Grouping of Knights in progress, please wait.
Alt of Rin_Yurizin, go there to see preferences. Note these knights are from a world called Amai and therefore are not all on the same side, though alliances and team ups are made to benefit multiple groups...
Color indicates power and threat level:
Silver equals normal high ranked knight, medium-high threat.
Low ranked, low threat.
More powerful then the normals, high threat.
This would be a boss, very high threat level.
Demi-god or god level, can be beyond normal means of handling.
Unknown difficulty, expect anything.
Name : Dia Veinfield
Age : 26
Height : 5'
Weight : 121lbs
Rank : Divine Blue Knight (( Legendary Knights of Amai ))
Skill : All sorts of magic, stronger with earth and divine ones... Ghost Blades, Divine Blade, Divine Fists.
Orientation : Straight
Personality : Kind, observant, open minded but decisive, and honorable.
Dia, a Divine Blue Knight who graduated from Blue Academy in Luna Goren, top of her class as well at age 22. She was positioned as a Divine Blue Knight and given some more special training with using the Ghost Blades ad Divine Fist techniques, along with being granted a special magical book, a Blue Knight Grimoire. She also happens to be of a special earthen Youkai race as well, a rare thing for youkai to actually join the knights but not unheard of and well, the Blue Knights enjoy the diversity they add, Dia is no exception.
Of the Blue Knights, there are rank Classifications, being in order of greatest to weakest; First Class, Divine, Commander, Second Class, Captain, Lieutenant, Third Class, Fledgling, Grunt... Also the Blue Knights were started by Rin_Yurizin.

Name : Annavelle Lorstein
Age : 24
Height : 5'4"
Weight : "nope."
Rank : High class knight, Royal Knight.
Skill : Great two handed sword user and spell blade.
Orientation : Lesbian
Personality : Cocky, arrogant, tricky.
Annavelle Lorstein, a powerful knight with a powerful sword in her hand, blessed with the power to reform herself directly from the magic her King possesses, she may be quite cocky and well full of herself, but she is as loyal as a dog to him, she wouldn't hesitate to take out her friends if he asked her, maybe... The townsfolk find her useful and well decent to get along with, there are others worse then her.
She views herself as the most important piece besides the king on the battlefield and doesn't hesitate at all to make a move or command others, she is afterall in charge of the army and even most knights. Even outside of battle and the castle she has a in charge attitude, granted she would not speak out on things she knows nothing about or not enough but will in things she does and does with others take control of how it goes.

Name : Eshenesra Irithyl
Age : 78
Height : 5'5"
Weight : 137lbs
Rank : High Elf
Skill : Thrusting sword, magic user.
Orientation : Pan
Personality : Arrogant, open minded however at times, honorable.

Name : Lilian Everest
Age : 21
Height : 5'2"
Weight : 109lbs
Rank : Aspiring Knight, Mercenary Group leader.
Skill : Longsword and Shield user, enhancer magic.
Orientation : Straight
Personality : Watchful, cautious, sometimes tricky.

Name : Tirvona Hellraven
Age : Unknown
Height : 5'3"
Weight : 160lbs, heavier then she looks...
Rank : Archdemonknight
Skill : Hellfire blade, hellfire magic, wind magic, and shield user.
Orientation : Pan
Personality : Tough, brutish, observant, and get this honorable.
Tirvona, a powerful demon located in hell, a hotter area then usual, souls the the damn and demons walking in the area, pools of lava and hellfires storms and torrents over the area, it is its own little realm there, it has a strong connection to the normal worlds as well. Tirvona herself is the "Noble" of the area being a high classed demon, and the one who outputs the energy causing the place to be hotter then most other areas in hell. There are multiple fortifications and even a large castle like mansion, which Tirvona owns overlooking the hellish realm.

Name : Nirva Sylvian
Age : Unknown, about as old as Tirvona though.
Height : 5'6"
Weight : 131lbs
Rank : General under Tirvona
Skill : Metal manipulation but only of certain types, succubus skills, wind dark and fire magic.
Orientation : Pan
Personality : Playful, observant, and calm under most circumstances.

Name : Maria Alice
Age : 31
Height : 6'
Weight : 171lbs
Rank : Dragon
Skill :
Orientation : Straight
Personality : (( undecided ))

Name : Anzovel Crimson
Age : 45 (21 when crossed)
Height : 5'7"
Weight : 147lbs
Rank : Vampire Knight
Skill : Hack n slasher, blade dancer, vampire fledgling powers.
Orientation : Bi
Personality : Quick moving, rash, but somewhat watchful.

Name : Scarlette
Age : ?
Height : 5'1"
Weight : ?
Rank : Vampire Lord
Skill : Blood seeker edge, Iai striker, Pyromancery.
Orientation : Bi
Personality : Cool and collect, a bit forceful at times.
Scarlette is a very powerful vampire who had recently appeared, though her power seems to tell she has been a vampire for some time maybe even a pure blood, the fact she can use pyromancery makes so much more of a threat, added the fact she herself is immune to flames because of it. Some may even say she seems to be from a different time as well, quite a mysterious character with almost no information on her and her existence.

Name : Queen Celwin Yuniko
Age : 36
Height : 70'9"
Weight : "Enough you crush you little people beneath my foot if you ask again."
Rank : Queen
Skill : Divine Blade, berserker.
Orientation : Bi, not really interested much.
Personality : Blunt, to the point, sometimes downright cruel, different to friends.
The Queen of the Giants, Celwin Yuniko, a god slayer and beserker commander of her army, her wrath on the battlefield is frightening and unrelenting, her blunt and cruel tongue biting and just as bad, she lives up to the name made for her throughout Amai as one of the most feared beings, granted even Celwin would listen to the Blue Knights.