(( Art by ModeSeven, can be taken down upon request ))
------------------- Lamia Mother
I'm Charm, and I'm a lab experiment which went terribly right (or horribly wrong as my creators like to put it)
My tail is so long that you won't be able to fit even half of it in your field of view, and I'm made to convert entire cities into lamias just like me.
Well, I was supposed to, but I escaped and now just keep the cuties in my tail forever. Why bother coming out into the world and compete with me anyway? They can just stay and be supplied nutrients by my body~
I send nearly everyone I meet into my tail, and have a few loyal daughters which I birthed to help me claim the ENTIRE population and wipe humans off this planet. Lamias are superior anyways!
Anyways, cuties I like get sent into a womb compartment in my tail so they become my daughter. Cuties I don't like, however, travel along the length of my tail, slowly getting churned and used to nourish my body and my children~
Of course, that's if I deem you worthy of going into my pussy. I've got a long tail stomach that runs parallel to my womb, made for churning prey into sustenance.
If you made it to my large womb, first off, congrats, second off, look for a nest before you get churned. I'll give you some tips, but it's you that has to do most of the work~ Just look for a nest that doesn't look occupied, and push inside.
If it's free, congrats! Welcome to your new home in one of mommy's countless womb nests~ If not, then enjoy being devoured by one of my children~ Shame that you couldn't turn into a lamia just like them~ Oh wait, sorry, you WILL! Just that you'll be lamia PUDGE~
Though, with how many children I have, I wouldn't be surprised if you slip into a nest with one and don't get immediately devoured! Not everyone inherits momma snake's appetite after all~
But, I'm sure there'll be a cute lamia in there that'll be to your fancy! Petite or busty, timid or dominant, male or female (or herm!) I've got it all~ Heck, there may even be some preyish cuties in there if you ever feel hungry after slipping into my tail womb~
------------------- Snake Tail Hotel
Welcome to the Snake Tail Hotel! We pride ourselves in ensuring absolute customer satisfaction, and the lack of negative reviews on our website is a testament to how much we care for our customers!
Things can become boring over time, and it's good to do something new every now and then. Say goodbye to boring old hotel rooms which rely on BUILDINGS and say hello to an all-natural, environmentally friendly accommodation for you to stay and take a break from the stress of life.
While our basic hotel's premise may seem a little odd at first, don't be concerned! You may be pushed out of your comfort zone at first, but don't fret, it'll be worth it in the end~
So, what is this hotel that sounds too good to be true? Glad you asked! You'll be staying with our big, friendly lamia for the duration of your vacation... or, rather, IN her. That's right, the Snake Tail Hotel is ACTUALLY situated in a snake tail!
"But I'll get digested!" you may wonder... well, that would be true if you were to find yourself in the lamia's stomach. However, that place is off-limits... unless you misbehave, such as threatening to leave us a negative review! Haha, we're kidding, of course! We totally don't feed bad customers to the snake...*
Anyways, where customers will be staying is the lamia's WOMB. The benefit of our hotel is that there's loads of comfortable rooms for cheap prices, and you don't have to make reservations either, since we always have room to accommodate more!
Upon entering through the lamia's... 'lower entrance', you'll find that there's a long tunnel with many 'rings' of muscle either side. These rings are the entrances to the room, and the room number should be tattooed into the flesh! Do try ignoring the wetness though, you'll get used to it.
When finding your room number, just rub at the ring of muscle and you'll find it opening, so you can slip inside without hassle! There, you'll have a cozy compartment all to yourself. Each one is quite spacious, but it IS intended for one person. However, it can easily hold four to five people if the time calls for it. Don't worry, the walls are thick so you'll have plenty of privacy wink
At the moment, each room is the same size and structure, but we do plan on expanding in the future! And no, we know that natural light is healthy and all, but we don't really have rooms with a window available... so stop asking for one!
Anyways, if a stay at the Snake Tail Hotel appeals to you, just find us and we'll be happy to arrange something! Have a good day~
* Terms and conditions apply. We are not liable for any customers getting digested, or any lost belongings.
------------------- Milk Factory
(( CW: Breastfeeding ))
Scientists have discovered a new creature that has the potential to solve world hunger!
Explorers have recently found a new animal that appears to have the features of both a mammal and a reptile, having an upper body that strongly resembles that of a human, and a lower body - where the legs would usually be - consisting of an enormous snake tail.
This species was believed to have gone extinct long ago, but there seemed to have been one sole survivor who had grown to immeasurably large sizes due to staying low and being able to feed on all other animals of the primal rainforest.
The special thing about this creature is its digestive system: it has the capability to digest absolutely ANYTHING! Due to the immense tail length, food and prey alike can travel through the digestive tract, with mulitple compartments adapted to break down specific parts in digestion, that being flesh, then bone, and even hair and fingernails.
However, curiously, this creature can digest inorganic material too, like plastics and glass, remaining completely fine after being fed large quantities. Anything it eats gets broken down into its basic components, being used to nourish its body while it excretes the rest. Though its digestive process is among the most efficient, if not THE most efficient, digestive systems found in any living creature.
While this animal has been considered to be used as a large, living disposal unit to take care of plastic pollution, the creature can digest organic matter to produce a far more useful product: breast milk!
Yes, as crazy as it sounds, scientists have proposed the idea of feeding live produce and prey right to this animal for it to digest, and convert the excess nutrients into breast milk to be harvested! After calculations, scientists have realised that this half-woman, half-snake's digestive system is so efficient that more nutrients can be obtained from farms, with the nutrients being directly transferred to humans through the milk.
The animal's breast milk is something people may consider to be a miracle cure. It contains all the nutrients required for humans, as well as being extremely tasty, rich, easy-to-digest, having calming effects, and even being slightly addictive, as found recently by some trials. It is also extremely easy to produce! So, rather than slaughter meat for human consumption, the animals can just be digested completely in this snake-human and converted into milk for humans to then drink.
The waste can also be used as fertiliser, for growing crops and plants as usual for feeding the population.
Scientists are investigating a way for this animal to produce offspring. While there don't seem to be any functional sex organs, a womb has been found! Scientists believe another animal, likely a human, must go inside the womb and rest within a nest, eventually being converted into a half-snake like this creature and being reborn!
RP events: Boss_Melinda is now her lover and breeder.
While Charm herself will NEVER be prey (no exceptions!!), you might find that there's some of her cute children nuzzled in her nests that might be willing to be eaten~
Soft Vore
Hard Vore
Oral Vore
Cock Vore
Anal Vore
Tail Vore
Breast Vore
Vampiric Vore
Soul Vore
Food Related
Mass vore
Just ask
If there's a kink you wanna see, just run it by me! Don't be afraid to reveal your deepest darkest fantasies <3 Heck, I might be into it too! Worst I could say is no thanks, but that's quite rare