
An alt of Kitties_Delight

A Bit Of Background

Kares is a very special variant of elf a 'Coastal Elf' the offspring of a Sun elf and a Sea elf love, resulting in her adopting traits from both parents, taking most of her physical appearance from her sea elf mother, she is the oldest member of her clan and she boasts a very unique ability of producing magic and tons of it by that fact, her body simply irradiates magic in many different ways, though mostly through emotions, like getting her too angery could cause an explosion, or getting her too excited could manifest a cake!~

A Bit More Info

Because of her magical ability Kares has long studied in different forms of magic, medicine, and even potion making to benefit from her odd ability, like being able to use her own Mana Infused Milk to create powerful healing potions that she sell in her own shop in town!

Misc Info

  • Name: Kares Ashera
  • Age: 190
  • Gender: Female ♀Female ♀
  • Height: 6'3"
  • Weight: Hey thats rude! *slap*
  • Hips: wider than a tree
  • Breasts: Big enough to give her as much milk as she needs for cooking!
  • Mother: Amara_Ashera
  • Siblings: Meira_Ashera

Racial Abilities of Dusk Elf

    Coastal Elf Abilities

  • Darkvision: Being able to see in a 60 foot radius in total darkness as if it were light.
  • Fey ancestry: immune to being charmed and cannot be put to sleep easily through magical means that goes for strong enough spells able to get through to her, though that also goes for her trying to sleep normally, having to usually pass out during the day.
  • water breathing: ability to breath in lava you should know what water breathing is dumby.
  • amphibious: she is able to swim and move as fast in water as she can outside of water.

    Sun Elf Abilities

  • Darkvision: Being able to see in a 60 foot radius in total darkness as if it were light
  • Detect Poison: Through many trial and errors of gathering ingredients, she has come to the realization that she can THANKFULLY detect poison!
  • High Intelligence: she has an increased amount of intelligence, that only seems to help her in the potion making, cooking, and ingredient collection departments and not really anywhere else.

    Coastal Elf Abilities

  • Super Darkvision: Being able to see in a 120 foot radius in total darkness as if it were light, this is the result of both sides of her parents having dark vision aswell as her Herm mothers special sperm.
  • Magic Factory: As a sudden mutation that started when she was maturing, she was able to produce tons of random magic spells and huge amounts of mana, infusing right down into the milk that her giant breasts produce, giving who ever drinks it enhanced magic capabilities.
  • Enhanced Magic: Because of her magic factory mutation she has an enhanced form of magic use, when using spells she summons them at a random level of strength, need a light for a dark cave? Heres the full light of the sun in her hands.
  • Enhanced Feystep: Her enhanced magic has given her control over one ability, feystep, when nude she is able to hug someone tightly or have as many as she wants in her belly and bring them into the feywilds as if they were a high elf.

Kares's Frequent Customers | Kares's Womb (Perma List) | Meria's Fat (alt Perma)
  • Come on in the shop and Buy Buy Buy that Mana Infused Milk!
  • looks like her customer support requests are empty for now~
  • heh good thing no one's filed a customer complaint yet!~

Scene 1 | Scene 2 | Scene 3
Encountering the Coastal elf while she's harvesting ingredients nude in the woods!
Finding her sitting all alone in the local tavern just looking to date any hot chick she can!
Oh no!~ Her magical abilities have accidentally isekaied you while she was milking herself!~

Extra Images
  • hers needs mores arts
    Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

    As Pred

    Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
    Never/Dislike so for being rude on some of these, people just can't read preferences
    Soft Vore Always/Love
    Digestion Always/Love
    Fatality Always/Love
    Reforming Always/Love
    Endo Always/Love
    Oral Vore Always/Love
    Unbirthing Always/Love
    Cock Vore Always/Love
    Never/Dislike doesn't have one
    Anal Vore Always/Love
    Breast Vore Always/Love
    Soul Vore Always/Love
    Sex Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Yes
    Scat Always/Love
    Never/Dislike No
    Disposal Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Thank
    Watersports Always/Love
    Never/Dislike You
    Bondage Always/Love
    Magic Always/Love
    Willing Always/Love
    Unwilling Always/Love
    Micro/Macro Always/Love
    Male Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if i could set this lower then i fucking would, ignore that this is on the lowest it can be and get ignored !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Female Partner Always/Love
    Herm Partner Always/Love
    Human Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike this
    Demi Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike does
    Fur Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike not
    Scaly Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike mean
    Feathered Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike male
    Plants Always/Love
    Never/Dislike prey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Underage Character Always/Love
    Never/Dislike fuck off
    Verbose Posts Always/Love
    Quick Posts Always/Love
    Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
    Multi-Session Always/Love
    Never/Dislike adored but not required
    Impregnation Always/Love
    Pregnancy Always/Love
    Playing with other Preds Always/Love
    Never/Dislike scene dependent, im also probably gonna be difficult about it
    Tight Guts/Mogabulges Always/Love
    Skeletal imprints Always/Love
    Real life pictures Always/Love
    Never/Dislike this is an instant ignore and a block
    Multiple Prey Always/Love
    Hyper pregnancy Always/Love
    Lactation/Breastfeeding Always/Love
    Never/Dislike thats what they're there for!
    Being Dominant Always/Love
    Being Submissive Always/Love
    Cumflation Always/Love