Sitting on the edge of the only major, fresh water lake on the main island of Kero, The “Township” of Kero is the only real place of civilization there is on
Kero_Island. Called
a “Township” and not a city for the simple reason, the population is only about 5k, most of
of this city sized town is vastly unused, and for good reason.
Discovered merely 20 years ago, the structures of the city fully built, but abandoned. The reason for this is still under investigation and many different people have came up with different reasons for it, but there is still no “official” logical or reason to it. Regardless of
the reason for no one being there when discovered, the city itself was a blessing, allowing
the people of
Kero_Island, the ones who have not became mad from repeatedly reforming
to find a stable place, safe from the creatures who regard them as food, to build a life for themselves.
Industrial district:

Mining and energy production is handled here, the district council leader,
Ross_D_Heuchan is the spokesperson..
Agricultural District:

on the outskirts of the township,
Equinemaster handles the day to day operations in keeping food production going.
Everything here is processed on site, from the fruits and veggies to the meats which go to the market.. everything is wholesale, there is little reason for anybody either then market place holders and the farm hands, like
Keily and
Boobisaur to be.
Market District:

A place for any and everybody to sell their wares. From Clothing to Armor, Swords and other weapons, to food items. Just about everything is legal to be sold here, though the tax rates and what can not be sold is spoken for by
Sorceress_Olivia, the market district’s elected official, which holds a seat on Kero’s governing council.

The Entertainment / “Red-light” District:
Ahh! the place to be, All the fine foods and oh so fine girls to be had here. This was the place to be. lead by Council seat member
Valmar, this district enjoyed many many fine activities. Just about everything was legal, from smoke houses to bordellos, to threatre’s to taverns/Inns and even sporting events..
Valmar was sure to keep this cash crop kicking with all sorts of activities.
-Place holder-
Points and places of commerce and interaction
The Crystal Tree:

In the heart of the town square stood the Crystal formed tree. a crystal formation which has its “roots” seem into the ground of the island of Kero. as per the strange magical properties of this land, any person who was on the island, and in turn around the crystals which were imbedded deep into the islands ground.
as per the “rules” of this Island, anybody who had ever touched even a peice of these crystals would be “protected and damned” by them.. leaving the island would cause instant death, yet anybody who died would “reform” back on the island, by the largest deposit of crystals they were exposed to..
The Fairy Pleasing Tavern and Inn:

Located in the red light district, this Tavern hosts the cheapest food and drink in the Township. all the employees are Fairies, dressed in cute outfits. as to their culture, they do not have names for each other. They normally respond to “waitress” or “Server” all besides one. The dark skinned, red haired lovely in the tavern is “owner” she is the defacto leader, she controls the interactions of her fairy kind.
They all live in the tavern and have spare rooms which they lease for the cheapest prices in the township.
The Church of Salvation:

Located in the center of the residential district of Kero, this church has a small, but noble following. The Leader of the church is a woman by the name of Miyu
Vamprincess, she holds mass every day for the noble and common people of the lands.
according to legend, the Ethereal life giver, some sort of tentacle like, ghost monster, is the only means to prevent against “The Madness” a condition which strikes the mortals of the realm if they die and reform too often by the Crystal Tree.