

JuJu is cool
Alt of Vivian_James
Name: Kay
Race: Snake Demon
Height: 7’4”
Gender: Female
Age: around 240 years
Tongue Length/Function
Her tongue can extend up to 2ft. They also have the same function as snake tongues (more reliable than her nose)
Kay’s Weight
about 180lbs
Demons are an insidious and untrustworthy bunch, most mythological potrayals being entirely accurate- A mad race of tempters hell bent of spreading sin and chaos. Of course, in such an anarchic society, it's only natural that those who posess a certain strength and aptitude for mayhem and killing rise above their peers. As such was the rise of a certain serpent demon above her peers, Kay is a Sadistic, Domineering, wretch of a creature, so ambitious she is often blinded by the lofty heights which she aspires to..and yet, so are all demons...Kay on the other hand, shows her aptitude as a hunter. Indeed, Kays senses are a honed tool as much as her blade (crafted of brimstone and a shed scale from the original sinner) as is her predatory cunning- Kay can set her mind on the death of an opponent, and sooner or later, it will happen, Whether tossed from a lofty tower, neck peirced by an acidic knife, or, far more entertaining and fulfilling to the snake demon- Churning away within the acid of her serpentine form, Fuelling Kays magical energies. With strength comes weakness however, and Tazama has the grudging intelligence to acknowledge that her method is not well suited to the mass slaughter of hundreds of peons like other Greater demons, but instead, to duel and war with the mightiest of foes, one on one.
As such, when Kay, a mere upstart at the age of 50, decided to try her scaled hand at the deadly game of demon politics, her challenges were less conventional..Pretending to be an ambitionless Mercenary, Kay would have offered her service to a demon lord who's name was lost to time.... She was an assassin she claimed, one who could help him take out his deadliest rival in the region of chaotic oceans- The Queen of the storm who ever encroached upon territory that was rightly his...The King of sands considered the demons offer... it did not hurt to send such an assassin- She was only 50,old enough to be skilled, yet young enough to be an expendable asset, and with the queen of storms out of the way, No such whirlpool or dashing wave would sink his ships again! Kay found her first job, the snake demon trying not to snicker at the stupidity of the foolish King of Sands.... not even considering that when Kay managed to vacate the throne, bathing in the blood of the slit necked bodyguards, the queen churning away in Kays stomach, filling her with magical power, That kay would sit in that seat, directing the cowardly underlings to Attack the king of sands...who had foolishly let Kay observe the weaknesses of his armies and holds when she was offering her services... this act of treachery Starting the Career of Kay Tazuma- Mortarch of black nights (Much to Tays dissappointment, Queen of shadows was already taken)
The snake-Queen of shadows continued her style, Surrounding warlords finding alliances broken, trade routes poisioned, and their forms being taken by the Mortarch personally, The mortarch experimenting with her Consumption once she realized that the lords in this Area, so softened by relative peace presented no challenge...Many a lord not only meeting mouth, but anus and Breast. Eventually, Many a land was covered in spiked, deep purple keeps, the water turned to a devilish ink, and the dirt turned to white sand, the Malleability of the demon realms form being exploited by Kay, building to comfort her and her reptilian legions alone...Eventually Kay's power was acknowledged by the council of 13- The most powerful Parliament of demons in all the shifting realms of the underscore, Kay being offered a space in the council, as the 6th seat. Many demons would be content to be one of the 12 greater Queens, Lords, and Mortarchs to sit on the Council of 13 (the 13th seat symbolic, Reserved for the original sinner) Kay wanted the 4th seat... The seat of the reaper- the one who held it being referred to the 'Grand fear' of the underscape...Unfortunately, for the first time in her years, Kay had tried to swallow something, only to end up biting it...and by the Original Sinner, it was far more than she could chew.
The Grand Fear was a demon of mystery...one who sat at the council in near silence, yet it's one word sentences, emanating from the shawl of darkness it wore were enough to sway the councils opinion entirely.....in it's immense power, it at first ignored the pitiful plots and intrigue Kay put up against it's head... It had far grander worries than an Upstart 6th seat... But it lost itself to it's primal fury when it's most treasured possession- A scale of the original sinner- Was stolen, and crafted under Kays watch into a mighty blade- The Ora noctis. As incredibly sharp and deadly as the blade was, it was no match for the thousands of years of spellcraft the Grand fear, Employed against the serpentine demon, on the next day of councils meeting... The first time fear was shown in those reptilian eyes was on that day- She was the first and only demon to see the face of the beast that bore down upon her. Kay was to be punished, severely for her unforgivable crime.
To the chagrin of the Fear, Kay could not be utterly destroyed...The swelling power of the Scale turned blade too great for the grand reaper to keep her within the demon real for long-Otherwise the blade would glut itself on the realms corruption, and would increase to a level of power where it might even be able to end the Reign of the 4th seat. As such, the only thing that the reaper had one punishment in mind-A total banishment from the council and the underscape... to be sent to the world where sin had begun and end- The great work- Earth. Kay was sealed a hundredfold times, the psalms of binding keeping her locked in a simple night black stone... The stone given to An order of holy men and women. The cunning of this seal enough to lock Kay away for almost 200 years....However, as times pass and the modern era arose, the families of the original holy men and women individually abandoned the temple within which Kays stone was sealed....and despite the might of the seal....a single thought of sin managed to snake it's way into the temple....Awakening the serpentine demon.
She walks from the temple with a light, slithering gait...all her possessions being the Ora noctis and her Mortarchs garments...throwing the stone doors opens, she knows where she is from the sight of a mundane snake...slithering to her feet. Her dark eyes drawn to the bare, static sky of the planet, Kay smiles wickedly...she may have been denied the 4th seat.... but what did that matter if she had a whole realm to bend and corrupt in her own image.. a world to feat and rampage and rule....a world to corrupt, to fuel her power until she was mightier than the original sinner. As her form flickers to one of a human... Kay smiles, calling all the snakes of the forest to her.

Kay as one must have observed is an ambitious one... Her ambition outclassing most other demons...Most likely because it mixes with her egotistical self confidence, and mad 'do or die' Motto. Indeed, where other demons might be too cowardly to try and take on other lords or Queens, The mortarch of Black nights brings her self assuredness and cunning to the table...if she can't Overpower something, she will make sure she can make a situation to her advantage..Intelligent...Though only intelligent enough to acknowledge one of her flaws- Her Preference for one on one combat. As much as her self-confidence boons her, it also is her greatest fault- Blinding her to the things that actually can overpower her, Refusing to acknowledge anything could outclass her, Kay will end up metaphorically banging her head against a metaphorical brick wall, even if she has already tried, her competitiveness, and obsession with being 'the best' bordering on sheer insanity at times. Kay has never respected anything, even strength greater than hers, as other demons might...Instead that of great power she sees as a rat scurrying higher than it should, requiring a blade to the throat- The weak she sees as those who should carry a palanquin for her...Not even the original sinner holds any respect in her mind...Merely one of many who could've led to the creation of the demon race. Humans are given some facsimile of respect...though only those in positions of power- A false Saccharine appreciation through which her corrupting offers and deals become all the louder, In reality, Humans are a great joke to her...food, batteries, and slaves is all they mean to her. Despite this, It seems she has some level of warriors honor...Those who provide a challenge to her being consumed in their full size...while those she is simply snaking on often shrinking to the size of a rat before she feasts on them.

Kays demonic form is obviously reptillian in appearance, scaled and flexible. she has harder scales on her sides, will her front side is smoother and more vulnerable, meaning that her stance must be far more front defensive..Her back and sides at the least lightly armored against attacks. She sheds her skin about once every two weeks, leaving behind a soft, fresh layer of scales which take about two hours to harden to their usual state- Leaving Kays form vulnerable during this time...She'll often retreat to her lair when shedding- It's one of the only times she's truly vulnerable after all! As expected, her body is quite elastic at the orifices leaving kay able to consume all sorts of large objects..one boasting she could eat a whole human tank. Her insides, and flesh underneath her scales are obsidian in colour, her fluids shimmering purples being swallowed by the mortarch comparable to being condemned to a cramped, oppressive night sky.
When taking human form, she is almost indistinguishable from a human... aside from her cold feeling skin, and the occasional slip up in the disguise..the sharpness of her teeth, her eyes occasionally flickering back to their jet color, her tongue, and her height. She uses this form to blend into human society-- to better close in on, and corrupt or kill those in power, quite convenient, and such a hassle if humans scream and run from her serpentine form- However the disguise requires a constant stream of magic- Magic that must be replenished through the consumption of sentient beings...as such this disguise may drop when Kay isn't paying attention to how much magic she is using, or when her concentration falters-being shocked by a grope for example. however, when she has plenty of magical power, gained from consumption, she is capable of impressive feats of spellcraft- Shrinking and growing the human form, Growing her own form to incredible sizes..Turning buildings to ash and fertile land to sand- Proudly controlling the shadows during the night, her magic supplements her assassination technique tenfold.
A last, most unique feature of the Snake demon is the fate of those who enter her through the Vagina-Willingly or unwillingly... THose that are take through her purple lips unwittingly sign a contract- A contract signing away their soul to the Mortarch, in return she gives a great gift- The form of a demon. The selling of the soul to become a demon generates large amounts of corrupting power, Resulting in the birth of a very powerful demon after the 9 month gestation period... The physical form completely decided upon by Kay herself.. who often prefers turning her subjects in enormous snakes, Lamias, or gorgon-like creatures.. These resulting demons will hold the power of the mightiest warriors and the most potent of mages, but must bend to every order the mortarch gives them...She does have their soul, after all...and they make for the most delicious of sweetbreads.
Demonic Glossary
Original Sinner: The one to first commit a sin, became so corrupted by the invention of sin they became a godlike creature, said to resemble every sort of demon in existence- Eventually slain by archangel Raphael, They created the demons before they were slain- Parts of it's body are revered demonic artifacts, it's skull used as the castle of the council of 13.
Mortarch: A term invented by Mortarch Nagash, wanting to separate Demonic language from human language. While Nagash was ridiculed, it does show up as a title worn by many newly created demons, and is considered an omen of either greatness or weakness.