"Oh that girl? ohh no no, she's just a meal, a slowly dying meal but one non the less".
Name: "Oh My name, I don't have one but I guess you can call me Kira-Niwa... It means Killer Garden".
Age: "Age? oh you mean when i spouted out of the ground? Hmmm... I guess 8 or nine years ago".
Gender: "Oh I'm a female, defently a female"
Height: "I dunno, I'm like so many different plants".
Weight: "Beats the heck out of me".
Hair color: "Blonde, Shocker right, I bet you guessed green cause you know, plants... plant girl... Shut up".
Hair Length: "Nice and long past my human hips, it's soooo pretty".
Eye color: "Brown... you know like the dirt, well not as dark as the dirt".
Body shape: "Small and frail like you know, all little girls are".
Breast size: "Breast? are they some kind of fruit?"
Favorite colors: "Oh that's easy, red, pink and green".
Hated Colors: "You can Hate colors?"
Favorite Food: "Hmmm I like.... them human girls, so sweet, juicy and their blood is like nectar to me".
Hated Food: "Them men with their white sticky sap, ugh pass".
Favorite hobby: Stabbing girls till they bleed down my thorns so i can taste their red nectar, then disposing of the body inside of my flower tube".
Most hated things in the world: "Fire, and snow and anything that can cut me or any plants".
Most Loved things in the world "Sunlight, rain, Blood, a nice warm and gentle breeze, anything that will make me a big plant girl".

"Yay now time to deposit of the body... yummy yummy"