Name: Kyoko Shinozuka
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Long
Job: Shrine Maiden
Born into the Shinozuka clan, Kyoko was the last female born into the clan, their blood is a unique thing indeed, the power to eliminate demons and other monsters from hell or the spiritual after life, but only a female can do this, Males gain the ability but are unable to use it but if they have a daughter, they can pass it down to the next generation.
However for 10 generations, the Shinozuka clan could only produce Males once they were married, keeping only the way of the sword to train the possible female coming into the clan, but seems that was over 300 years ago for the last female that was until the birth of Kyoko, named after the last female of the clan.
The clan was beyond happy, they couldn't express it but they new they had to take care of this once in a life time opportunity, to raise this young girl into a pure warrior to cleanse the growing evil over 3 centuries.
Training her from the age of 5, they taught her many things, from ceremonies to wielding a sword, even home teaching her the stuff she would need to know in the real world, but besides her clan members, she never saw anyone else except a few hurt travelers wondering through the forest near her families shrine.
12 years passed however, Kyoko had just become ready to battle the monsters but she had lost many of her fellow clan members to the monsters, only leaving her along with the oldest member of the clan, even her mother and faster had died on the line of battle against these monsters from the other world, she cried but she never regretted being unable to save them, after all, going out unprepared would mean the end for the clan.
Among sword fighting, Kyoko had learned how to heal those with wounds which comes in handy when she herself gets injured but it's only to close wounds or stop bleeding, broken bones will have to recover the normal rate but she had learn how to help those with broken bones heal faster through medical herbs or replace blood, she had also become a great chef, however she only cooks for herself since 6 months ago the elder had passed away due to he's old age and health not being in the best shape.
Living alone, Kyoko tends to get lonely and wonders off to the closest town to do some shopping so expect to see a ton of kimono's if you ever see her closet but during training and her work hours, she wears a red and white shrine maiden outfit but when away from the shrine she wears kimono's.

Kyoko out shopping for more Kimono's and food.

Kyoko out of all that long, hot clothing.

Kyoko training her body for battle.