
"Oh dammit...not again.."
Kiyoshi is really nothing special, average grades, he isn't very good at sports, he's a little clumsy. Despite his good looks he's hardly popular at school. It all boils down to how clumsy he is, at least that's what he thinks, he often falls asleep in class, he always seems to be in his own little world, so when people try to get his attention it usually falls on deaf ears. As for the dating scene, well, Kiyoshi has never quite managed to wrangle a date. Then there is the matter of his appearance, he has porcelain skin...but bright red eyes and pink hair...and he swears it's natural! It caused quite a bit of controversy at his school, as they demanded he prove it was natural, he attempted to wash out the color in his hair in front of the principal, and lo and behold, nothing! Kiyoshi is quite nice really, if you catch him and get him to pay attention, he's friendly and warm. However, it does take some work to get to know him, after all being unnoticed for so long like him can tend to make someone rather shy when they are contacted. This has also made him sexually submissive...if someone actually managed to bed him!
Lithe and slender, Kiyoshi is quite the trap. Despite this however he doesn't seem to get much attention. He dresses pretty casual usually, though often times he prefers the female outfits simply because they are more comfortable and it doesn't draw attention. After all he hardly looks male at first glance so people don't bother to point out he's cross dressing. And because he's so under the radar people he goes to school with forget he is male!
It's hard to say exactly where Kiyoshi came from, or if he's even human. He inexplicably has no family to speak one has ever been to his house to confirm how he survives on his own. Of course the reason for all this is quite...strange. You see...Kiyoshi was minding his own business one night, quite a few years ago, and no you didn't read that wrong. He passed an alley and a strange pale woman peered at him from the shadows, he felt oddly compelled to head down said Alley, he never emerged again. The next thing he remembers is waking up in bed at his home, his neck kinda hurt...Years passed and the clumsy boy started to realize something rather strange was going on, he wasn't getting any older...physically that is. His parents started to notice this as well. Next came his seemingly permanent insomnia, anytime the sun came up he felt ridiculously tired. Sometimes he'd submit to it during the Summer when school wasn't in session. Eventually all of this became hard to miss and his parents left! Waking to find himself alone he began to worry that something was really wrong, because now he had an odd fascination with blood...Now, Kiyoshi hasn't managed to really put all this together as you no doubt have already. But yes, he's a vampire! Thanks to the fact he seems to have the super natural ability to be unnoticed, no one has noticed the boy has lived here for the better part of ten years or so. Or gone to the same school, or lived in the same house, and Kiyoshi himself has still yet to figure out what he is, even though he seems to be able to draw others to him occasionally, specifically when he feels hungry, but they always seem to forget him the next day!
One of the Yuri_Alts