Age: Around 700 years old
Height: 5'4"
Weight: Weightless
Bust: 34 B
Species: Menreiki (Unique Tsukumogami)
The Lost Emotion 2 3 4
Toyasatomimi No Miko ('Father')
Kochiya Sanae (Friend)
Futatsuiwa Mamizou (Friend)
Hakurei Reimu (Friend)
Hijiri Byakuren (Friend)
Toramaru Shou (One-sided Friendship)
Kirisame Marisa (Acquaintance)
Morichika Rinnosuke (Acquaintance)
Komeiji Satori (Acquaintance)
Komeiji Koishi (One-sided hatred.)
Hata no Kokoro (秦 こころ) is a Menreiki youkai. She appears in Hopeless Masquerade as the Final Stage Boss. She doesn't seem to get along very well with Koishi Komeiji.
Hata no Kokoro is a youkai of menreiki, and she holds a total of 66 masks. She became a youkai after a long time from these masks which were used by the the father of Sarugaku performance, Hata no Kawakatsu.
When Prince Shoutoku was in war against Soga no Moriya, Prince Shoutoku ordered that Kawakatsu perform 66 types of play for ancient ritual with 66 masks given by Prince Shoutoku. After the plays, the war ended and there came peace.
During Hopeless Masquerade, Kokoro loses her mask of hope. Losing her hope causes her power to control emotions to go berserk, causing the humans in the Human Village to lose hope as well and become enthralled in a religious popularity contest that comes to be known as the "dueling fad". Reimu Hakurei and the others participate in this contest and are eventually guided by Mamizou Futatsuiwa to the Human Village at night, where Kokoro searches in vain for her lost mask. Most of the characters who try to stop her come up with their own solutions to her hopelessness, but none of them completely work until Mamizou notices the contradictory actions Kokoro is taking and offers her own advice, which is to stop relying on the masks and discover her own, true emotions through meeting (and fighting) a variety of people. In the process of doing so she discovers her own anger at the religious leaders who are taking advantage of the situation, and Reimu, Byakuren, and Miko team up to stop her.
Kokoro naturally has a quiet, child-like personality but also a love of the stage, and relies on her masks to properly communicate her emotions. During the events of Hopeless Masquerade all of her emotions are stored in her masks, causing her behaviour to swing wildly as she switches between them. Eventually, however, she manages to develop a sense of self and become less dependent on them.
Manipulating emotions: Each of the masks which make up Kokoro embody powerful emotion, and will impress that emotion on the holder and those around them. When all 66 masks are together, their effects complement each other and are under Kokoro's full control. If an individual mask is separated from the group then it retains its properties, but Kokoro will also lose the ability to feel that emotion completely. Losing her Mask of Hope caused Kokoro to become unstable and leech hope from her surroundings, until she was able to compensate by developing emotions separate from her masks'.
Kokoro has 66 different masks, each of which depict an emotion. During the events of Hopeless Masquerade, she is unable to express emotions without using these masks. Typically, she just uses the masks that represent joy, anger, pathos, and humor. These masks were created by Prince Shotoku, who later creates a replacement Mask of Hope modelled on her own face.
A brief selection are below
Young woman (Ko-omote, lit. "small face"): Joy
Hannya: Anger
Old woman (Uba): Pathos, melancholy
God of happiness (Fuku no kami): Humor, laughter
Hyottoko: Cheerful
Monkey: Confusion, awkwardness
Thunder and lightning (Raiden): Surprise
Fox: Determination, seriousness
Toyasado mask: 'Fatherly' Love
Kirisame (Witch) Hat: Deception
Inaba (rabbit) ears: Pranks, Tomfoolery
Oni: Drunk
Kero mask: Loud, cheery brashness.
Kanako Mask: Stoic
Celestial mask: Uncaring, ignoring.
Bridal Veil:Love, Devotion
Succubus Horns: Lust, Desire
Celestial Halo: Honor, Faith
Hashihime Mask: Jealousy
Kokoro's original Mask of Hope is described by Koishi, who possesses it as resembling a Jizo statue.
Kokoro briefly uses a number of substitute Masks of Hope as part of her attempts to stabilise her emotions, including festival masks (which are not very effective), and a mask specially crafted by Miko herself (which is too effective as a mask of hope, and would cause her to stop existing as a youkai. It now represents motherly love.).
OOC notes
RP Touhou!
Touhou RP!
Other Images

"Father and Byakuren-Sama often feed me things. They say I smile when I eat something I like."

"Byakuren-Sama....I believe she has an unhealthy obsession with trying to show me motherly affection."

"Rinnosuke-san made this outfit for me. I do not understand its purpose, but most people seem to take great delight in seeing me within it."

"Father's mask...I...I will never lose it and cherish it always."