"Wh-what are you smirking like that for!? I can be excited!"
... and in that box? Caramels. Her favorite treat, as well as her namesake(at least, unless the rumors that she helped create the first caramels is true). Karamell seems to be a simple creature, though, of simple desires. Good food, good company, and an easy life are all she desires.
Pity, then, that she doesn't get them as often as she'd like. See, she's been so successful that she's actually been forced into a particular position: Demon Lord. Her domains are Lust and Gluttony, as they're the sins she most exemplifies, with a little bit of greed and sloth thrown in. This means that, instead of leisure, casual sex, and stuffing herself... she gets work, less sex, and eats more. She used to be a slender(well, more slender) thing, but you can't say her eating habits haven't helped her figure!
Standing a full six feet tall, with rich curves, caramel skin(and flavor), and long, pale, silken hair, with green eyes that can incite lust or fear with but a look, and a truly demonic appetite, Karamell is a hell of a sight to see. She's nice enough, though, if you catch her on a good day, though how you'll meet her may affect her disposition... or her appetite.
So, poke if interested, but not ICly! Alt by The Tower