Lots of people think that being royalty is a cakewalk, devoid of responsibilities and the silly limitations of the law. Kairon will be one of the first to tell them that that is BULLSHIT if they ever bring that up with him.
See... Kairon's a Prince. He's also training to be a Knight, one day, which at this point mostly entails learning how to fight in a certain way. The point, here, is that both Tradition and Duty have been beaten into him from a young age, and that means... well, that he has to at least try to behave a certain way.
Mind you, it's not all that easy, when one's great-grandmother was a succubus, and all those pesky, forgotten demonic traits have resurfaced in you, either. ESPECIALLY not when she visits, as she is wont to do, from time to time! Mind, at least she doesn't try to seduce him, merely teasing him instead.
Anyway. The point, here, is that Kairon knows his duty, and he knows, really, that it's probably how he's going to get killed, in the end. After all, there's all sorts of things princes and knights are supposed to do, and if he does those, well, there's no denying he's proven his worth, is there?
As for why he wants to do that... well, he's not really talking. It could be that he's a Second Son, and basically worthless unless his older brother dies. It could be that his appetite has caused problems, and he needs to succeed in whichever task he has been given to avoid banishment. It could even be that his great-grandmother is making him do this. Could be other things, besides, but the point is, now he's here.
Physically, at least, Kairon is at least attractive. He stands five feet and four inches tall, slender and fit, with toned muscle, and long garnet hair coming down to his lower back, worn straight with only a simple, loose tie, with a leather band across his forehead, to keep it contained. His skin is fair, and unblemished, whilst his eyes are a bright, emerald green. So far, sounds human enough, right? The thing is... he also has a few demonic features. Jutting from his forehead are a pair of nubby little black horns, his ears are slender and pointed(and quite sensitive), and he has a slender, flicky, spade-tipped tail.
Otherwise, he's human enough physically. Mentally, he has some grasp of certain magical concepts that humans can find difficult, and he can easily conjure up small flames, and manage minor spells and cantrips. This can be quite useful, when his other demonic legacies act up... such as his tail getting hungry, and acting on its own, trying to molest and eat girls. Or, worse, the hunger in his pants growing too strong to bear, and slurping down a comely lad or lass. Thankfully, he can keep his 'victims' safe, and lets them out later, but still, it's worrying!
Typically, he'll be clad in light leather armor, reinforced in key places with chain, but often he'll be devoid of armor entirely, clad instead in a simple pair of trousers and a tunic(though undeniably of fine cut and cloth). In either case, he keeps a simple short sword close to hand, and a hand axe, and there's always a silver necklace around his neck. Similarly, he always wears the same, sturdy leather boots.
((Worth noting, he can be played in modern or fantasy settings, or even scifi, if you like))
Anything else you want to know, you can ask! I don't bite, and the way he eats folks, neither does he.
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