Nickname: Orin
Abilities:Power to carry away corpses
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 112 lb
Bust: 32 B
Occupation: Controller of spirits in the remnants of the Hell of Blazing Fires
Location:Hell of Blazing Fires, Palace of the Earth Spirits
Lullaby of Deserted hell
Corpse voyage - Be of good cheer!
* Satori Komeiji (Master)
* Utsuho Reiuji (Friend)
* Koishi Komeiji (Master's younger sister)
Rin is one of Satori's pets, whose job is to carry corpses to the former Hell of Blazing Fires to regulate its heat. Before the events of Subterranean Animism, Rin learned of her old friend Utsuho's newly acquired power, and of her plans to conquer the above ground. She got terrified at the thought of her friend's future, and the punishment her mistress would impart on her (even though Satori would actually never have, and it was just Rin's thinking on her side). She decided to drive the evil spirits to above ground to lure the youkai in and get them to help her, but instead a human appears before her. Upon seeing that human is unexpectedly strong, though, she asks her to help Utsuho.
Facts about Rin
* The characters for Kaenbyou literally mean "blazing cat". The one for Rin means "phosphorus".
* Kasha are a type of youkai that appear amidst stormy weather to bear the bodies of sinners to Hell. They are said to be cats that have turned into youkai (e.g. through long life). Sometimes temples near places where kasha are said to live will hold two funerals for the dead: in the first, the coffin is filled with rocks so that the kasha won't disrupt the funeral to carry off the deceased.
* In Buddhism, a kasha is a fiery chariot which carries dead sinners to hell.
* Rin is shown pushing a wheelbarrow, which is also known in Japanese as a 猫車.
* In ancient Aztec culture, each household had a small red dog called the Techihi who was said to guide lost souls to the underworld, and would often be sacrificed along with its master. Strangely, Rin has both red hair and performs a similar duty.
* Rin is commonly referred to as just "Orin" instead of her full name...mostly because of Satori always calling her it, since Satori is friends with another Rin, apparently.
Spell Cards
All cards except one can be seen here
According to the grimoire of Marisa
Cat Sign "Cat's Walk"
Notes: Can see it above ground as well recently, theatrical type
Unpleasantness: ★★
The cat runs around outside. I can't read the cat's moves, but it's easy to read the danmaku's. If I calm down and dodge then it's no big deal, but it troubles me to think that her moves are more catlike than Chen's.
Malicious Spirit "Spleen Eater"
Notes: Like I'm getting eaten, self-destructing slave type
Reference Level: ★★★
Recalls the vengeful spirits who love the negative feelings of humans such as anger and hatred. The spleen is where humans store their emotions, it seems.If human with emotion comes, they'll appear out of nowhere and slowly pounce upon him. If he loses and got his negative feelings eaten, does he get refreshed...?
Atonement "Needle Mountain of a Former Hell"
Notes: Really Hell
Painfulness: ★★★★★
A spell card of rioting spirits in pain above the uncountable needle mountains. The needle mountains are painful even if you're not a spirits. This spell card gives me a taste of a hellish Hell.
Even so, getting hit by the spirits in pain is still painful. Is this the Hell of Needle Mountains?
Cursed Sprite "Zombie Fairy"
Notes: Tonight, the zombies come dancing, slave type
Cheeriness: ★★★★★★
The corpses of fairies got possessed by vengeful spirits and came back to what this spell card seems like. Actually, they're only good-humored fairies pretending to be zombies and attacking. A typical slave type. It can't start without fairies that play along.
Remain's "Wheel of Torture"
Pain: ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Oww oww oww, whats with her fixation with torture devices. Apparently this ia a horrible torture device, where the victim is strapped to a wheel and rolled down a hill many times. I dont know exactly how this translates into her pattern, but its still painful.
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