Being a girl, while at the same time being part bunny is easy, right? wrong. whoever Karuma's parents were-they really managed to put her through hell by merely creating her. Having ones DNA mixed with a rabbit at the same time just..isn't easy. While she grew up perfectly normal, things started to get painful for her around 14~16..and that was puberty. Now, she had the hormones of a normal human girl...+ the hormones of a rabbit, be in mind she had to resist pouncing on the nearest guy or girl and ravishing them with humps a lot, because the instinct to
breed is embedded into her brain..not to mention she also has the fertility of a rabbit as well. That being said, she could be called a nymphomaniac because she had to masturbate furiously a -lot-..and her scent kinda got around from how much she had to do it, considering she wore skirts..no one really *knew* what it was, but she did..and it constantly made her embarrassed. Eventually though, once she graduated..it died down...slightly, she still has to get herself off around three~four times a day, so her toys in her closet are -very- used. She ranges from being a receptionist as a part time job-to going to college as well.
That being said-she is also vore capable as well..with her getting herself off so many times it really really puts a drain on her energy-and an occasional pervert/rude classmate/very impolite coworker occasionally disappears when shes around. No one seems to miss them too much, and they please a very happy and full bunnygirl right after. Though..she also sometimes can't find a pervert to snack on, and she has to compromise, and devour someone else-whether this is a friend, or a friendly coworker to a gullible hormone-crazed classmate, it still satisfy her..albeit she feels a bit guilty, but it is the natural order of the life-cycle.
More-so personality wise-shes happy go lucky, not very shy unless its around someone she finds particular attractive-or intimidating, but then its mostly nervousness, she tries to smile all the time-but if she doesn't feel the need to, she just keeps a blank face...however, if someone finds out about her 'problem' shed become really really shy around them, especially if they offered to help her..and if she actually liked them, she'd accept.
Her womb also has a very peculiar property-its able to accept more DNA to create even more children from a different person-even while another is forming inside, be mind that the cervix is sealed and none of the baby-gravy can touch the forming offspring, her inner walls absorb it..and then start making it..So, if and when she gets impregnated..she can have bastard children from
many different people at the same time.
Karuma's body:
Age: 21
Personality: Carefree (usually) Generous, helpful, and other things. (protip, read!)
Skin color: Creamy
Hair: Silver-blonde
Eyes: Ruby
Height: 5'0
Weight: "Wha- I won't tell you!"
Bust: B
Hair Length: down to her middle back.
Attire: What is shown above (except she wears panties..sometimes.)
OOC Notes:
Talk to me like a person.
Player is Female
Can be herm/shemale if desired, player actually enjoys it a lot
RP Statuses:
Online: Figuring out what I want to do, go ahead and talk to me.
Away: I'm away from the computer.
LFRP: Looking for a RP, public, or, private.
Do Not Disturb/DND: Do Not Disturb Me.
Prey: Prey-mood
Pred: Predatory mood
OOC: Likely will never use.
IC: In a RP, I can talk, but don't expect to RP with me.
Open: Open for just about anything.
alt of
a younger version of her! for you other perverts out there. or merely just want a tiny bunny girl to cuddle with

She wears a hoodie, and shorts, and is..aproximatly, eight..or so, and 2'8 feet tall. or so.