I adore every single aspect of vore, if it involves one party consuming/digesting/absorbing/transforming/trapping another party within their body, you can bet I'll be interested =^.^=
Prey Info
Bread and indoctrinated into her nation's "Feeder Corps" this little rabbit was born for the purpose of being food. Every day of her life was designed to condition her to be ready to be someone's next meal and she hated it. She was constantly determined to show that she has value beyond being someone's dinner. As prey, she is constantly fighting back and forth between what she was bread and raised to be, and what her life's dreams and aspirations are.
Depending on what side of her wins out when you are making a meal out of her, she may be a willing little gut slut, or a feisty fighter that does everything she can to make you sick! (The way she plays will largely depend on what her pred is looking for in their prey OOC~)
Favorite Things
Soul Vore
I absolutely adore the concept of Soul Vore. The idea of taking everything that Kimmy ever was, all of her life's experiences, memories, emotions, her very personality and reducing it to your food is just amazing. I also have a very flexible definition for what Soul Vore can be! Sure you can treat her life essence like any other meal. Eat it, digest it, use it for energy and dump what remains, but you can also use it for concepts like absorption, sentient fat, body part TF, or even inanimate object TF too! Any and all ideas relating to using her consciousness after you've had your way with her body is highly encouraged! Even if you are just using it for desert~
Anal Vore
Now let's get one thing straight, I love all kinds of vore. Oral Vore, Cock Vore, Unbirth, Anal Vore, Tail Vore, Breast Vore thay are all really good! With that being said, if you are EVER wondering what I might be wanting at this very moment, trying to decide what type of vore you want to perform on me, or wondering what hole I would like to kiss most, the answer is always your butt. I llooovvvee everything about the ass, it is a real treat when I get to play with someone's rear so if you ever want to make my heart flutter, or just can't decide on where to go next, bringing a sexy behind into things will always be loved~

Consequences of Vore
As prey, I LOVE for there to be some kind of repercussions that I have to learn to live with for the rest of my life (Within the context of our individual RP.) One of the most obvious ways to get this effect is through digestion! Don't be afraid to gurgle me! I love it any way you want it, soft, gooey and pleasurable? Fantastic! Burning, crushing and painful? Amazing! The implication that what is happening can't be undone is phenomenal to me. But don't worry! If you don't like digestion, there are other ways to get this effect too! Absorbing me so that I have to learn to live life as a part of you is another delightful way get this feeling. Same thing with object transformation. You can even get this feeling from prolonged Endo/Entrapment! Making Kimmy live with spending days, weeks, or months trapped inside her pred until she is eventually set free can be really fun!
Degradation and Sub/Dom or Pred/Prey Relationships
Making Kimmy feel like she is literally nothing more than food or some kind of sex toy is one really easy way to find your way into her heart. I am a firm believer that it should be the pred who decides when and what (or who) they eat, not the prey! I really enjoy it when preds just go in and take what they want without asking if it's ok or checking with the prey to make sure they want it~ Do you feel a little peckish? Just snatch this bun up and gobble her down! Feeling a little horney? Just start using Kimmy to satisfy your desires!
As an additional note on this, you don't have to be a cruel, mean, or bitchy pred to degrade Kimmy if you don't want to be. A loving, motherly pred can be snuggling this bun when her belly grumbles. "C'mere sweetie, it's time for lunch~" You can be kind and reassuring and caress her lovingly as long as you are insistent about using her as food. Don't for a moment think that it's not only your right, but it's the natural order of things for her to go in your gut.

Willing or Unwilling?
Both willing and unwilling can be really fun for me, but I usually lean toward the unwilling, struggling, and fighting side of things as long as my pred is into that! If they aren't, then loving, affectionate motherly preds can be really lovely too!
Disposal (Totally not a requirement, but if you are interested in this kind of thing, then read below!)
This one is a bit of a strange one. I don't like gross stuff. I don't want to hear about how smelly or disgusting your shit is, I don't need a detailed description of it's scents or looks or anything else and I have no interest in smelling your farts. Instead of focusing on how gross it is, I enjoy focusing on how degrading it is that I was reduced to your next trip to the bathroom. Don't tell me about your scat, instead, tell me about you directly, and how it feels for you while sitting on the toilet dropping me off. If you do this right, you can even get me interested in being forced to be used as your toilet! But again, it's important to stay away from descriptions of gross looks and smells, and focus on what it means and how it feels emotionally to be reduced to nothing more than your potty.