Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

Image 5

Image 6

Image 7

(Any more fitting images would be appreciated, even if they are not to be used here.)
"I do not wish to kill... But if I am forced to do so, it will not only be your life that comes to an end..."
"A knight is forever willing, without question, to give their very life for the one they serve."
"How am I capable of such things? Because I choose to be."
"The explanation is simple. I chose for it to happen."
"May you be mortal or god, one such as you cannot possibly understand my existence..."
Before you stands a small girl of an unknown race standing only about 4' 2'' with silver hair, crimson eyes, and blade in hand. Her armor appears thick and heavy, yet she moves as if wearing nothing on her form. The sword she holds looks as heavy as her armor, yet as she raises it with ease with a single hand, one can only guess her true physical strength. Two offers have been made. Each of which could be made to your advantage, or to your disadvantage. It appears she will not care. One is determining the weapon she will use. The large two handed sword, a four foot black bladed katana strapped to her back, or unarmed. She assures you that you will not die, no matter which one she uses, but with such an emotionless expression, you may be unsure if she will be true to her word. The second offer is that of her attire. Her current armor, or a simple set of clothing.
After your choices have been made, she assures you, once again, that you will not be killed or even wounded for that matter.
But before any of this has even taken place, a monotone voice comes from the girl saying; "State your terms, or leave this place."
When you come to her, have to have your terms set and ready for negotiation. Many may wish to eat her, or something else. This is something she often agrees to.
You and Juno both fight until one side forfeits. Death is not possible. (See 'Weaponry.')
If she wins, you owe her one favor. It can be anything she desires, and she can call upon it to be done at any time. It will never be a permanent favor, usually only being something simple and quick.
If you win, she will submit herself to you so you may do whatever it is you both agreed to. If you go outside of your terms, be warned. Her blade is never far from her side.
That is the basic premise of the challenge. Simple.
On a side note, some other things will be mentioned.
Read 'Powers/ Abilities.'
After that, she will reduce herself, if necessary, to be a more fitting opponent. A normal human would not last long, no matter their skill.
On rare occasions, if she is thoroughly satisfied with the battle, she may even submit herself to her opponent after the battle, even if she is the victor.
If a battle has already been done and a second RP is in order, a second battle is not always necessary. It will be decided in OOC between us before the RP begins.
On even rarer occasions, she will not fight at all and just get straight to whatever it is the other person wants.
(You may ask for this, but the answer will be influenced by things such as mood and your character. Even I don't feel like fighting sometimes.)
I will keep this updated as best I can, but telling others beforehand always seems to be a good idea. Depending on what mood I am in for a RP, I will use the following:
Just lurking. Not really interested in doing anything. A bit of OOC conversation might change the mood. Might just be in for a short while to check things out.
1- 10%
Considering looking for a RP. Probably looking for an interesting person to RP with. Perhaps looking for someone I know.
11 - 25%
Most likely with a 'LFRP' sign up. Expect me to be in a neutral mood and with a 99% chance of wanting a battle. A slight chance of skipping the battle if asked...
26- 49%
A bit better with my mood. A battle would be enjoyable and maybe improve my mood if it goes well.
Neutral. Less likely to fight. A normal RP would best fit here.
Mood may change depending on where the RP leads.
Other. Read the description in the 'Current Mood.'
52- 75%
Just looking for a fight. Not in a bad way of course. A battle would be very appreciated.
76- 98%
Really hoping 'something' will happen soon. A battle is not wanted quite as much. A slight chance of just getting right to 'other' things...
Not interested in a fight. Get to the stuff that would be right after.
Blood pumping, adrenalin rushing... A battle is needed, along with everything after.
Current Mood
As long as it is not 0%, feel free to ask to skip the battle if you really want to. You may sway how I am currently feeling.
Some things have already been described, but I will put a bit more info here.
Height: 4' 2''
Juno is far from an hourglass figure, which many seem to find undesirable. Her chest and back end is flat, her body looks like that of one who is only about 14, yet her eyes show that of a much more vast amount of experience, as unemotional as they may appear. Her silver hair and deep crimson eyes suggest she is not human, but anyone with extra senses would only find human attributes. Scent, soul, etc...
You can basically see the rest in the images.
In image number four, the red part of her leggings are black and heavily armored.
Her personality is a bit harder to describe, however. At first, she will appear to be a typical cold, stoic figure. Her eyes rarely change from that of their usual emotionless appearance, so it is unknown if she ever feels anything at all.
Although this often seems like the case, she will show the utmost respect and loyalty as long as the other person is willing to do the same.
(Her personality is not set in stone. This is the one that just fits her best and the one I am most comfortable playing.)
Her knowledge of more modern things is (Or can be) quite limited. Keep in mind that she may not know everything you are speaking of.
Occupation: A knight without a kingdom (Errant, if you wish), a mercenary without an employer, and on one occasion in the past, a bouncer. (An odd trio, no?)
Alignment: Lawful neutral.
"Loyalty is absolute."
These are the weapon choices for you to ask her to use;
6' Single edged zanbato
4' katana
With all of these choices, one thing is similar about all of them. When she actually does land a strike, there will be no wound. The blades will go through the target like one normally would, but no blood will spill. While she goes unarmed, all landed strikes will leave no mark.
The pain will be felt as if the injury is present. If she manages to slice through your arm, it will still be on your body, but you will be incapable of moving it, as if dead and actually separated. If a fatal blow is received, you will not die, but merely become incapacitated.
When the battle is deemed over, the adverse effects and pain will simply vanish, leaving nothing but a memory.
You will feel the same amount of force on any of her strikes if they hit, even if they go through. If the large blade hits you, it is likely to knock you back. This will happen, even though there is no actual damage.
The same goes for Juno.
Any damage dealt to her will have the same effect as if she did it to you.
But be aware that she has an extremely high resistance to pain. Something that may slow another down may not do the same for her.
She also has a very high resistance to magic, may it be offensive or supportive type. She is not completely immune, but the chances of a spell being strong enough to even phase her are slim.
Of course, if there is an explosion of fire, for example, the explosive force will have it's regular effect, while the fire itself may not do as much as the attacker hopes for.
She is immune to certain spells, however, such as anything that would directly control her movements or motivations. Mind or body control will not work on her.
Even something such as a serum will not work. How could it, when it is made for humans, and she is not one?
Powers/ Abilities
As one should already be able to tell, her physical attributes are far beyond that of a normal human. Strength, dexterity, stamina, speed...
Juno has full control over what happens to her body. There are three options that you may choose from, along with any mix of them. (If more come up later that I am willing to accept, I will put them here.
A. Decrease in size. (One inch minimum. No increase from original size.)
B. Add Neko/ Kitsune ears.
C. Add the tail.
She is capable of infusing her swords and limbs with her own energy, of which can have various effects. She is able to build it up and then release it in a powerful burst, which is most effective after plunging her sword into her enemy. Another is, while using her zanbato, charging the blade to a high level. With one broad swing, she released the energy, sending out a massive wave which is capable of not only bringing down one giant opponent, but a legion of enemies as well. Such power is rarely used due to it's risk and it's toll when used excessively.
When she needs more power, her body will become enshrouded in a black flame. The more of her that is covered, the more power she is using.
When her entire body is covered, her eyes give off a crimson light that also looks like a flame.
Most commonly, if needed, her hands will get covered first. The RP will never start with her doing this.
Battle/ Other RP Notes
This character will not participate in these 'vore battles.' No dice, no chance moves (auto hits aren't acceptable of course), etc.... Everything will matter on your actual skill and perception. (I will admit I have never participated in one, so I may not have my facts straight on the matter. I have just concluded this from some observations in profiles.)
I am one who thinks you should actually know what to do than leaving it all to chance.
Attacks can be dodged. I will never auto hit, as the same should go for you.
If you are a magic user, attacks that hinder her will only be temporary if they hit. If some kind of poison or paralysis magic is used, she may be slowed or stopped for a short period of time, but that is all. Repetitive usage will not be tolerated.
She will not agree to just anything. If your terms are that you get to skew and rip her apart, she will not agree. If this is hard to understand or to deal with, then that is not my problem.
I will only do third person in a RP. I know some of this isn't, but it was only done to build the scene or to help with description... Just pointing it out again...
My posts will most often match those of who I am RP'ing with. I do prefer at least three to five lines as a usual, but do not expect me to keep going with a RP if all you can do is three to five words. I do have my limits, and I will admit that. I cannot do five continuations in a single post consecutively.
BE DESCRIPTIVE. If some attack you throw does not have a good enough description to it, I may end up misinterpreting it. I do not do this on purpose. If my post does not make sense, just say so. I am more than willing to help clear up what I am trying to do.
I am a very open minded person... In certain aspects.
Feel free to run anything by me for the RP if you are curious. As long as it hasn't already been answered in the other notes and such.
I can play into a large variety of scenes. Often times, I will ask you to post first so you can set it wherever you want.
If anyone is considering it, I may also consider putting Juno in a more story based RP.
I am willing to interact with micros, but I am very unlikely to do vore based acts and she will never fight them.
I will NOT... Repeat, will NOT fight with someone who uses firearms.
I have tried it before and it never goes well. It always, ALWAYS ruins a battle RP. I'm not going through that again.
If age is a problem then just let me know. We can discuss it.
(Player is of age of course. Juno technically is as well.)
I am one who enjoys a battle over almost any scene. Some get a rush, so to speak, from a sexual RP, while I get one from a well done battle. Everything else is... 'Icing,' as some say. Even though I am not always looking for it.
If you wish for Juno to step into your current RP, you may ask. Jumping in half way is not a big problem.
-If I could get her involved in a more storyline RP, I would not mind. But it would most likely work best if there were more than just the two characters and players. Diversity in characters also helps.
Battle Counter
Names will not be used.
Wins: 3
Losses: 0
Draws: 0
Opponent's Flee: 0
(If you do not return within a week or so without giving me updates, you will be added to the 'Flee' category.)
Battles used with
Win: 2
Loss: 0
Win: 0
Loss: 0
Win: 1
Loss: 0
Why a C-Box? I don't know... I felt like it.
(You can just tell me in a whisper in OOC. No need to fill up the C-Box with things just about Ceiling Cat. He has enough publicity, right?)
Of the above number
people have found Ceiling Cat.
Not including myself.
Battles are NOT necessary for a RP. Doing a simple encounter or something else is acceptable. Just ask in OOC FIRST.
I do honestly prefer a normal RP with conversation to anything else with this character. If vore is to be involved, I would like to have Juno get to know the one she will be with first. It does not have to be a multi-session introduction, but at least something.
Doing longer RP's for character development is enjoyable.
Having Juno only in one setting has caused various problems to arise in some RP's. Since many are too set with their characters, I will make a simple change to help make things work. It will just be up to the person whom I RP with to make the following decision.
Her usual self. Armor, zanbato and history all apply normally. She fits best with historical or placed unnaturally in a modern, or in some cases perhaps, futuristic setting.
Her mercenary self. She does not have her armor, but she still wields her swords. Her history changes and is not as far back as Alpha. Works best with historical and modern day characters.
A modern day version, but not quite as into fighting. She only wields her katana, but it is rarely used. No occupation and her history is completely different. Works best in modern or futuristic settings.
For the more serious RP'er.
A modern version, but also a much less adept fighter (anyone see how this is all working?). Her build is smaller, her skin is pale, and she seems to even be in weaker physical shape. Her only bladed weapon is a family heirloom katana, of which she never uses, but always holds close. Very soft and frail, her voice is hardly over a whisper, as if she would harm herself to speak too loudly.
She does still have a mysterious power, but it has changed. What it does, one must find out in the RP.
Image number 5 only
Height: 3' 10''
Appearance: 12
Clothing: Loose white t-shirt and blue jeans. Bare feet.
Near mute.
Usually much more curious about things.
While in this 'setting,' there is next to no chance she will even make anything close to a threatening gesture, or even imply that she wants a battle.
Mostly, she will just sit and converse with whoever wants to do so with her. (Warning: Conversations may end up being very one sided, but she is a good listener.)
She is also much more submissive while like this, but one must gain her trust before she will allow them to even do so much as to take her hand.
Image 7 only.
The much more futuristic version of Juno.
Still a mercenary for higher who somehow survives in a world where swords are rarely ever held for more than decoration...
She will only work in a future setting.
R.P. Searching
I do hope to someday find a group of players willing to do a set kingdom based RP. Even if it is just with one other person who plays a member of the royal family. (Princess honestly preferred.) I will not get too detailed in what I hope will happen, but as a start, Juno would be a personal guard for the royals.
(It does not have to be specifically like that, and can be changed. Simply ask if interested, and it can be discussed. I am willing to make numerous compromises.)
This will work with version Alpha only. Beta may also work.
This is an alt of;
Please check this profile for preferences and a character list.