This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
Everyone has issues. This is a fact that is as well known as it taken for granted. EVERYONE has issues.... but they must not be big issues, right? After all, everyone's still here, aren't they?
Well. Not everyone, really. After all...some people get pushed too far. Others are those left behind... and they're the ones who most often have to COPE.
Meet Josefine, age 17. Orphaned five years ago by an accident involving her parents and a drunk driver, she has no other kin in the world.... no one else in her family. And people have checked extensively.... her closest living relative is a third cousin, and THAT is in Africa, of all places. The thing is... there's no good solution, in a time like this. The state didn't have anywhere to put her, she had no school friends(for good reason, the prissy jerks), and she didn't know anyone who she could trust to take care of her. It was either live on the street and pray for the best, join the military, or find an acceptable alternative... in this case? A foster home. More of a group home, really... funded by the state, where all those orphaned teens could go to be taken care of. They're... family, almost. Most of them are, at least.
Josefine, though.... she doesn't fit in with them, even now. There's a sense of unease that people get around her, a sense of something not quite right. Add to that her typical standoffish-ness, and she has a hard time making friends to begin with. This, however... doesn't really bother her. She doesn't WANT friends... she just wants to be left alone, most of the time. She's coping with her loss in her OWN way.
Typically brooding, and silent, she's always a little bit away from the group... not exactly COLD, but still rather aloof. She notices people, and watches, but she never really makes any effort to make friends. The only time she really leaves the house is three times a week, when she goes to a local gym for martial arts. The rest of the time, she typically draws, or paints, keeping to herself, thinking with her hands. Her art is surprisingly good, too, for someone who just picked up a pencil and started doodling one day, impulsively. Typically, her scenes are a bit surreal... and sometimes more than a little dark. Most people don't get to see her work, though. Or, so they think.
The girl is a proficient artist, though.... and has more issues to cope with than her lack of family. It would seem that something ELSE happened to her.... or has been happening all her life.
She doesn't dye her hair, you see. It is NATURALLY that color, and what's more it never really grows past that point. If cut, it'll grow back slowly, but never any longer, for reasons unknown to her and to everyone else. Her red eyes, too, are natural, perhaps hinting at an unusual heritage indeed. Combined with the issue no one knows about but her, and what she is, whether or not she's HUMAN, becomes rather hard to determine.
You see... she doesn't sleep. She CAN'T sleep. She is literally incapable of falling asleep without sedatives or a hard knock to the head. However, this doesn't seem to hurt her in any way.... in fact, she seems just as healthy as everyone else(for a given value of healthy, mind you). Still... she's got to fill those 8 hours of downtime somehow... and now we come to her other outlet for her stress.
She paints graffiti.
But, that doesn't really explain things, now does it?
Graffiti is art, and like any other art, there is both good, and bad. Hers is.... well. Fantastic. It LOOKS like art. Oh yes, many people do dynamic works with graffiti, but most of what you see is words. She does pictures.... pouring her heart and soul into them, often in very high, dangerous places. Her work is compelling, evoking thought and emotion, often times influencing people throughout the day, affecting their choices. The works are typically beautiful, as well. A lonely woman standing by herself, seeming sad... a young boy, playing with his friends. Simple works, simple showcases of life, of people being people. Other works are words, written in expressive calligraphy, asking people to THINK, to LOVE, to reach out to others in ways they're reluctant to. It's... well. The city calls it a nuisance, but more than one person is happier for it.
However... it IS illegal. She doesn't exactly ask for permission before she paints a building, and the police have posted a reward for information on her. ANY information. There have been a few close encounters with the cops, but she's gotten away easily enough. She's more daring than they can be, and her endurance is very high. She tends to ditch them, and wait for a few hours, changing her clothes and walking home late at night. So far, it's working... but one of these days, she's going to meet the wrong type of person, and her luck will run out.
She's no helpless prey, being well-practiced in a few martial arts, but she's not superhuman save for her lack of a need for sleep, and her superb endurance. She heals well, and swiftly, but that' not enough to save her if she DIES. And she CAN die.... but who knows what happens after? Not her. So far, she's been doing well. In any case, a strong enough, fast enough, or sneaky enough opponent can take her down, and make a meal of her. Or...if you're persuasive enough, she might just be willing... especially on a bad day.
She's never without her headphones, or a MP3 player. She also typically has her satchel with her, keeping her paint in there, and sometimes a change of underwear. Don't ask why, a good girl scout is always prepared.