Well, what do we have here? Seems to be all the women of League of Legends gathered in a single alt for the playing pleasure of any person who might cross their path. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, orientations, races and descriptions, but there's a common thread between them all--when they are called, they face others in brutal combat on the Fields of Justice to secure dominance for their nations.
While perhaps not all of them are patriots and certainly not all of them are proficient fighters, they are all tough in one way or another and they are not to be trifled with, even if they are small, skinny, fat or shapely, even if they are children, they are all deadly in their own right. If you allow them to, they can get the upper hand on you. For some it will be easy, for some it will be difficult, but they can all do it.
Now, while I might make some exceptions if you ask, this alt is pretty much only for playing female champions. I could pretty much play any of the champions if you asked, but I'll only be listing females here and I will consider any of the male champions, including those that come from the Void, a special request that I will accept or deny at my leisure.
I will play pred or prey with any of the characters, but some will be better preds than others, and some will be easier meals than others. Keep that in mind when making your choice. I will be listing them with a Pred/Prey ratio. I can see sliders are probably going to be necessary, so they've been added.
One thing to keep in mind is that, nine times out of ten, I want my partner to select the Lady or Ladies I will play and I want them to have an idea for the scene. This alt is mostly to help other people's LoL-related RP ideas come to life, within reason. If you approach me without an idea in mind, I'm willing to work one out with you, but I greatly prefer you have a girl and a scene in mind.
Another thing to note is this: yes, I get it, we are all humans and sex is very interesting to us and we like it quite a lot. Or at least, you might. I don't. Sex for me is unappealing and generally it just sort of grosses me out. I will not have sex in a scene--do not ask me, it's not going to happen. I am, however, fine with some teasing, blue-balling, footjobs, stuff like that. I've especially been pretty into footjobs lately. Just do not ask me to have a character go all the way--as far as playing with me is concerned, sex is there only as a tool for persuasion and humiliation, and should never go all the way.
Keep in mind, I'll do quite a few things and I have a few kinks of my own, so don't be afraid to approach me and ask. Other LoL characters not necessary, and I'll play with pretty much any gender or race, so never be afraid to approach with any idea. Any character can be played in any position, and I'll try not to turn anything down. Only things I won't do are scat-focused play and watersports. Post-vore scat is a maybe. You can even ask if you don't know a thing about League of Legends! I'm willing to fill in any gaps you might have.
INTRODUCING: Dice rolling for which girls you'd like! If you are having a hard time deciding who you'd like to play with, prey upon, be devoured by, etc, you can roll a 42-digit die in order to select the character randomly! Definitely a good option for those who prefer an element of chance.

No chance here, just big ass.
1: Ahri
2: Akali
3: Anivia
4: Annie
5: Ashe
6: Caitlyn
7: Cass
8: Diana
9: Elise
10: Evelynn
11: Fiora
12: Illaoi
13: Irelia
14: Janna
15: Jinx
16: Kalista
17: Karma
18: Katarina
19: Kayle
20: Kindred (Lamb specifically)
21: LeBlanc
22: Leona
23: Lissandra
24: Lulu
25: Lux
26: Miss Fortune
27: Morgana
28: Nami
29: Nidalee
30: Orianna
31: Poppy
32: Quinn
33: Rek'Sai
34: Riven
35: Sejuani
36: Shyvana
37: Sivir
38: Sona
39: Soraka
40: Syndra
41: Taliyah
42: Tristana
43: Vayne
44: Vi
45: Xayah
46: Zyra
Lastly, I do reserve the right to say no if your grammar or spelling is too poor, but don't let that deter you.
Now without further ado, let's get into them. Or maybe they'll get into you.
Akali, The Fist of Shadow: 40/60. Akali is a ninja, albeit highly visible considering her...generous assets. She's good when she catches someone off guard, and her Twilight Shroud smoke bombs allow her to make an escape when she gets cornered, but if you do catch her, she's not particularly strong, physically.
Her picture.
You might want to start running now.
Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox: 50/50. Ahri is a pretty powerful mage overall, and certainly not averse to combat, but by all means she prefers to use her assets and her silky voice to charm unknowing people into her belly, her breats, or otherwise. She can't really stand up in a brawl, but if you fall prey to her charms, she'll get you.
Her picture.
And of course, Popstar Ahri.
Don't you trust me?
Anivia, The Cryophoenix: 60/40. Anivia is a bird. She's a big bird! And to add to that, she's a pretty powerful being of magic, even being able to transform into an egg when she initially bites the dust. She may not look like much, but there's no denying she's a bird of prey, and she possesses more than enough magic to make you into a popsicle.
Her picture.
I prefer my desserts frozen.
Annie, The Dark Child: 30/70. Annie is a very powerful little mage for being such a little girl, but the fact remains that she's just a little girl. Yeah, she might be able to surprise you with a burst of stunning fire, and things might get a little hot when you swallow her thanks to her Molten Shield, but in reality, Annie's not the most threatening one here, even with her bear Tibbers.
Her picture.
Eaten by a little girl--Ha!
Annie cornered
Blue__ in a cave during what was supposed to be a normal game of hide and seek. After toying with her for a bit, she devoured poor Blue and slurped up her soul as well, turning her into fat on her body and claiming her as hers, forever.
Front-facing shot of her chubbier body. Her fatter backside post-Blue.
Ashe, The Frost Archer: 20/80. Ashe, despite being grown up, is even less of a threat than Annie. She's a good hunter and a pretty decent tracker, considering she grew up in a frozen wilderness, but beyond that she's not packing on the muscle and she has to keep her distance to win a fight.
Her picture.
Take a good look--it's the last you're going to get.
Caitlyn, The Sheriff of Piltover: 30/70. Caitlyn is quite a bit like Ashe, actually. She's a good tracker and is experienced at dealing with criminals, but her wields a sniper rifle and she's incredibly thin, unlikely to be able to win in a close-quarters fight. She only scores higher than Ashe because of her ability to set traps and her handcuffs.
Her picture.
Want another shot? Wouldn't want to leave things up in the air.
Cassiopeia, The Serpent's Embrace: 80/20. Cass is quite a tough champion to take down. Large, in charge, and with a massive snake's tail to boot, Cass has no problem charming, squeezing, cajoling or using her potent poisons and magics to put her prey in a stupor for easy consumption. Of course, if it could be turned around, she'd be a mighty filling meal.
Her picture.
Sooner or later, they all come crawling back into my jaws.
Diana, The Scorn of the Moon: 70/30. Diana is a warrior from birth, highly potent in battle and not the type to lose in an impromptu brawl. Outfitted in heavy armor and with a massive scythe, Diana is not a very easy meal, to say the least, and she's pretty likely to take you down if she sees an opening.
Her picture.
The moon also rises.
Elise, The Spider Queen: 90/10. Elise is a real doozy. She's tall and, while she isn't particularly strong physically, she is a master of poisons and has the toxins of a spider as well, able to shut down a person's nervous system in an instant if they aren't resistant to poisons. Even if that's not enough, she can transform into a massive spider to feast on her enemies...
Her picture.
The spider, I. And you? The fly.
Evelynn, The Widowmaker: 50/50. Evelynn, much like Ahri, is better at subtle manipulation of her target until they are vulnerable, at which point she strikes, inflicting them with great pain, ravaging their bodies until her appetite for their anguish is sated. Of course, in a real fight, she's not much
Her picture.
Mmm, I like it when they scream.
Fiora, The Grand Duelist: 40/60. Fiora is lithe, thin, and agile, capable of destroying her enemies with her rapier within the blink of an eye, or so it seems...unfortunately, the art of rapier dueling doesn't exactly lend itself to winning in an open brawl, and certainly not from being swallowed by a hungry predator.
Her picture.
Submit. You have already lost!
Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess: 95/5 A monster of a woman, thick of both muscle and of spirit, Illaoi is a force to be reckoned with. While the woman herself is ungodly strong, with biceps bigger than most people's heads, she has a jovial attitude, with the philosophy that if she wants something, she takes it regardless, following the motion of her heart and body rather than bowing to rules or conventions. She also commands a multitude of pulsating, heavy tentacles to crush her enemies, as well as pulling their very spirits from their bodies to punish their weakness.
Her picture.
I value truth...and squirming prey.
Irelia, The Will of the Blades: 40/60. Irelia is a pretty good duelist, and she's good with her psychically-manipulated blades, but besides that she's not really meant for out-and-out fistfights and she probably couldn't force a predator off her, but if she could control someone with her psychic powers...
Her picture.
And because it's so popular, Frostbutt Irelia.
You rely on your weapons too much--try letting go!
Janna, The Storm's Fury: 10/90. Janna is a mere wisp of a woman, more body fat than muscle in all the right places. She's really going to have a hard time managing to get a person down her gullet without winding up as food for them herself, even when facing a downright pathetic person.
Her picture.
Gale winds unleashed.
Jinx, the Loose Cannon: 50/50. Jinx is thin and, to put it bluntly, absolutely crazy. She does whatever she wants, whenever she wants, and nobody gets to tell her she can't. However, despite wielding her huge rocket launcher, Fishbones, and her Minigun Pow-Pow, she's not the strongest person in a brawl, being twiggy and greatly preferring to run away. Even if she did eat someone, sitting around digesting them is B-O-R-I-N-G and makes it hard to run away from the stupid cops.
Her picture.
And because of popularity, Firecracker Jinx.
Any last words? Ha! Nope, just digest.
Kalista, the Spear of Vengeance: 60/40. Kalista is a strange being, an amalgamation of many different souls, though at her core lies a very powerful female warrior who, in life, was slain in an act of treachery. Now, she exists in the void between life and death, invoked when one requires vengeance on someone else, but at a cost--her supplicant's soul is hers, bound to her for eternity, given up to allow their vengeance to come true. Still, she is wiry and prefers to fight at range, easily overpowered in a close fight, though she is mobile enough to avoid such a fate, most times.
Her picture.
We will digest all betrayers!
Karma, The Enlightened One: 40/60. Karma is a powerful magic user, able to create slowing flares from her fingertips, threads of magic which bind directly to the target's soul to siphon their energy, and shields to avoid damage on her end while damaging the target. She is not particularly strong, physically, but she is able to hold her own well enough.
Her picture.
You know what they say...Karma always catches up with you.
Katarina, The Sinister Blade: 50/50. Katarina is another of those not particularly overpowering women. She more prefers to wait on her victim to make a mistake first, then to teleport behind them with her Shunpo and make a meal out of them. She's adept, agile, and deadly, and isn't above inflicting some wounds before consuming a meal, but she's not thick on muscle.
Her picture.
If you run, you won't see me eat you!
Katarina devoured
Bridget_ after he failed numerous times at attempting to gain access to the League, and her rear has grown significantly because of it. He is now a permanent, jiggly fixture forever trying to spill out of her tight pants.
Kayle, The Judicator: 70/30. Kayle is a warrior from another world, adept in combat of all kinds and skilled enough with magic that she can hold up against other mages. She's definitely not a pushover--the only reason she's not rated more highly is because it's not easy to fit you in that armor...
Her picture.
Come here--I'll teach you all about the afterlife.
Kindred, the Eternal Hunters: 80/20. Lamb and Wolf are the spirits of death in Runeterra, reapers who stalk the streets, byways, cities, fields and forests of the land, collecting the lives and souls of those who have had their time, and who are destined to pass on. Lamb respresents a peaceful death, acceptance of the end, a swift end for those who do not fight death. Wolf, however, represents a violent end for those who run from death, crushing them in his jaws, tearing out their guts, or swallowing them whole out of pure greed. Wolf, being the incorporeal half of the duo, does not have a stomach, and thus anything he eats is transferred to Lamb's belly. They are fearsome, and while Wolf himself is invulnerable, Lamb can die, and everywhere Lamb goes, Wolf is sure to follow.
Their picture.
Who's next? Everyone.
LeBlanc, The Deceiver: 30/70. LeBlanc is a skilled mage, particularly in illusions, but she's not really a bodybuilder. In theory, she could trick someone right into her belly, but it's not the likeliest thing in the world and if you ever lay hands on her, she's pretty much meat.
Her picture.
What a treat.
Leona, the Radiant Dawn: 80/20. Leona is a big woman, in big armor, with big muscles, and she's not afraid to toss people around to get a meal in her belly. Her is rough, tough, large and in charge, and she's not going anywhere anytime soon if she doesn't want to. Engage with care--while she is a protector, she has to eat, too.
Her picture.
Next time, try to leave a bulge.
Lissandra, the Ice Witch: 75/25. Lissandra is thought to be millenia old, with absolute control over the devastating force known as black ice. Using this unholy cold, she impales, freezes, slows and destroys all who would oppose her reign as queen of the Freljord, and in conjunction with the ancient and powerful entities known as The Watchers, she plots to unleash an ice age on the world, freezing all its denizens in a sheet of suffocating cold.
Her picture
There will be no thaw...unless you are digesting inside me.
Lulu, the Fae Sorceress: 50/50. Lulu may not be big and she may not be strong, but damned if she isn't confusing. She's crazy as heck and constantly sounds like she's high as a kite, and she wields some crazy magic too. From using her faerie companion, Pix, to help sniff out the enemy, to her ability to turn her enemies into squirrels to her massive growing spell Wild Growth ("Hugeify!" "Tremendo!" "Enormevous!"), Lulu can turn things around on someone that underestimates her.
Her picture.
Yup, that tasted purple.
Lux, The Lady of Luminosity: 20/80. Lux is still pretty much a teenager, and while she does have powerful spells, her abilities mostly come from her stealing the magic of others--in short, she's a spellthief. While she can cloak herself or shield herself with light manipulation spells, she's not an adept predator and, if she gets caught, would be in a bad spot indeed.
Her picture.
And additionally, Star Guardian Lux
With your power level, I'd suggest staying home.
Miss Fortune, The Bounty Hunter: 40/60. Miss Fortune is deadly as heck with a gun and can load up some nasty, disabling ammunition if she chooses, but she's not especially large and, if a person didn't fall for her wiles and her charms, likely would have to just draw, aim, and shoot, hoping they didn't get her guns out of her hands first.
Her picture.
Ugh...they might need to call me "Miss Four Chins" after this. Damned fattening criminals.
Morgana, Fallen Angel: 70/30. Morgana wields power easily up there with gods, albeit her own physical strength is subpar. Where her sister, Kayle, trained her body and wits to react to hand-to-hand combat, Morgana trained her mind and her fingers to cast deadly, dark magics from another world, forbidden by her race.
Her picture.
And because of popularity, Blackthorn Morgana.
You too will be judged.
Nami, The Tidecaller: 40/60. She's big and powerful in her own right, sure, but Nami isn't very adept at predation, and neither is she especially skilled in offensive magics. She is mostly a supportive type of mage, skilled in augmenting the abilities of others, and without someone to augment, she may as well be sushi.
Her picture.
Afraid to get your feet wet?
Nidalee, The Bestial Huntress: 70/30. Nidalee is tall and powerful, hailing from the Plague Jungles in south Valoran. With the ability to heal herself, lay entangling traps for her enemies, and transform into a ravenous cougar with high mobility, durability and a large appetite, it's not likely she's doing to become cat food.
Her picture.
And because I personally like it, Headhunter Nidalee.
Here mousie, mousie, mousie.
Orianna, The Lady of Clockwork: ??/??. Orianna is a very special case, being a woman made entirely out of clockwork.She would likely only be used in very specific scenarios, but I am open to using her if one can think of an idea for her. She is a machine, from head to toe, and as much as she tries to fit in with others and be "normal", she is mostly unsuccessful because of her sharp gears and soulless voice. Most times, she won't even realize she's hurting you until you're dead. The Ball is simply Orianna's protector, and aside from throwing sharp gears, there is little she can do without it.
Her picture.
So strange, they scream.
Poppy, The Iron Ambassador: 50/50. Poppy is another of those cases of a Yordle being small, but unwilling to bend or break under any conditions. She is steadfast, strong for her size, and will not stop coming until one of you goes down. That said, well...she's still definitely quite little. That armor can't be too hard to remove, and then she's meat.
Her picture.
Looks like you left your brave pants at home. I'll have to get 'em after I eat ya.
Quinn and Valor, Demacia's Wings: 20/80 Quinn and her hawk, Valor, are both quite fast, agile, and hard to catch. Admittedly, neither is a particularly formidable enemy in close quarters unless your character is genuinely worried about getting their eyes clawed out by Valor. They're not particularly hard to eat, even as a pair, and Quinn or Valor will lose hope without the other.
Her picture.
My gullet is the last thing you'll see.
Rek'Sai, the Void Burrower: 100. Rek'Sai, a creature born from the twisted energies of the Void, is the largest and deadliest of her species, multi-segmented beasts with piercing, terrible mandibles and horrific claws capable of rending flesh and bone like a knife through butter. She tunnels below the ground, sending the vibrations of her prey's movements as they desperately try to escape her. It is ultimately fruitless, however, as once Rek'Sai is on your trail, there is no hope. She is merciless, relentless, and a greater threat than perhaps any other, devouring entire regions of the Shuriman empire. Pray for salvation if Rek'Sai catches your scent.
Her picture.
*Unearthly growling, followed by a guttural belch.*
Riven, The Exile: 60/40. While Riven isn't as big or tall, perhaps, as her peers, she can wield an absolutely massive sword one-handed, indicating a tremendous amount of innate strength. Even still, Riven isn't the type to exactly think things through, and even her bear-like strength isn't enough to save her when an opponent just as strong as she is turns out to be smarter.
Her picture.
And of course, Battle Bunny Riven.
My gut is more than enough for the likes of you.
Sejuani, The Winter's Wrath: 80/20. Sejuani is a big, mean woman on a big, mean boar and she doesn't care who you are or what you did, you are going in her belly if she wants you to. She's brutal, merciless, and tough as nails--after all, any woman that can wage a war in the arctic has to be tough. And if she can't eat you, well...that just means Bristle gets a meal.
Her picture.
Bear Cavalry
You'll make excellent boar food--if I don't eat you first.
Shyvana, The Half Dragon: 95/5. Shyvana is ruthless, mean, and downright impossible to beat, even. She's strong, fast, agile, and hits like a train car packed with TNT. And even if you were to beat her up a little, she'll just shapeshift into a massive dragon and, likely, swallow you whole. There's almost nothing that can stop her.
Her picture.
Ice Drake.
Come get a glimpse into the belly of the beast!
Sivir, The Battle Mistress: 60/40. Sivir is stronger than she looks, having fought in a lot of battles in her time. She is a master of many weapons, including swords, lances, knives, axes and especially her famous boomerang blade, easily seen at her side at all times. She may look like a normal woman, but don't be fooled or you'll be sloshing in her guts.
Her picture.
You may call me "Mistress"...but only from inside my gut.
Sona, The Maven of the Strings: 5/95. Sona is frail and not much of a fighter at all, being a performer by nature and a fighter second. She can manipulate some magic with her Etwahl, but most of them aren't meant much for battle--only the appropriately-named Hymn of Valor is meant to be offensive. Sona is easy pickings, and she only has a slim chance of being a pred.
Her picture.
And of course, DJ Sona.
*she points at her belly*
Soraka, The Starchild: 5/95. Soraka, like Sona, is a primary user of supportive magics, only able to effectively utilize her Starcall as an offensive gesture, and that isn't very impressive. She also has the ability to silence her opponents, but even a silent foe can eat a frail Starchild like Soraka with little trouble.
Her picture.
Do you always taste so bad?
Syndra, The Dark Sovereign: 85/15. Syndra is a user of dark and evil magics from beyond this world, able to summon spheres of dark energy and fling them at her enemies, as well as manipulate matter around her with a flick of her wrist. Time and space bend to Syndra's will easily, leaving her able to change events as she pleases...provided her power doesn't run out.
Her picture.
A whole world to digest!
Tristana, The Megling Gunner: 10/90. Tristana is a sniper, albeit she uses a massive cannon instead of a precision rifle or anything of the sort. She can use it to burn enemies, shoot them away, or just plain or shoot them with cannonballs. She's a little stronger than she looks, but she's still tiny and better with a gun than anything close-quarters.
Her picture.
Did you fall down and go gurgle?
Vayne, The Night Hunter: 40/60. Vayne is subversive and smart as a whip, able to trick her enemies with her stealthiness and silver-tipped bolts, which sting like nothing else. If her prey goes down, wounded, she will not hesitate to gobble them down in order to prevent them from heading back into the world.
Her picture.
Eating me is like boxing with shadows!
Vi, The Piltover Enforcer: 90/10. Vi is tall, dominant, mean and ruthless. She has a good heart, but it's hidden under layers and layers of muscle as well as a pair of reinforced steel gauntlets to allow her to punch anything and anyone into smoldering rubble. Even running doesn't save you, because she will lock onto you and slam-dunk you right into her gut.
Her picture.
And Officer Vi
Why do people never have anything interesting to say? It's always "Oh no, stop eating me, you monster!" Heh.
Xayah, the Rebel: 40/60. Xayah is a slick and smooth operator who uses special, sharpened "feathers" to shred her targets to pieces. She's got quite a smart mouth and isn't afraid to use it, being quite a talker which she's filling you full of feathers. She relies on her speed and manueverability, however, and isn't much trouble to someone who can catch her.
Her picture.
Zyra, the Rise of Thorns: 70/30. Zyra is what might be best described as a plantmancer, able to manipulate the greenery around her into whatever shape she would like--whipping vines, thornspitters, entangling roots, even spines from below to pierce the foe's body. She has a particular taste for humans, and even a dead flower blooms anew...don't expect her to stay down even if she dies.
Her picture.
My spring...your fall.