This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
Kobushi was your average neko-jin, as a child that is. He grew up with a rather odd father. His father, angered him so much. Constantly abusing his mother and siblings. From beating, to molesting, it all irritated Kobushi. Though his father molested his sisters more often this his brothers. There came a day, a day when Kobushi could no longer take it, and he lost himself. Finally regaining his consciousness, he stood there, a boy, standing around a fire, debris all around him. He had destroyed what he loved, except his father...He didn't love that man. Now, he was alone, very alone. Living with the guilt of killing his family. Though that night a vow was made, a strong one, one that he would keep. To never become his father, which to this day, he had yet to become. He has gone down a very tough road, one with heart break, anger, and sadness. All the while, learning new things. The bad thing is, one lover caused everything to go wrong. Someone made a threat against her life, and as ransom, merely wanted a weapon from Kobushi. Which was made. But it went to waste. The two had been engaged, but it ended. Leaving Kobushi alone, as resentment, he never gave the weapon to the one who made the threat. He now wears it, on his left shoulder. A shoulder plate made entirely of ash. It has morphed to his body, giving him a rather different power. The shoulder plate, had a power that Kobushi didn't create it with. It absorbs the emotions of its wearer. Or rather the opposite emotions. Kobushi is a rather calm, mellow person. And after placing the plate on his shoulder, and becoming upset. It took those emotions. So now, when it takes over. Those emotions over run Kobushi's mind, and he becomes very different. Blood thirsty, and violent. Though it as well has a mellow side, and shows it often. The distinction between the two are very obvious. Kobushi's normal side is a red outside, while the shoulder plate's side is a black outside. As well, when the shoulder plate's emotions are in control, it isn't visible. For its what gives the black outer look. Kobushi as well has a home of his own, known as the Fire Plains. This land is very beautiful, but is only accessible by means of Kobushi himself, or an item created by him. Such as a ring, or necklaces. If one gets the sent of burnt flesh, it is because Kobushi is around after recently doing a 'clean up' of his home. This place is created of all fire, but only in a 'soul' type of way. The trees trunks are a redish color, with leaves ranging from yellow-red-orange, like in fall. The grass, is the orange, just like a setting sun. The sky, seems to always been in a state of a beautiful sun set. Until it becomes a starry night sky. Its called the plains for that's the center of it. A large open meadow, a boulder sits in the middle of the meadow. Surrounding this meadow, is an endless land of forest. Now Kobushi is able to morph the land as he pleases. Able to give it a beach, or even a house. To explain the burnt flesh when he 'cleans up' is because he has to destroy the trees. If he doesn't take care of the forestry then the trees will explode into ash, and cover the rest of the trees. Which if left alone for to long, will cause all the trees to become destroyed. Which leads to a charred, desolate land. When he cleans up, he walks over to a tree, places his hand on it, and explodes it into a flame, which he then takes into his body. Which scorches the flesh. It doesn't hurt him, but lets off a nasty smell. Maybe its time to speak of his powers. His powers deal with enhancement. He has the ability to increase his movement speed, as well as his endurance. Making him able to handle more hits, with less pain. Outside of his enhancements, he controls fire, giving him the ability to create guantlets for his hands(up to his elbows) and his feet(up to the knee) This hover off his form, and allow him to discharge the flame in any direction. His most used ability though is his ability to see with his eyes closed. When his eyes are closed, his vision becomes black, and any movement, shows up white, do to the air currents moving. (Kinda like Daredevils, only with air, and not as revealing.
Normal Form
Shoulder Plate Form