Jinn and Jinny are Back!
Okay, The original Story between these two was that Jinn created Jinny as a dare from his brother and the clone got out of hand and actually became her own sentient being and is basically on equal terms with Jinn himself. Well forget that story. In this profile, They do keep all the same ties and bonds from everyone that they've met and they are still overpowered Reality warpers. who could blink away existence with a thought, But don't thanks to PIS((Plot Induced Supidity)). Anywho, I'll use OOC notes to explain the logic with them here. Being pretty much the embodiment of Reality itself (Reality = Everything) They pretty much can fuck up any concept of gods, immortality, Cartoons by just saying "I don't want it." But Like I said, PIS keeps them from doing it. You can't kill them, But you can hurt them lol. They are like Joke characters when you think about it But when it comes to the reality warping feats...Anywho, They took on the form of the first thing they saw as they were basically a being of nothing at first. it was a kitsune and thats how they are kitsunes, Their powers result in conjuring or pretty much anything they feel like. Jinn was born in between the gap between planes before time even started. Most of History's biggest events were his doings but it's not like it matters to him.

The male version of the duo. He is 5'10 and has purplish pink hair and weighs over 130 pounds and looks like a 16 year old. His attitude is a bit joking, He doesn't take much things seriously and when it comes to intelligence, He isn't the Brightest Knife in the Crayon box, But he is caring and a great person where it counts at least. He used to be plain evil, But is a bit neutral on the whole good and evil scenario, He just likes to mess with people he knows and ruin their day just for Laughs, Jokes, And Numbnuts. Compared to his alter ego Jinny, He doesn't get much attention but at least he has more people who like him more. His weakness is charm stuff or just plain falling in love with something, Once that happens it's pretty much game over for Jinn. He is the more preyish person between the two.

Jinny is the female version of the Duo. She is over 6'2 and weighs over 155. She has the same gray eyes as Jinn and looks like she is over 24 years old. Her attitude is a seductive one and she is hard to outsmart, When she gets serious she is ruthless and won't stop until she gets what she wants, She will play with her prey before even finishing them off. her biggest downfall though is being Too sexual, She would end up doing things like that when she is in a serious situation when offered it. Her weakness is ghost, Just ghost scare the life out of her and PIS keeps her from just poofing a ghost out of existence. She gets more attention than Jinn, But half of the attention are negative attention. Jinny is the More predator person between the two.
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