
WIP. For a more detailed profile click here.
Formerly a human bard lost in the Feywild, her body and mind found themselves warped, twisted into something new. While her old name and memories were lost upon her transformation into a faerie, Krissys forged herself a new persona. While Krissys cares for the people she surrounds herself with, her greedy whims and lust for new experiences have created a perfect magical glutton. When she’s not busy slaying and devouring local monsters and pests, she’s luring the locals into the woods or into her gullet to let her live lavishly. Indulgent as all of this is, Krissys’s main motive lies in establishing a faerie court in her name and becoming a true archfey.
Yet it’s all too often that the upstart fae bites off more than she can chew. Monsters and adventurers, knights, and other fae often seek to usurp or claim her power for themselves. Depending on if they play their cards right, she finds herself defeated…only brought back through her natural connection to the Feywild. But in some scenarios, there’s no escape for an ambitious faerie like her.
Do you have what it takes to survive an encounter with her?