
Uh, KiyoWinters now comes in kitsune flavor. More detailed sliders on the main profile.

Erika_Atit gave herself as an offering to me, her goddess, and now she can only be seen residing in a flower bed (KiyosFlowerBed) on the shrine grounds for all to see, and for all time.

Is now Boss_Melinda's pet. And there may be some disagreement on what those words mean.
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike No, kitsunes are not food! Except for a certain purple kitsune, that one is food, other kitsunes aren't, especially this one.
Pred on Pred Action Always/Love
Cats and Nekos Always/Love
Eating Preds Always/Love
Kitsunes Always/Love
Never/Dislike Well then, don't mind if I do. I gotta make sure i'm the top kitsune around here.No, stop, I'm supposed to be the better kitsune around here!