
Emily Whitestorm. Formerly a simple little girl, her whole life changed rather drastically. However, that can be discussed later. For now, know her past.
Emily came from a poor family. Her mother had her go out and sell things in order to make ends meet. Flowers, cookies, anything she could sell she would. One day, however, she was snatched off the streets by a pair of lare men, who then dragged her away, gagged and blindfolded. They carried her into an abandoned warehouse, where they began to beat her and cut her clothes off, not much caringt hat they were cutting into her skin, making he rbleed. by now she was sobbing, crying, she would do anything to be free of this torment, she would give anything to see these two men dead before they do their true worst to her....and she did just that. She gave and did what few could say they truely would. For int hat moment, something came to her, and aggreed to save her...for a price.
And so, there the men lay, dead before her, and there the man stood, clad in white, and bowing before her. "I will be forever faithful to you, my lady. All you need do is speak my name. Tell me your desire, and it shall be done." And from that day forward, Emily's life was forever changed. Slowly at first, as her family began to make more money then usual, thanks to some suggestions from Emily's newfound friend, thenquickly, as Emily began to learn her new friends process. Before long, she had created an empire with the Whitestorm Company, dealing in flowers, herbs, and spices. Her family had risen to nobility, and though her parents were both still living, she was very clearly head of the manor. And thus she became Lady Emily Whitestorm, forever accompanied by her ever faithul butler....

White. A simple name, given to him in no small part due to his clothing. Still, when he hears the name his Lady gave him, he will rush to her side and complete any task she sets out before him. And of course, there is more to this butler than meets the eye. In reality, White is an incomplete creature, a human soul left to dwell in the world of the living so long,t hat it began loosing parts of itself. Because of this, it seeks to fillt he void left within its being by feasting on souls. When Emily said she would give anything, she meant it. The two formed a contract with one another. White would look after her, keep her safe, and be ever loyal to her. And in return at the time of her natural death, he gets her soul.
White is completely loyal to Emily, and will complete any task she asks him to. Emily has, by now, become a master of the 'long game', and has learned how to read and manipulate people and actions to benefit her. Together, these two are nothing to laugh at, and it's best to stay on their good side.
((Yes I realize this resembles Black Butler, it IS inspired by that, but it's not the exact same. However, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to Roleplay with anyone willing to play as Ciel and Sebastian x3 WIP but readyf or play))