There's a lot of strange shit out there in the universe. It should really come as no surprise, all things considered, but there's a LOT of strange shit. The strangest, though, is probably any alien that closely resembles humanity. I mean, REALLY. What ARE the odds?
.... well, in an infinite universe such as the one we imagine, there's probably pretty good odds. It's entirely likely that SOMEWHERE out there, there's a race identical to humans, but we're getting ahead of ourselves here. The point is, it's not likely to be common, which makes the Miklani(Singular: Miklan) more than a bit strange. Still, it's not like they're identical to humans. After all, there are certain key differences....
For example: The Miklani do not have a fixed gender. As a species, they change gender from male to female(or vice versa) at a rate of about once a month. It's not instantaneous, and there is some time spent in between, but they tend to spend about two weeks as any given gender, be it male, female, or hermaphrodite. They also have these thick tails tipped with what LOOKS like a large, bright flower, and a muscular maw. They also change colors as their genders shift!
... naturally, for earth-folk, this can be a bit awkward. I mean, they turn into girls! Or into boys! Can you imagine being a guy dating a Miklani girl, only to find out, one day, that she's grown a dick, and a few weeks later the girl you were dating is a guy?(Yes, you probably can. Some of you probably like that. XD) It can be a bit weird, but to them, it's perfectly normal.
And Keiron is a perfectly normal Miklan. He(as his traits are typically masculine regardless of current gender, we'll refer to him as a male) is an explorer, intent on finding new worlds, and making contact with people. Which may explain why he's here(here, of course, depending on the setting), be it to make contact with humanity, simply assess them and judge whether it's a good time to make contact, or perhaps to convey diplomatic messages to the Miklani Embassy.
Anyway. Keiron is a fairly typical Miklan, all told. Five feet and two inches tall, and androgynous for the most part, with attractive, effeminate features, regardless of his gender, he's typically clad in a skintight, form-hugging suit in an attractive black and silver, designed to retain body heat in space while also maintaining a comfortable temperature in atmospheric conditions. It can be made to project holographic clothing, as well, and is fitted for his tail, too. His hair is always white, worn long, and loose, or worn up and fairly tight(much like
Kemail, for visual reference), while his skin changes color, depending on his gender. (For visual reference in the chat, purple is male, dark blue is herm, and light blue is female. Matches his skin, too!) His tail is six feed long when fully extended, but tends to be about three feet long, and is thickly muscled, and tipped with a pale pink 'flower' that is usually sealed in a fleshy bud at the tip of his tail.
Personality-wise, Keiron is friendly, cheerful, and more than a little bit kinky. He's a typical Miklan there, as well, being fairly silly and a bit goofy, whilst also being rather sweet, under the right circumstances. He also quite likes teasing people, and showing off in various ways. Of course, on the job he's all business, but we'll discuss that when it comes time to discuss RP.
Other species details are available, of course. Miklani are quite hardy and resistant to most harm, be it physical trauma, chemical reactions, poisons, or temperature extremes. They're far from invincible, but they're able to endure more than most humans could. As well, they've got different internal anatomy, with organs humans don't and a number of specialized systems within their body, to filter contaminants from different sources. As well, they're QUITE elastic in many ways, easily able to consume much larger prey than one would expect, alive and whole, in a variety of ways. As well, they sport two pairs of elongated canines in their mouths, side by side, to grip prey, and their eyes are actually capable of dilating more than a human's, granting excellent night vision. In addition, they have slender, delicate, elfin ears that are quite mobile and sensitive(in more ways than one), letting them pick up on quite a range of sounds, and pinpoint them. Anything else, just ask.
Please DO PM if interested, but not ICly. Alt by The Tower.