Or are you just admiring the view?~"

The Sunburst family has always had a bit of a reputation. It's not hard to be known when you're the only family of bats that prefers the day.
Kairi's family posesses a diurnal gene passed from generation to generation that gives them a tolerance for sunlight and a passion for heat. While the Sunbursts are proud of it, others in the bat community have taken to ostrasizing them entirely as a 'cursed lineage' that should be kept away from nocturnal bats. This strange prejudice has lead the Sunburst family to take to the quiet life in the country, fostering farms and fruit gardens far away from civilization.
Long story short, it was boring as hell for Kairi.
Unlike the rest of her family, Kairi was never one for quiet landscapes and peaceful villages. She wanted more, wanted to mix and mingle with others who weren't just the family she knew all her life. She wanted civilization, she wanted the city! So she followed her dreams, packed her things, and went out against her family's wishes into the big wide world. She's done well for herself since then. Her special mixes are legendary at the coffee shop she works at, her friend group has grown, and she's gotten used to living with society.
Still, though, there are a few things from Kairi's old life that she's had a hard time shaking off. Years of seperated culture and a strange mentality has lead to a cult of nature developing in the Sunbursts that Kairi follows to a degree. A cult with some rather strange traditions...
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Kairi might live in the city now, but she's a country girl at heart. She loves soft music, gentle drinks, and gardening. She has a bit of a tough attitude that often times gets her into trouble, but it serves her well when she goes on the hunt.
In public she's more of a southern sweetheart. That being said, she's a bit of an attention-lover. Kairi lives for the attention her strange pigmentation gives her, and she knows that it drags attention. She's not shy when it comes to her body and how useful it can be to attract others and she's no stranger to flaunting it. All the world's for fun... So Kairi doesn't take life so seriously.
Remember that cult of nature mentioned earlier? Yeah, they eat each other. The less useful are 'recycled' by the fit to serve the community. In nature, death fosters life, and so the Sunbursts have taken that notion literally. While the process is perhaps appalling to some, the Sunbursts aren't monsters. Each sacrifice is made willingly for the good of them all, and is often times seen as a sensual and sexual event by both parties, occasionally even between romantic partners. Master/Pet relationships are abundant in the community as well, with Kairi being no exception.
While she isn't as big on the religious aspect as others, she still partakes in the ceremonies and practices in the city herself. She'll seduce lovers into her arms, tell them of her culture, and then offer them to 'be a part of it'. While most are willing, she'll occasionally take an unwilling snack as well - she isn't as strict on 'tradition' as her family. In time, though, she knows that she'll join the tradition on the other side as well... something that perhaps excites her~

Catch her on a good day, and she'll treat you to a nice drink on the house. Catch her on a great day, and you might be the one 'treating' her instead~

In a culture that often celebrates the relationship of Master and Pet, Kairi never quite found a place in either role. She'd always been indepentant, defiant... that is, until TalonPawpad stumbled upon her. She's all his now after a little 'training', a willing and loyal pet to a master she's found a future in~