Her sword form
Leida is a genetically enhanced human being that was experimented on by magi and scientists alike, trying to bring a new era where humans were able to become weapons. Of course, this experiment failed and few subjects survived, Leida being one of them.
The plan was to give humans the ability to turn into a weapon and fight as one, however the closest they came was making them able to turn into a weapon, unable to do anything on their own, but when wielded by another person, could unleash great power, especially if said wielder was willingly called master by the weapon shapeshifter. Leida's ability in particular being that whoever should weild her, even if they have no experiance with the sword at all, becomes a master of it, able to weild as many blades as they can hold so long as they hold her hilt.
After the great failure of the project, the entire thing was shut down and the survivors were told to keep their mouths shut about how they got their abilities, spreading the word that they were some new race that had been "discovered" by scientists.
Now, Leida wanders the Nexus, looking for someone she might call her master. She seeks someone courageous and strong and willing to face any danger. Someone she would vow her life to. Could that person be you?
A little more about Leida:
Leida is a modest girl, despite her appearance. Even though she has the ability to transform into a sword at will, she can not do anything on her own. If she doesn't have someone she trusts to wield her, she's utterly helpless against another being.
She also has more of an attraction towards other women. She has nothing against men, however she's more likely to vow her life to a female character. This isn't to say that she won't allow a man to wield her if she trusts them. She's easy to get along with and might even be a little flirtatious with both men and women. She'll probably need a lot of convincing to settle down with a man though.
The master's contract:
The contract is simply an agreement between the two for Leida to lay down her life for the one entering it with her. The master of the contract doesn't have to vow anything. You would not have to gain her trust first. You just have to get her to say those magic words.
Extra notee:
Leida can not turn back into human form if she's being weilded or sheathed. She must have her weilder's permission to turn back into human form either by sticking her blade in the ground and letting go, or placing her on a surface.
Lesha for sliders
Leida is a part of