
Part of Hot_Springs
Daughter to April_Falls

NOTE: Kali is the girl on the right, the one on the left is Meditrina_Hayes who is not played by this player

Kali's name stands for Goddess of the Darkness. she inherited all of her mothers loving bubbly attitude, her heart always in the right place, but she found that whenever someone crossed her or said something cross with about her sister she would blow at them, typically causing Meditrina to come in and heal her scrapes and bruises with her gentle, loving licks. she was surprised to find that her sister had healing powers from a young age, simple things like hugs and licks would always heal her wounds, and it was no secret she enjoyed being licked by her sister, it always felt warm and soft. However, despite her bubbly, kind hearted and caring attitude, at times she can be very shy, this is mostly when her sister is absent, she will revert to being quieter, more careful and a little cold, with all confidence lost one would expect her to avoid people in fear of upsetting them. her sister is her other half and without her this girl isnot the complete person you may know or could know her as. another trait she earned from her mother April_Falls was a sense of adventure, she can never turn down the chance to explore.

like her mother April she has a dark side, she took up her mothers lust of knowledge, but rather than being an inventor, Kali delved into the evil of dark magic! she unknowingly poisoned her mind by opening an old time in her mothers library, activating a lust for more knowledge, more often than not one will find her with her nose in some evil tome or dark magic scroll. in this and inheriting her mothers rage symptom she has a deadly and astonishing power when enraged. with dark magic at her finger tips and rage controlling her actions she can be as dangerous as her mother. so far the only three people that can quell her anger are her mothers and her sister.

Kali is rarely seen away from her sister, the two are like yin and yang, totally opposite and yet they are never complete without the others company. without Medi around, Kali will begin as normal, quiet, cold and shy. however as more time passes she will become nasty and rather spiteful, this is a result of the dark magic infecting her body. it will only subside when she is reunited with her sister. this is likely the only time she will openly show her true and full love for her sister. and its rather twincesty. ;3

Gallery of the two sisters
Warning! NSFW content ahead!


updates, i simply have theres here when i dont have the time or are too lazy to add the current updates to my profile, deal with it -w-

Age Change Power


Along side Kali's usual magical powers, aka basic fighting spells and the sort, there are a few notable abilities one should take into account when battling against this seemingly feeble neko:

Pocket Dimension:

the name explains itself, by delving into the magic of reality bending and rifts, Kali has opened the potential to open her own little pockets of reality and able to design them however she wishes. in a word, the little worlds she makes, she is goddess of. she currently has only one way to access her dimensions, at that is by manually ripping the fabrics of reality apart to create a rip that one can pass through, these rips are unstable and cost a hefty load of mana to repair.

World of the Dead

with a little necromancy and some black magic who doesn't enjoy talking to those trapped in the plain of the forever damned and lost, Kali is one who does, she studied hard into the magics of necromancy only to find that there is a world, connected to ours that stores, or more accurately, imprisons the lost souls of those who have not yet passed on and havent the will to pass into the plain of the living as a spectre.

it is via this magic Kali can cross into the world of the dead to interacts and talk to those long dead or even recently, she is able to bring someone into the living world as a spectre if they so wished but only willingly can she do so, on the note of such power she can also give a living spectre a physical body for a limited time, during this time kali's magic will be constantly drained untill she can hold it no more.

Summon Goddess

from becoming a summoner of her own goddess, Kali has earned the Mark Of The Drider on her arm, she covers the mark with a band at all times as to hide her allegiance from those who would oppose her goddess, with a little blood magic, applying her own blood to the mark will utterly drain her power and strength, leaving her vulnerable, but in turn, her very goddess in flesh and blood will be summed to her, fighting for her and those she intends to protect. this is a status in her cult not so freely given, or survived.


April_Falls Sally_Hayes






Cassy_Lab Aura_Velia Nerid

Meditrina_Hayes Mary_Katt Sayuri___

Beloved Pet


(( to note, i will be restricting pregnancies alot due to Kali already being claimed as a breeding girl ))

Is pregnant with:


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