
The Knight Watch was founded on April 1, 2010 to balance out the rising number of holy warriors, creatures of light, and generally any good souled warriors that had been popping up all over the realms. Members of the watch are directed to capture, interrogate, and perform all manners of cruel and devious act to any paladins, knights, angels and the like.

Starting in May, there will be a new "Target of the month" There will be some sort of contest relating to said target, though at this time, I'm not sure what it will be.

Members of the Watch: - ((Always looking for more members))


Those that are on "the List" - ((OOC Note : Permission is obtained for people being on said list, and their characters can be removed at any time the user wishes))

Charity : Threat Level unknown, but assumed high. : From all data gathered thus far, Charity is highly skilled with the sword, and very adept at Unbirthing. Approach with caution and stealth, unless your arrogant, then just go for a frontal assault and see what happens.

Dynne : Threat Level mild : Not much data exists yet. Main Weapons: Teeth and Claws.

Eoan : Threat Level unknown : Not much data exists yet.

Katriana_Thorn :Threat Level Unknown : Not much data exists yet.

Kitah : Threat Level Medium : Main weapon Sword. not much info exists yet.

Nerix_Moldovia : Threat Level Unknown : Not much data exists yet.