
Age: Unknown; appears 18 or so
Orientation: Pansexual(?)
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: C range
Height: 5' 6"
Normal Weight: 100 lbs

I'm fly? More like I levitate. And I can actually do that, too. Pff...
Somewhat of an erratic young woman who just seemed to... exist. Even with a family name, Kaylin Eseras Abigail (or just Kay) seems to be her own little entity. Or is she? No one knows where she came from, or if she's actually human to any degree.

The picture outfit of hers seems to be the only outfit she has... and it seems she has multiple copies of it, even. Even if her clothes are torn or stained, she'll show up some time later like nothing even happened. Still, she always seems to be wearing that one outfit, no changes.

In terms of personality, the only constants that stick between the days are lethargy and some degree of arrogance, seeing herself as higher than most other people. Even if you're some elderitch being, she'll probably yawn and/or laugh in your face. There's also her tendency to show off what magic she's capable of, which is to say Illusion Magic. She can also transform herself if she wants, though this is somewhat of a rare occurrence. Regardless, she does have a friendly, if not sadistic, side to herself that can show up if prompted. What that prompt is, no one knows.

Boredom and other aspects aside, not even this enigma of a woman is exempt from having her own little internal issues. For the longest time, she's had the feeling that she's not the first of her kind. Rather, she's not the first of herself. She has this sneaking feeling in the back of her mind that this isn't the first time she's walked the Earth. There is a unique little truth about this woman, and her connection to a devil by the name of Saerse. Even she herself has noted her own middle name being an odd palindrome of the name, making her curious. However, she's a tad too lazy to do too much about it, so perhaps she'll never solve the mystery of her own accord.

Recently, it seems that she's taken up a rather interesting occupation of her own making. Calling herself a "Death Recorder", she goes about, writing down the names of certain individuals who died in the line of entertainment in Nexus Park. Simply approach her about someone who's gone missing, and she'll investigate their whereabouts. If they're gone, she'll let you know, and she'll write their name down. Why? 'Cause she can, and there seems to be no other motive other than of her own free will to do so. Although, she certainly has the equipment to back her rather unusual title up: A wicked spear that can transform into a scythe made of an unknown, possibly unbreakable material. The scythe itself is capable of rending a person's soul right from their body, leaving just a husk while she does as she pleases.

A woman of ZergAlts.

Ugh... what's on the TV, right now? Red vs. Blue? I love that show.

Eaten by:
Casia (Calitin)


Unbirthed by:
Elys (Calitin)

Anal vored:

Anal vored by:

Breast vored:

Breast vored by:

Tail vored:

Tail vored by:

Soul vored:
- necklace that looks like an eyeball

- Eric Lecarde's spear

- strange, broken futuristic helmet

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Refer to ZergAlts for full sliders.
Whisper Always/Love