Devoured by
Kivana is a handmaiden of
Syllea. She is a perma prey.
Kivana is a former whore turned live in slut for Syllea. She had planned to devoure the lovely beaty herself but thought better fo it and
decided to use her as a bargaining chip and diplomat. She stands at a modest 5'2, with long flowing blonde hair, Hourglas figure of 100 lbs
and delicious 32 DD Breasts.
07:57:23 Soomi: On the beach front, Soomi was slowly kissing and massaging Kivan's lovely breasts as the sharkgirl would arrive. Her lips and tongue were ravishing the girl's enormous and juicy breasts.
>07:58:40 Kivana_Syllea: The elves were completely unaware of their surroundings, surrendering themselves to the lustful endeavors. Kivana would moan loudly as she enjoyed the feeling of Soomi's mouth onto her lovely breasts.
>07:58:55 Kivana_Syllea: The elves were completely unaware of their surroundings, surrendering themselves to the lustful endeavors. Kivana would moan loudly as she enjoyed the feeling of Soomi's mouth onto her lovely breasts
>07:59:02 Kivana_Syllea: (Rip i thought it didn't send)
07:59:36 Xandra_Silkscale: She’d sneak up towards these gals. Grinning at how easy this seemed to be~ her eyes darting left and right to assure no one else was there. Before sneaking over the sand with a sly grin and an empty belly. She’d move right up to her toes, getting ready~
07:59:40 Velvet_Sky: And Velvet? Whiel she wasn't actively participating herself, she was watching on slowly playing with her cunt. Masturbating and moaning loudly, each elf was oblivious to a T.
08:00:17 Velvet_Sky: (Whose toes?)
08:02:43 Soomi: Niether of them would notice. Kivana and Soomi's toes were basically aligned with one another. in the meanwhile Soomi gave a bigger kiss to Kivana's breasts enveloping a good deal as she sucked harder and harder.
>08:03:42 Kivana_Syllea: With this motion Kivana would throw her head back and closer her eyes. Such easy prey they would be as kivana wrapped her arms around Soomi's body.
08:05:18 Xandra_Silkscale: How funny, while soomi sucked so did Xandra, working her figure up and around their legs as a wet tight esophagus wormed it’s way up and up~ a smile played the sharks maw before she’d get to suchthickfat asses~ after this she’d make herself known, and began to raise herself up! Tail moving to push the hunks of cheeks down~
08:07:56 Soomi: At first soomi would squeal in fear, but then her conditioning kicked in. This is it, the moment that her entire life led up to. She was going to be a delictable snack. Their tastes would mingle as wood elf and high elf juices began to slide down one anothers legs, down into Xandra's waiting maw.
>08:08:49 Kivana_Syllea: Kivana was less willing though. She had just became an important figure to the princess, so she would squirm in vain to try and wiggle out to no avail.
08:09:34 Velvet_Sky: Velvet had been first. but then she would just continue to masturbte to the scene as memories of spying on other elves being eaten entered her mind. This was a terrible idea, but she was too deep in pleasure and lust to think rationally.
08:11:30 Xandra_Silkscale: She’d soon stand up, rubbing her belly while her tail pushed the struggling figures down. Their added already claimed, another gulp and they’d soon fly right down her maw! Slipping into her gut together. Such huge curves would be enjoyed~ and she’d have nothing but a nice gurgle space for them past her lips. And her tits~ this was also the time velvet saw she was a herm. And quite a thick one too~
08:13:28 Soomi: With each gulp, Soomi's moans became higher and higher, though soon she would find that her companion didn't think the same way. Poor Kivana, a quick kiss would stop her from calling out help though. She would cum twice during this process, Once when the maw closed over them, and again when she was deep inside the gut. She was amused at Kivana's poor attempts at self-preservations as she would hump against Xandra's walls.
>08:14:57 Kivana_Syllea: Kivana did indeed struggle in vain. A surprise hit her when her moutch was kept shut by soomi's bigger mouth around her lips. Her heart raced and adrenaline ran rampant as the maw would close over them. Deep inside the gullet she frantically tried to kick her way out to no avail of course. She then remembered that Soomi was a bred Meal slut, what a person to be caught being eaten with.
08:16:22 Velvet_Sky: When the maw closed around her companions Velvet looked on and saw the massive throbbign cock. She stopped herself letting her sex drive reset as she had thoughts of wha the shark girl had planned for her. Velve opened her legs for Xandra, hoping that she would take the invite and fuck her before she devoured her. Althought she would in the back of her mind lament her sudden demise, she knew that this was her fate anyways and accepted it.
08:18:57 Xandra_Silkscale: After a few more accepted and muring gulps. The twin meal would look nice and tight in her gut. Sagging around as she’d lap her lips, she’d grope and feel them both up, playing with her gut and soon making her way along towards velvet. The orb still struggling and trying to escape, but failing to do so~ She’d soon move over to a waiting velvet, the gurgles of her gut loud and clear while she walked on over, eager to have her all to herself~ she’d soon lay over her, pressing the still ‘chunky’ gut against her. The shaft teasing her slit and, oh, oh this was.mmh~ it was larger than it looked
>08:20:45 Kivana_Syllea: After exerting herslf quite well to try and escape and given the lack of air here, it wouldn't take long before Kivana would pass out before the acids would even kick in. Her mind drifted thinking of what could have been before closing her eyes one last time.
08:21:49 Soomi: As her companion drifted off Soomi was able to grind herself against her friend's body as the gut began to close in around them. She was able to squeeze out one last orgasms before the lack of air would make her pass out as well.
08:23:00 Velvet_Sky: She was now pressed up against what was surely the churning and gurgling remains of her friends. As terrifying as this should be, she was excited even more. moaning at what was happening before her. "F...fuck me as hard as you can" she would squeak out.
08:24:09 Xandra_Silkscale: Shed grin at her words and soon eased the shaft inside. The largest shaft in terms of girth she had probably ever had. And ever will. Soon velvet is slowly screwed, a gradual build up to get accustomed to not only the size and feeling but also the rhythmic churning of her friends bodies nearby~
08:26:17 Velvet_Sky: Sensing no more movement inside oft he shark girl's belly Velvet concluded that the end had passed for them. This made her even more wet and excited, practically making it so that the large shaft would just slide deep inside of her easily. A very loud moan can be heard as the shaft was embedded inside of her.
08:27:47 Xandra_Silkscale: She’d soon thrust faster, feeling her entry way wetted and ready she’d start to properly fuck her form, moaning in delight while she’d slide this cock in and out with eagerness. A deep seeded murr in her form while she’d gurgle and break her meals down, sex always did make her hungry~ and it gave velvet an idea where she’d go~
08:27:48 Soomi: Both girls would remain silent from here on out.
>08:27:54 Kivana_Syllea: to be churned away
08:29:36 Velvet_Sky: Velve would wrap as much of her legs around Xandra as she could. She would enjoy this pleasure, this one last orgasm before the shark girl would finish her off. She would buck her hips to help out as much as she could, perhaps if she was lucky she'd be kept as a live in slut instead, but she knew those cahnces were slim
08:39:48 Xandra_Silkscale: The woman had some ideas for her true place~ moaning as she held on nicely. It was enough to force her I to her back, and her tail to start skidding her up and down up and down on that cock~ “Mmh~ I could use you for a nice load~ wanna join these two? Or live in me~” She asked
08:41:04 canibalos: wow ! who want to be eaten ?
08:41:10 Velvet_Sky: Velvet didn't need to think twice she nodded. "L...Live" She would squeak out in between moans
08:42:54 Xandra_Silkscale: “Mmh~ a sentient girl living deep in my balls? Swinging left and right for ever~ it’s a rather worrisome job living in there~ making sure to pleasure me and. Ah. AAAAAH~” She began, but was silenced as her balls began to constrict and she’d send a nice hot jet of cum outwards~ filling up inside the elf~
08:44:42 Velvet_Sky: Velvet let out a climactic moan as well as she'd cum a little after Xandra did. She was quite tired out from the ordeal but she nodded, loving the idea of this new world of pleasure. " might've just knocked me up as well...."
08:48:40 Velvet_Sky: "'d want me to..." She began to squirm out waiting for what comes next.
08:49:08 Xandra_Silkscale: Might’ve was an understatement. While not larger than her tits. So she couldn’t look and see. A proper baby bump was below her, rounded with warm white cub~ the sharks gut churning and bubbling down. “Oh I *UUURB* bet~ its why your mind now. Until the baby’s born you’ll be staying with me.” She Replied.
08:50:14 Xandra_Silkscale: She’d angle the cock to her face, waiting for her to do what she agreed~
08:50:40 Velvet_Sky: The idea of being a mother filled Velvet's heart with hope and joy. She eagerly use her hands to open the way as she squirmed inside of the large shark cock to be kept safely, atleast until the baby was delivered.
08:52:01 Xandra_Silkscale: She’d hear deep seeded Myers but restricted moans.5)3 scent and musk deep in here, smelling so widnerfully she might have wanted to melt when there was cum in here. “Mmh.there we are. There we are.” She said, feeling her tits, the only feature worth while on velvet, sunk into her balls
08:54:12 Velvet_Sky: Velvet positioned herself to be dropped deep into the sack, curling up inside of it and overwhelmed b y the scent slowly began to pass out for now.
08:56:12 Soomi: Ok i'll try to remember