Profile of the almighty purple floof.

Kira is simple vixen of three tails. Soft lush fur that carried just a slight hint of a floral scent and lavender. Her eyes often being either friendly or deviant, but always sends fear to the heart of any micro. She generally wears simple clothes, but always has that bitten skull. A simple t-shirt and a pair of jeans, usually comes off as tomboyish. Personality wise, it really depends on how tall you are, and how well you know her. She loves to torment little micros, but is sometimes nice to those bigger than her. At 4'4", that's quite a few. At times she can be playful deviant, maybe even quite the seductress if the mood hits her.
Kira's Body and Soul
Kira is simply a traditional Kami kitsune, set on the mortal plain where she doesn't belong. To stay there, she must collect and use the life energy from just about anything around her. When having gone without a meal, the plant life will slowly decay around her. Her physical form is simply a golem put together through magic and mass collection. Being extremely difficult to create and sustain, she isn't particular about dying. Upon death, she'll return to the realm of the dead where she must start the entire process once more. (Important note, it is impossible to 'take her tails' or devour her soul. You can weaken it, entrap it, and even feed off of it, but never completly destroy it.) Her tails are also not a show of power or age, but rather a mark maturity. After important life changing events, she gains a tail. Anything from personality to way way she views her own life and purpous can change when this happens. Do not under estimate her, or over estimate her just by her tails number.
Magical Abilities
Kira's magical ability primarily focuses on exhausting the enemy long before herself. Through powerful illusion magic and defensive wind magic, Kira is near impossible to keep up with. As far as illusion magic goes, she can make multiple convincing clones of herself that appear on command or once struck. They're convincing enough to even fool those with a strong sense of smell, however are easily detected as false to those who can sense life force. As far as wind magic, she's able to slip into the wind for a quick escape or dart around unseen and unheard. As well, she can change and alter the breeze to carry her scent, used to both lure prey or distract foes. This sweet scent it potent enough to leave the hardiest of opponents melting in the hands of this seductress.
Additional Information
I'm fairly flexible in role play, very open minded, and with quite a few interests. Although Kira is at heart a vixen, it's not impossible to find her as a taur, goo gal, macro/micro or even a herm. While I don't RP as much these days, I always love chatting and discussing fun kinky ideas. The best way to get to RP with me is to be patient, be a friend and have good grammar (Capitalization and periods mostly). I also love paws~! Especially love paw worship, or any kind of worship really<3! And one last thing, please do NOT put me in any kind of kill list, friends list, or 'eaten by' list. Thank you![FA][Portal]