
Age: 19
Orientation: Bisexual, with a heavy female lean
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: B range
Height: 5' 6"
Normal Weight: 103 lbs

Boo! I gotcha~
Japanese legends tell of the now-famous shadow warriors, the ninjas. Assassins of the night who disappear just as quickly as they strike. In many ways, Kururugi Hato is one of these fabled ninja... and at the same time, the entirety of her clan is NOT, at least in terms of what we know. Because a lot of what we know about the ninja is wrong, and Hato-chan's clan sets out regularly to change that. However, I have a profile format to keep up, so let's do this thing.

Pictured isn't Hato's work clothing. I repeat, NOT her work clothing. She's an avid cosplayer, and is well aware of the fact that ninjas are actually a hell of a lot more noticable in "traditional" garb, so when she's working, she's often dressed appropriately for the occasion. Bomber hiding out in a high school prom? Light blue "mermaid" style dress with one shoulder exposed, along with white short-heels. Terrorists holding some random farm hostage for some reason, a la Counter Strike: Source? Red t-shirt underneath jean overalls, black converse sneakers, and a hair ribbon for decoration. Privatized army holding up Times Square? Whatever the hell New York teen ladies wear. Basically, she dresses to blend in and look inconspicuous.

As far as Hato's personality goes, she's a very playful soul when she has a spare moment. She'll tease just about anyone she knows with any embarrassing tidbits she knows about them, though she often uses her teasing as a means of keeping people out of danger by eliciting certain anger/fear/embarrassment reactions. At the same time, however, she's pretty possessive about her stuff, just this side of hoarding. Unless you have permission, don't even try to touch the trash in her bedroom. Luckily, unlike most hoarders, she regularly sifts through her crap and gets rid of things, and her room becomes noticably cleaner.

Beyond some ninja illusionary arts and vore capabilities, Hato-chan isn't the most mystic ninja out there. Then again, when your clan is almost always on the cutting edge of technology, employing night vision goggles, stealth drones, and unmanned exploration drones, you don't need to be. She largely lets whatever tech she's provided with do all the fancy stuff anyways. ...That said, it technically is smoke and mirrors. Her clan does more stuff with information gathering, distributing and misarranging than assassinations, anyway, so it's a given. Also, it's fun to note that she rarely uses her voring abilities while on-duty, mostly because her body was engineered at birth to not digest another still-living being unless both sides will it. Top that with her preference for endosomatophilia, and it's a win-win situation. On a side note, she's looking into being a breast vore ninja...

Brought to you by ZergAlts, screwing with tropes with extreme prejudice. On a random ending note, it appears Kururugi Suzaku had a daughter...

Hey--don't touch that thing! Yes, YOU! That's my crap!
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Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
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