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Access Project "MOONGATE"
Anti-Malicious Predator Weapon
Subject: Kunstliche_Madchen
Location: Altamonte Springs, Florida
Approximate Date Since Manufacture: 1 month
Apparent Age: mid to late teens
Gender Preference: Female
Significant Others: n/a
Associates: n/a
Unaugmented Bust Measurement: approx. A-B cup
Height (unarmed): 4' 11"
Weight (unarmed): 181 lbs
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Opening audio log.
Playing audio log:
*thunk thunk thunk* Testing, testing. Is this thing on? It is? Okay, thanks, Church. Um... this... this is the player for ZergAlts here.
And... yeah. This is unlike any profile I've ever made, so I hope people don't think this is a stealth alt due to frustrations and creepers, 'cause I only have an abundance of one and not both, so so far, there's no reason for me to abandon my hard work. Not to mention, I've come up with something interesting. From what I know so far, this little thing here is a weapon intended for usage against extra-voracious predators who eat without the intent of reforming their prey afterwards, as well as other sorts of criminals. If anything, vore predators are the least of her peeves from the looks of things. While I'm on that subject... there are those who are in less danger than others. Basically, the more one partakes with fatality intent, the more they have to worry about. The fatality thing seems to be her creator's main concern, since she shows slight signs of indifference towards those who reform their prey after vore.
Talk about Instant AI, Just Add Water, 'cause that's almost literally what I've got here. A powerful artificial intelligence here, with capabilities that are quite impressive. How powerful, I have no idea. Um, hang on... *clicking can be heard in the background* Aah, here we go. Aah... the Anti-Malicious Predator Weapon, codenamed "Kunstliche Madchen", is typically seen wearing the pictured clothing, no exceptions. This isn't due to taste, necessarily, as much as it is some limitations of her programming. Apparently, some schmo thought we all live in some friggin' visual novel, and even the characters THERE change clothes every now and then. Take a look at Shiki Tohno, for instance. At any rate, she isn't normally seen with the hat on, though... as cute as it is, she seems to want to keep it off.
Personality-wise, "Kun-chan" is often a cheery girl, sometimes unsettlingly so depending on the situation around her. However, it seems that certain triggers set off often abrupt mood changes in the girl... I dunno what these are, I don't pay too much attention to details when I've got something running in the background. Could be tears, tone of voice, environmental cues, whatever. But yeah, she's often a militant optimist with a bright outlook for the future, which is saying something given the people around here. *disgusted groan* Other times, though, when Kun-chan finds a target, she gets a very hunter-esque disposition to the point of stalking her prey and waiting for the opportune time to strike. In that sense, she's a sort of vigilante that, on paper, doesn't seem that much better from the very predators and other villainous sorts that she hunts on a regular basis.
Now then... what exactly makes Kun-chan a weapon... hey Church, can you hit that button on the iPad there? No no, the big red one. The big friggin' red--there we go. Now then, it appears that, for a weapon, the only real "enhancements" are superior durability and strength, along with sensory capabilities that allow her to hear and/or smell something coming from further away than even a dog. Basically, she forgoes being packed with built-in weapons to be able to dole out damage in CQC and take quite a bit of punishment herself. And I don't blame 'em, I once saw Sarge ricocheting assault rifle rounds off of her chest. And another thing, too: yesterday, I noticed that I heard rattling of some kind in her right forearm. Turns out that she's also a dispenser for reformation pills for those who intend to be eaten. And another thing... she keeps twin axes on her person somewhere but I'm not sure where. Seriously, I think I'd like to have a word wi--wait.
Church, what is that look on her face? What is that look on her face? Jesus Christ, I'm pissing myself, she's getting closer, oh God, no no nononononono--
Grab her! Grab her--ow! Dammit, watch your gauntlets, dude! Hold her by the arms! Alright, we got her now--
*Wilhelm scream*
*glass breaking*
GAVIN, ARE YOU SERIOUS!? Are you fucking kidding me?
[Gavin: I don't know what went on there!]
*angry snarls turning to yelling*
--------DATA LOST--------
...Free at last...

Two of these can combine into a mean double-headed axe. To wit, one of these is broad enough to cover the top half of her torso (bottom of ribcage to collarbone).
- Player has a special hatred for fatal digestion. Post digestion reformation (if digestion occurs, which is rarely), in-scene or off-scene, is required.
- Player is whisper-friendly like you wouldn't believe.
- Player loves "nether" play. >///> Cunnilingus, slit-smothering, unbirthing...
- "GERMAN SCIENCE IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD!!!!!!" -- Rudol(f) von Stroheim