
Age: 20-something human years
Orientation: Ambiguously lesbian
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: Tonya_Cromwell
General Bust Size: (why do few pictures portray my girls' boobs properly?) D-E range
Height: 10' 8"
Normal Weight: approx. 461 lbs

Hey there! Thanks for taking a look at my profile, and I hope you find me interesting to play with!
Do you ever get tired of the droll routine of everyday life? Do you ever sometimes look back on your life and see how... dull it's become? Alternatively, what would it take to break an otherwise vicious cycle of being at the bottom of the [x] chain? That's the dilemma that Launi Renata ended up with one day, before she was technically never seen again... as a human, anyway. Cue some time later, and we have this pictured beauty right here towering before us... assuming she's not on her knees, begging for your forgiveness.

Pictured to the side is her normal attire nowadays. A very white, flowing one-piece kimono with an obi that acts as floating ribbons all on their own that vibrate with her songs. Given her new size, it's tough for the poor dragoness girl to find anything that fits her comfortably that's not custom-made, so she's learned to keep her clothing clean as much as possible. As for appearance, the only thing out of place are the horns... she actually lacks those in public appearances.

Her personality stands as unerringly submissive, even with her new spot in life. She got so used to being assaulted as a human, she's unsure as to how to properly act in a position where she's the one with the power. Hence, she often ends up as a reluctant predator, though if she gets angry enough, she might snatch someone up for her belly. For the most part, though, she often finds her self-esteem damaged fairly badly from people trying to force themselves in her, instead of forcing her into them. To this end, she's very paranoid of people suddenly grabbing her without warning, moreso than when she was a human. The poor thing. Recently, however, she's been looking for prey to snatch up and hoard for herself, in an effort to prove her worth as something above humankind, not unlike a dragon of old. She's still very nice about it, and will often pamper her captives as best as she can, often caving to their demands. Really, she just wants a friend that she can trust, and someone she can feel comfortable "wearing the pants" around.

As a sonic dragoness, Launi gained the ability to perform a variety of feats with her voice and sound as a whole. Notably, she's found a side of a mountain where she's carved music notes using just a little ditty she came up with in her head. Though, what she can do with her newfound powers could be immense if she practices more...

...Is this enough to make me look tough?

Unbirthed by:
Esen, the Wind Dragon of the Realm_of_Dragons (became her daughter)

Anal Vored:

- none yet

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Refer to ZergAlts for full sliders.
Whisper Always/Love