you, unlike leo normally the mass is better distributed, the stomach is larger than normal in anthro of course, but not to the extent the king is in his natural form. Water constantly dribbling off him as he moves, licking the short conical teeth. The body shows muscles fairly impressively in anthro form, you doubt that the hiding of them in non anthro form weakens him much though. The water beads off his body, his garb is quite minimal, having nothing to hide because of the construction of the orcan body. Of course if he is excited… anyhow, the crown has been put away and replaces by chains around his neck, used for restraining and holding down meals he wants to play with later.
The toothy maw opens rather wide and shows off rows of conical teeth, a bit messy but overall still white, a powerful flat tongue resting between the triangular beak, currently a snorkel is hanging near the back of his mouth, scubadivers must be an interesting treat for the king… maybe swimming off his beach isn’t such a good idea anymore
In “feral, or natural orca form leo loses the arms and legs and looks essentially like the classic orca, the white markings on his nose, in front of his dorsal and along the side of his tail mark him unique, Almost a tigerstripe patern of white on his back, providing a stark insult to the need of camouflage for this beast…. Of course as you stare at them they shimmer and go dark.. oh foo…seeing the hunter might be harder now in stalking pose, after all the terror only comes out when he is close enough that escape is impossible. The body is pretty much normal orca otherwise, the size is rohgly 50-60 feet long… ocean liners are so tasty….
Totally naked, but his naughty parts are held inside like most cetateans, keeping the streamlining going..
Before you stands a heavyset mephit, roughly 20 feet tall and 5.5 tons in weight his footsteps shake the ground a bit. A fairly basic sknunk look except he has a dark aurburn mane down his back in addition to the black and white colorations common of the species. The general build is massive, fat bellied and muscular. Somehow the lazy mephit portrays an almost athletic look He is constantly sweaty under the thick fur and his attempts to keep in shape
The head is compact and well anchored into the shoulders, sizeable perky ears, The snout extends a bit and big black lips dribble saliva as he stares at you, a thick pale pink tongue licks grubby yellowed teeth. Black and white fur in a classic skunk patteren, the thick gullet leads to his wide shoulders, muclebound and showing a nice bulk, dribbiling a bit of sweat from his armpits, down onto the hips. Leo’s chest is well toned, you can see the muscles of the chest and pec muscles bend under the fur with each motion. The main Torso of the skunk shows of the muscle, his belly sticking out healthy, a big old pot belly, tightly curled and held in muscles, more and more as he continues to live hard and fast and end others lives like that too thick durable fur coats him well all over a few stains from his last meal. Grimy sweaty fur still though. The hips and loins are very large, big smelly behind to anchor heavy thunder thights, not agile but powerful, the legs taper quickly to his ankles and sandal wearing footpaws. His tail is about half as tall as he is and swishes constantly unless Leo tries to control it consciouslym its fluffy but powerful, hiddinga few secrets to be sure, it also tends to fan the foul rump smell around for all to enjoy. Able to curl around and eat people rather obviously
The skunks clothing really isn’t much, he wears a string thoung that really dosetn’t do things justice, the messy groin fur still musky, the big bulge still bvery obvious, maybe even moreso because of the white thong setting it off from the black fur around it, gritty grime is all over it.
Leo as a rodent has lost some of that regal impression and replaced it with a more wickedly cunning hunger, sloth might still be there but its an aggressive style of sloth. Dark brown fur with an even darker belly fur, a long tail and an expressive face all add to the natural tenacity of the rodential species Fairly musky smell, not known to bathe as much as the feline form
The rats face is slender, massive buckteeth are prominent with a modest ovebite , deep set golden hued eyes in a rounded skull set on a rather muscular neck. Large ears are quite sensitive and seem to twitch on there own, well adorned with the richers of his most recent ravanging, three golden teeth behind one of those incisors, his moalars show a lot of wear from crunching up and gnawing things. He wears a black bandana to hold up a scraggly lion mane, his crown seems to be missing from him in this form. Drool dribbles from his overbite
His shoulders are heavily muscled anchoring both head and slender wiry arms, showing only some flab through far more impressive muscles. A bit of a lank look with thick claws at the end up his long fingers give an almost horror movie like grasp to his hands and grab around his prey. Chest wise its mostly musclebound, but there is a sagging nature to them just the same, 6 pack abs or rodential monsterity fade when you get to his stomach, a healthy pred gut lingers, stretched fur smelling a bit strongly of what he last had for dinner. Normally the ravenous belly is nicely rounded by the time he is out and about for more meat.
Hips wide hipped to carry the sizeale paunch, the big behind hinders running on two feet so chooses so running is done mostly on all fours, splayed legs when standing tall, his crotch is only covered by a ragged loincloth and that fails to do a good job, you can only guess that he has a similar gifting down under there as he does in lionform his meaty hind legs support him well giving him excellent hunting balance. Bending back and never really standing straight because of a constantly being refilled stomach.
Garb, Other than the bandana and the loincloth he chosen to wear the clothing of his last “Large” meal, most often it is still far to small but wearing a vest from some big lion that’s in his stomach right now struggling is a definite charm, they tend to get sweaty and throne in the trash later. Of course when in the lions den he wears a regal tunic that is far more in line with his position