
I'm sorry the images aren't great quality, but... "You buy cheap, you get cheap!" *Coughgotitforfreecough*
So.... Yeah, I put it together... But I can't technically say I own it I guess. >.>
I'd be happy to try and do one for you if you want one though. :D
Name: Yuki Kotone
Race: Human? *Pats ears* Oh. Um... Human with ears and a tail? (Still deciding what to make her... Leaning towards nekomimi right now.)
Height: 4'
(Initial height can be discussed.)
Weight: 65 lbs
Eyes: Right: Red - Left: Green
Skin: Pale
Birthday: Dec. 25th!
Personality: Outgoing, trusting, direct, very submissive, naive.
Abilities: Go a bit further down. :P
Scent / Flavor: Faint vanilla and strawberry. The flavor intensifies depending on how happy she is.
Prized Possessions: The bow on her head and her collar.
Voice: Soft, calming, relaxed.
"Nyaaaawn... Zzzz"
Kotone never says much about her past, but with her flawless skin and cheerful demeanor, it couldn't have been anything traumatic, right? Well, since she doesn't have to worry about much, why shouldn't she be happy?
With what little she will tell you, you will find she comes from a very magically inclined race, and it has taken quite a toll on her body through her family's generations. There was no longer a need to cast the magic for it to take effect.
What kind of magic? Nothing too special really. Not only is she easily above average in physical strength, agility and dexterity, most offensive magic doesn't even hurt her. Even things like psychokinesis and mental manipulation are negated when used on her.
One thing that she can cast on herself is to make her body extremely small. This has gotten her eaten more than once, but her body is also able to withstand a trip into a belly, and everything after. (On one occasion, she tricked the pred. into thinking they had digested her, even though all she did was slowly reduce her size.) But she doesn't seem to mind this happening, actually. In fact, if one asked if they could swallow her, she is very likely to smile and nod.
One of her last powers is the ability to use healing magic. If someone she knows says they feel sick, or something else, she might just offer herself to go in and make them feel all better. The only limitation is that she need to make direct contact with whatever is wounded or feeling bad. Well... It does wear her out if she uses too much energy though.
Oddly enough, she even likes to have an occasional friendly spar. Kotone will never use a weapon besides her own body, but she finds the adrenaline rush to be a great feeling. When the fight is over, she then likes to offer herself to her friend as a reward to them.
Kotone is absolutely fascinated by giants/ giantess' (Or if they are at least much bigger than her). If she finds one, don't be surprised if she starts to climb up. With that said, she also loves to be held, cuddled and the like, especially when she is much smaller than the one holding her. Being held in a single large hand is one of her favorite things to do.
Other things fascinate her as well. Mainly things that are just really out of the ordinary. Goo-girls, for example. How do they work? She would certainly love to find one.
Kotone is very innocent minded, and often very naive. She also doesn't know much about the more modern life culture. Please keep this in mind.
She will even admit that she doesn't like to wear clothing, except for her collar and bow. She only wears them because the one who gave her her two prized possessions asked her to. So if she thinks it's okay to take the discomforts off, she won't hesitate!
Kotone is very energetic and often loves to play, so don't be surprised if she pounces on you as a greeting!
She also LOVES to swim and splash about in the water.
Just because she is strong, she is not indestructible.
... If it is too much of a problem, she doesn't have to be really strong... (Kind of a character killer, but if it would help a rp, I'll consider doing it.)
Please look at these before asking for a rp. I hate having to turn people down, especially when they seem like a good rp partner... :<
If it's in the middle, then I have no preference on the subject.
Just because it is at 100% yes does not mean it has to happen.
I do prefer posts to be at least three or so lines long, but I still go by 'quality over quantity.'
Any questions, just ask. :3
If I do stuff in the open, it is 99.99% likely that it was just a greeting or a small joke... Or something. Not a serious post. So if you see me doing three word 'posts,' that's not how I actually rp. :x
Roleplays do not need to be 100% sex/ vore based. Building actual relationships between characters is good to.
If you want her to be unwilling... I guess it can be arranged.
RP Ideas:
Coming soon!
An alt of;
Check this profile for preferences and a character list.