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HEIGHT: 5'11" (180 cm)
WEIGHT: 165 lbs (75 kg)
HAIR: Blonde
EYES: Emerald
LeChance Fortuna or "Chance" as most people call him, is a man who toys around with life. To him it is nothing more than a game, and the best games are those with the highest stakes. Chance started out as an ace detective, at the age of 15 he was known as a brilliant detective who often solved difficult cases for the police. Not once have his instincts failed him on identifying the criminal, but it's his peculiar methods of doing so that earned him the nickname of Chance. You see unlike most detectives, Chance relies on fate. Whether it's the roll of the die, a simple card, or even the flipping of a coin. Most see his methods as unorthodox; that to pin someone of a crime using simple card tricks is not proper or ethical. However, Chance has yet to be proven wrong. Among his possessions is a very special red die. It has a translucent ruby color that shimmers in the light and seems to have an ethereal glow emanating from within. It's his most valued item and he claims that it offers him extremely good luck. How he came upon this enchanted item is anyone's guess.
WEIGHT: 165 lbs (75 kg)
HAIR: Blonde
EYES: Emerald
QUIRKS: Wears an eyepatch over his good eye
LIKES: manipulating others, being cryptic, secrets
DISLIKES: being mocked, underestimated, goo/slimes
Chance bases most, if not every, aspect of his life around luck. Believing that Fate decides every outcome and for bad or for worse it will benefit you in some way. He’s also an adrenaline junkie in some regards, loving to live life on the edge. Whether it’s gambling, skydiving, bungee jumping, or out running predators; he’ll get a thrill out of it. Even when losing it’s all just a fun game to him, however, he has been known to hold grudges against those who beat him constantly. Aside from his gambling addiction, Chance is also sympathetic and kind, and perhaps too trusting at times. Often he will let his emotions or Fate decide for him rather than simple logic and reasoning. One could say that he’s a bit too emotional at times, but don’t worry he’s not violent. On the contrary, he’s friendly to all. Just don’t ask him to play Russian Roulette. . . or use a gun. . . in fact don’t mention guns at all.
LIKES: manipulating others, being cryptic, secrets
DISLIKES: being mocked, underestimated, goo/slimes
skills (can be omitted upon request)
Chance possess many skills, though perhaps that could also be confused with his abundance of luck. Is luck naturally drawn to him or does he somehow have an aura about him that manipulates events to coinside to his favor. It's hard to say, but one things for certain: He can't turn down an opportunity to test his luck.

{ Red Die }
Passive: Chance's special red die houses his soul. If anything were to happen to his body his soul is kept intact and he can reform himself fom it. However, if his red die were to ever be destroyed there would be dire consequences.
{ Lucky Coin }
Active: Chance's lucky coin is more than just a means to decide on a result, but also acts as a charm. Whether good fortune or bad fortune befalls him depends on which side the coin falls. Heads or tails though, Chance will be happy with the result. . . sometimes