THAT'S the sound. A damned LOUD one, at that, ringing through the forest when she arrived. As barking tree frogs go, Kaeru is certainly the LOUDEST. But, then, among the tree frogs of Gensokyo, she's also the BIGGEST, and the most human.
She's not sure how she got there, mind you. There's any number of way that Youkai come into being, and she could have come about as a result of... just about any of them, really. But, that's not the point, is it? The point is, she IS here... and with her being here, well, it's only natural that she'd get into trouble.
It's easy to do that, mind you, in Gensokyo. There's hundreds, even thousands, of youkai, and many of them are QUITE powerful. As well, the average Gensokyan human is more powerful than most youkai! It's entirely too easy to run afoul of the wrong person, and get clobbered. And, well, she's not really met... ANYONE. She was a frog before she was a youkai, and she only JUST became a Youkai, so she rather acts like a frog, still... all that intelligence does no good at all, if she doesn't USE it.
So, for now, she sits in trees, croaking away happily. What's the surprise there? None at all... except she seems to be the first frog youkai in Gensokyo. Curiouser and curiouser.
Anyway, she's not much to look at. She stands four and a half feet tall, with long, silky red hair worn in a ponytail, bright green eyes, and a similarly bright, green school swimsuit as basically her only apparel, accompanied by a sports team jacket. Her skin is fair, and she prefers to come out at night, as her skin is also a bit sensitive to sunlight, still. She's starting to get restless and curious, though, so she might be doing more, soon enough...