
Age: Over 100, but looks 16ish
Gender: Female
Height: From head to tail, she is 17ft long.
Weight: About 300 LBs
Hair color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Tan
Species: Black Mamba
Nationality: Middle Eastern
Sexual Orientation: She doesn't know what that is.
Occupation: N/A
Zodiac Sign: Gemini

"I'm gunna go color."


Kahdija can be seen as childish. She never grew up, because of her accident. For being as old as she is, her mental state is stuck at being 10. Even when she hunts for food, she’s rather playful about it, not going for the kill until she gets bored. She doesn't understand right from wrong, and can often be called naive, especially towards worldly things.

When she first approaches people, kahdija’s playful nature diminishes into a shy character. She hasn’t had many social interactions with people and isn’t sure how to act. However, when she gets to know you, she might actually become playful. Sometimes she can’t control her bites when playful, or angry. What she views as funny, can be viewed as disturbing, socially awkward, or just plainly unacceptable. She’s still learning her rights and wrongs.

When she’s angry, she will verbally attack the person who is making her agitated, hurling herself at her prey, biting them, and watching their life end within thirty minutes, or sometimes, up to 2-3 hours of excruciating pain. She doesn’t understand how to deal with her anger in a healthy way yet, because of her disability.

Don't expect many sexual situations to arise. She doesn't know what sex is and she hasn't gone through a 'sexual awakening', because of her mental disability. If confronted with this subject, expect much confusion and uninterested comments. She views vore as a necessity to survive, but she is only skilled in oral.


Kahdija is sure that she had family, at one time or another. She can’t remember much about her time after she hatched from her egg, nor her childhood. She lived in a fairly large caver her whole life. All that she can remember, is slithering around with what she thinks are her older siblings (she looked around seven at the time), venturing off an hour or two (that part is hard to remember the most for her) out of boredom, tripping on a rock, hitting her head, awaking several hours later, and seeing no one there.

She found refuge in a nearby cave. Luckily for her, the cave was empty. She made a nice little naga home for herself, venturing out of the cave for things that she may need. She would only take things that people dropped, or lost on their adventures, and decorate her home with it. The cave was home to her, so of course it had to look somewhat like it. Since her memory is fuzzy, she had to almost raise herself (which wasn’t really raising, but more like a kid who lives with herself, having no rules to follow).

For information on my sliders/RP likes and dislikes, go to the Alts_Of_Yue page.

~Battle Info~

Powers: N/A

Equipment: N/a


- Muscular lower half (allows her to lunge at her opponent)
- Natural toxins (she calls it the kiss of death)
- Camouflage (depending on the terrain)


- Cold

Racial Abilities: Immunity to poisons/toxins, can lock onto heat of a certain person, see in both light and darkness, can feel distinct vibrations, heighten sense of smell, fast movement, and muscular strength.


Family: She’s sure that she had some at one point, but can’t for the life of her remember.


~Wanted RPs~

- Any social Rp to test this character out.


~RP Adventures~