Real name: Móreadhiel (More-ay-ah-thee-ell) Istimaethoriel (Eest-ah-my-thore-ee-ell)
Human name: Kiaya Swiftblade
Literal Translation of name: Dark warrior of the Swift blade.
Race: Moredhel, Drow, Dark elf, Whatever you want to call them.
Age: 235 years old (19 in human)
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 131 lb
Bust: 34 b
Occupation: Blade mistress
Weapon of choice: Rapier/Sabre
Back Story:
" want to know about me? Since when does anyone around here want to know someone's past...its all about kill or be killed, or better put eat or be eaten.....Your still interested huh?" You could tell she was still being a bit sarcastic about the whole situation, especially since she practically blew you off in the first place. She lightly crossed her arms and ran one hand through her hair before returning to the conversation with a small roll of her beautiful golden eyes.
"There isn't much to say actually, House Istimaethoriel really didn't appreciate my view on treating people with respect and reason...So i left...well more like escaped with my life at stake...I usually just tell people i was exiled, but you seem nice enough" She said with a light shrug of her shoulders.
"Its not like I actually care, getting sent away gave me a chance to wander the world and see what it had to offer...and let me tell you, I relish this new world, and all the technology it has to offer....better then living below ground for the rest of my life anyway" she said with a sigh as she lightly looked away a moment, becoming lost in thought.
This did give you the chance to lightly look along her body a moment. You had to admit, she was rather beautiful. The gentle tan color to her skin and the way her body curved, and yet with noticeable tone and definition was nothing short of erotic. She seemed like some exotic beauty who was sent away from her lands, only to do her best living a life wandering. Your eyes continued to travel, along the swell of her chest down toward her legs, till you felt something cup your chin, grip it hard, and then yank you back up to meet her eyes.
"....buddy that is strike one. I am a noble warrior...not a piece of meat. You want to learn more about me, you learn some manners....and if I ever catch you eyeing me like that again, You will be fit to work as a harem guard..." She dropped your chin, then walked away with a scoff, her hand resting on the hilt of her beautiful elven rapier.
AD&D style profile
Str: 14
Alignment:Neutral good
Fighter: 13
Blademistress: 6
Weapon of choice: Rapier/Sabre
Concentration:10: The ability to cast spells without interuption from attack
Dicipline:20 The ability to perform battle techniques without interuption.
Persuasion: 5 the ability to sweet talk/persuade in conversations
Open lock: 8 The ability to open locks
Heal: 14 The ability to treat wounds in a nonmagical fashion.
Since people keep asking, i'll add descriptions to everything.
Ambidexterity: Exactly that, Whatever Kiaya can do in one hand, she can easily do in the other. No penalties to fighting with the left or right hand.
Cleave: An attack skill that allows her to swing from one enemy to another with no effort. Allows her to attack two enemies per attack.
Disarm: With a flick of a wrist, she will attempt to either strike the wrist, or fingers to cause you to disarm weapons/items from ones hand.
Expertise: A powerful battle stance that allows her to easily dodge and counter blows coming her way.
Great Cleave: An improved form of Cleave, It allows her to strike all foes within attack distance rapidly and without shifting from technique. Though powerful, can only be done a few times per day.
Immune to Sleep: Sleep spells dont affect her, nore do Sleeping-based poisons, hypnosis etc etc.
Immune to Charm: Any form of charming ability or magic doesnt affect her. And shes very immune to bad pickup lines too XD.
Improved Disarm: Like great cleave, Improved disarm allows her to make multiple attempts to disarm either one or multiple people.
Improved Expertise: An improved form of Expertise, the technique allows her to dodge and even counter missle based techniques, striking them from the air.
Improved Knockdown: With a fierce kick, or swing toward the legs, she makes an attempt to swing at multiple people's legs with a single strike. This is the improved form of Knockdown.
Improved Dual Weapon Fighting: A Special technique taught to blademistresses, with a simple somnatic incantation and a swing of the blade, she can make one weapon into two, allowing for duel wielding. The improved technique can be done 2 times per day, and lasts for one day, or till the second blade is knocked from her hand.
Infravision: She can see heat when its dark out, simple infravision up to 30 ft clearly.
Globe of Darkness: A Moredhel specific feat, she is able to..quite literally create darkness that only she can see through, her skill in such an ability increasing with practice and age. Currently she can create a globe 15 ft in diameter from her twice per day.
FiendFyre: A Moredhel specific feat, She can conjure up purple flame that will coat an enemy, and though it does not cause damage, it will make it much easier for any ally to strike them, the fiendfyre specifically lighting up the vital areas of whatever it covers. This can be used twice per day.
Magic Resistance: A Moredhel Specific feat, Dark elves have a natural and potent resistance to all forms of magic, any spell or magical based technique performed on them will absolutely fail 50 percent of the time, simply because of this. A blessing and curse at the same time.
Power Attack/Bash: With a swift slash or hard thrust, she attempts a risky but powerful attack at her enemy. Causes increaded damage and stunning, but negates any other technique that may be used.
Weapon Finesse: Her specialization, the rapier, does not use brute strength to attack, but dexterity instead. Her technques and attack modifiers are based on her Dex stat, not her Str.
Luck of Heroes:She was born with the luck of heroes, able to get by spells and attacks easier. +1 to all attacks/spells sent her way.
Weapon focus/Weapon Specialization/Weapon of choice:(Rapier) With her choice weapon in hand all attacks are made as though they are a weapon +3, and she is able to make multiple attacks per round, with a heightened chance of critical strike.
Improved Critical/Epic Improved Critical/Overwhelming Critical/Devistating Critical: Each skill significantly increased her ability to perform critical strikes on her enemy. Overwhelming critical allows her to always do maximum damage x 5 in a critical strike, and Devistating critical added a 1% chance to automatically kill her opponent with a single blow. Can be used in coorilation with Great cleave.
OOC information:
Kiaya is only teenage when it comes to the Moredhel...don't treat her like some sort of wizened elf who understands everything about the world....your more likely to get a strange look from her then anything.
Speaking of magic, Yes, Kiaya has the potential to be a very powerful mage, just as any other dark elf does. And though she cant perform what can be called 'traditional magic', at least not yet..
Kiaya may love sex, but she is NOT a whore. Elves, by nature, are very sexual beings and she does have her fair share of urges...especially since she is in the middle of her teenage years. This does mean she may just grab someone and use them in a moment of absolute sexual frustration. This DOESNT mean that it happens all the time, and it doesnt mean you walk up and make propositions to her. That is likely to get you a blade through your genitals....
Sliders dont exist for a reason.
Yes, she is a warrior, and specializes in single and dual wielded rapiers or sabres. A sabre, for her anyway, is just a rapier you slash with along with stabbing, so keep that in mind when you fight her. She does have strength, but not anything overbearing for an elven girl her size, she uses her speed agility and intelligence to fight foes, not her muscles.
If you treat her like a normal person, she will most likely be happy to talk to you...albeit she's a sarcastic person expect some dry humor and cynicism at times. If you treat her like some elven goddess, she might have some fun toying with you, but don't expect anything. If you treat her like lunch, she'll most likely make a very nice attempt to kill you. If you treat her like a sex object....well we went over that.
A possibly ecchi book in
Sisters(Bond Sister, RP for details):
Mistress(Rp for details):
Teachers(Rp for details):

How evil are you?